Cute, Sweet Kids

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‼️So I am a part of Don's April Fitness Challenge and last night our zoom guest was Sebastian! 😍 I have some screenshots I will be sharing with you all in these next couple weeks! Lol 😅😉😍🥰🥵 I screen recorded his whole hour so I have a lot! �...

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‼️So I am a part of Don's April Fitness Challenge and last night our zoom guest was Sebastian! 😍 I have some screenshots I will be sharing with you all in these next couple weeks! Lol 😅😉😍🥰🥵 I screen recorded his whole hour so I have a lot! 😉‼️

*Bucky swims with Winnie and Grant finds you in the kitchen.*
Grant- hey mom
Y/N- hey bud, you wanna bake some cookies with me??
*He nods and stands next to you. He helps you measure out the ingredients and put them in the mixer. You let him roll them out on the tray and then you start to cut them into shapes.*
Grant- do you know how to draw a wolf??
*You smile*
Y/N- well I can try, why? You want a wolf shaped cookie?
*Grant smiles and nods*
Grant- I also want to give daddy one. *You kiss his head*
Y/N- I will do my very best!
*You try to carve out a wolf, it's not the best but Grant loves it*
Grant- thanks mommy
Y/N- you're welcome Grant

*Bucky swims in the shallow end with Winnie. She does flips and jumps into the pool as Bucky watches. Eventually she swims over and climbs into his arms. He leans against the pool wall and has her on his hip. She traces his metal arm*
Winnie- did you alway have a metal arm?
*Bucky tries to decide how he will handle this. You two have never talked about when you would tell kids about your pasts. He's sure 7 and 6 is still too young.*
Bucky- Umm no baby, I didn't.
Winnie- why do you have one then? *She touches his skin where the scars are.*
Bucky- well, I'll tell you more when your older but for now I'll just say, I got hurt and to help me some pipelines gave me this.
Winnie- were they nice people?
Bucky- Umm no Winnie boo, they weren't.
*Winnie looks at him and he can see in her eyes that she's a little scared.* but they are all gone now.
Winnie- does it hurt?
Bucky- well I did, but not so much anymore.
Winnie- did mommy make it feel better?? I know when I get a cut mommy always makes it feel better.
*Bucky chokes up a little and hugs Winnie. She rests her head on his shoulder.*
Bucky- yeah, Winnie boo. She did make it feel better.
Winnie- do you like it?
Bucky- sometimes, other times not so much.
Winnie- does mommy like it?
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- y-yeah, mommy likes it.
Winnie- was she scared of it?
Bucky- when we first met I think she was a littler nervous about it but she wasn't scared.
Winnie- Daddy?
Bucky- yeah Winnie boo?
Winnie- I'm not scared either. *She smiles and kisses his cheek. He smiles and tears start to fill his eyes.*
Bucky- that means a lot Winnie boo.
*She gets down and swims some more and Bucky just watches.*

*You and Grant get the cookies out of the oven and let them cook a little. You sit with Grant at the table and he sits across from you, you give him a little ice cream with his cookie and you two eat them together.*
Grant- Mommy?
Y/N- yeah bud?
Grant- am I different?
Y/N- what do you mean?
Grant- well I can run faster than all my fiends and I'm strong. Like that time I got in trouble because I lifted my desk over my head because Eli bet me I couldn't *You laugh and nod*
Y/N- yeah what about it?
Grant- well my other friends can't do that. And they aren't fast and they don't eat as much as me. Some of the kids made fun of me last year because of how many snacks I have in the day. So, am I different?
*You take a deep breath, you and Bucky haven't talked about when to tell Grant or any of the others about their abilities.*
Y/N- you aren't different bud, just special. Mommy and Daddy got a special shot that made us super strong and fast. And when we had you it kinda got passed on. Are you okay with being special?
*Grant thinks for a minute*
Grant- yeah I guess. Does this mean I'm a superhero like you and daddy?
*You gently smile and rub his cheek*
Y/N- well right now you're just my little Wolf, but one day yes, if you want to be you will be a great superhero.
*Grant smiles*
Grant- Cool
Y/N- now can you keep that information to yourself? The people who gave Mommy and Daddy that special shot, they weren't very nice and so we need to keep your abilities secret for a bit.
Grant- can I tell Winnie??
Y/N- No, let mommy and Daddy do that when she is old enough, okay?
Grant- okay, does this mean I can't get hurt?
Y/N- No, you can still get hurt. Just not as easily as your friends. But again-
Grant- it's our secret, got it! *Grant smiles and finishes his ice cream and cookie.*

*Winnie and Bucky come in and take their cookies upstairs as they get cleaned up from the pool. Winnie comes down and climbs in your lap and cuddles with you.*
Winnie- mommy? I'm not scared of Daddy's arm either. *You smile and look at Bucky as Grant sits next to him and watches a show on his phone. Bucky smiles. Grant looks up at Bucky and whispers*
Grant- I'm special like you, did you know that?! I'm super strong and fast and I'm gonna be a superhero one day!
*Bucky smiles and hugs Grant*
Bucky- yeah bud, I knew. You're gonna be Little wolf to my White Wolf. *Grant giggles and continues to watch the show.*

*You are cleaning up dinner at all the kids play up in the room.*
Y/N- so you had a sweet conversation with Winnie today?
Bucky- yeah, she asked about the arm.
Y/N- what did you tell her?
Bucky- that I was hurt and some people made me better but they weren't good people. *You nod* then she asked if you made it all feel better and I said yes *Bucky smirks and kisses your temple.* then she asked if you were scared of it and I said no, then she did this, *He copies what Winnie did, kissing your cheek, "I'm not scared either". You tear up and rub Bucky's real arms and pull him close.*
Y/N- she's too sweet *He nods*
Bucky- she can be a little bratty but yeah, she's the sweetest. I want to take her and the other three girls on a Daddy/Daughter date tomorrow night. You okay with that?
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- yeah, and I can spend more time with Grant.  Who is too sweet as well, he just melts my heart.
Bucky- yeah, we've got some cute, sweet kids.
*He kisses you. You go on to explain what you said to Grant about being different. He agrees that you handled it well.*
Bucky- we will tell them more when they are 10 and then maybe the full truth at what, 15, 16?
Y/N- yeah, that sounds good baby.

*You two get the kids in bed and you lock yourselves in the bedroom. Bucky smirks as you and you giggle as you run away and he chases you. He catches you and kisses you as he braces you against the wall.*
Bucky- you ready for your free pass?!
Y/N- yes, please?! *You kiss him and he laughs against your lip*
Bucky- Buckle up pup, your White wolf is coming out to play.

‼️I'm sorry! I know I'm no better than Bucky with all this teasing! 😅😉😏🥵🤤 I just could have such a sweet heartfelt moment with our children and then end it with us being completely destroyed. 😅😅 I needed to let the sweet moment have its moment and then we will move on! This way you have a fun, Friday treat tomorrow!! 😏😈🤤😉🥵‼️

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