Girls Night

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*You run down the stairs and look all around for Kate, no where to be found

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*You run down the stairs and look all around for Kate, no where to be found.*
Odette- Kate!!! Show your face!
*Bucky jumps down the stairs after you and pulls you back by your arm*
Bucky- just leave it be-
Odette- No!
*Bucky pins you against the wall and speaks with a Winter like voice*
Bucky- I said, Leave. It. Be!
*For a split moment Odette almost gives in*
Odette- Only on one condition..
*Bucky sighs*

*Later that night Kate had finally come out of hiding when she was sure You were occupied. She walks into the kitchen and makes herself some dinner. She hears something by the door way, it's dark and she can't quite see who's there, she slowly walks over and in the moonlight she see the reflection of a knife. It all the sudden flies past her head and lands in the cabinet door next to her. Kates heart is ready to beat out of her chest. She looks at the knife and then as she turns around you are right in her face.*
Odette- hi Kate, let's talk.

‼️Earlier that day‼️
Bucky- what conditions??
Odette- let me scare her-
Bucky- No-
Odette- yes! Either I hunt her down now or I scare her later. Really out the fear of well, me in her. *You smile and Bucky steps back.*
Bucky- I- what would you do??
Odette- maybe show her my skills with a knife and maybe how strong I can really be.
Bucky- No, that's too mean.
Peter- when I first met Odette I almost died. It only seems fair-
Bucky- really?! You're going eye for an eye here??
Steve- I mean, Peter's got a point-
Odette- wow! Stevie coming out with the darkness. *You smirk* I like it.
Nat- hey! Eyes on your own man, Odette!
*You roll your eyes and wink at Steve. He gulps and scoots closer to Nat. Bucky grabs your face and pulls your attention back to him. He stares you down and it does something to you, your try to remind yourself that he's not Winter, he doesn't have this control over you, but it's no use. You lower your head*
Odette- I'm sorry
*Nat is dumbfounded and Steve gives an approving nod.*
Bucky- tell me what you're going to do. *You start to get your fire again as you think about Kate and her touching Bucky.*
Odette- I won't harm a hair on her head- well I won't permanently harm her. *Bucky gives you a look and you roll your eyes* you're not fun! *Tony walks in*
Tony- Did I interrupt some weird sex thing??
*Nat and Steve roll their eyes. Bucky sighs, You smirk and Peter just looks around and then waves his arms.*
Peter- Child in the room!
Tony- you're about to be 18, hush!

*Bucky explains what has happened and how you want to scare Kate.*
Tony- well it's only fair.
Steve/Peter- Thats what I said!
Bucky- I can't believe I'm about to say this, but okay. BUT!! If you actually hurt her-
Odette- what?!? Protecting your little girlfriend?? *Odette snaps at him, he basically squares up to her and pushes her back against the wall.*
Bucky- No, protecting my wife and the guilt she will feel if you actually hurt that child.
Odette- She's not a child, but I understand.
*You make a plan and go about your day. You okay with the triplets and every so often yell and act like you're trying to find Kate, just to keep her on edge. Finally it's time, you walk to the door and grab your knife.*
Bucky-hey! We agreed, no knives!
Odette- can't hear you! *You leave the room and Bucky gets up and follows you. Steve slips out into the hall and so does Peter.*
Bucky- we are horrible, horrible people.
*Yelena walks up*
Yelena- why are should horrible??
*Steve explains what's happening and Yelena nods*
Yelena- yes, you all are horrible but this is also like an initiation. She needs to know the people she's fighting along side. All their good and bad parts. Also she shouldn't of been snooping. *Bucky looks at her and then looks back at the scene before them, they are far enough away that Kate can't see them*
‼️Flashback ends‼️

Kate- oh please y/n-
Odette- wrong name, it's Odette. Now tell me- *You yank her forward and throw her in a chair at the table* what all did you find out about me?! *You give a wild smile, you pull the knife out of the cabinet and sit on the island. You twirl it around. Kate starts to fidget and stammer.*
Kate- Umm- I - you are- so cool- and strong- Umm determined.
Odette- uh huh, yup! What else?!
Kate- pro- protective of what's yours-
Odette- there it is! *You point the knife at her and jump off the counter. You crouch in front of her and twirl the knife more.* protective, possessive, I also love to be possessed. *You run your fingers down your neck where the faint bite marks are from winter the night before.* so when someone *You wave your knife around again* threatens that- well threatens is a generous term, because you *You motion to her* would not threaten me *You motion to yourself, you see Kates face fall, thinking you're taking a dig at the way she looks* oh don't get so emotional Kate! I'm not digging at your appearance, I'm just digging at you as a person.
Kate- Thats not better-
Odette- well in your research did you find that I'm a nice person?!
Kate- No, I- I actually found that you're a psychotic bitch
Odette- bingo baby, that I am! So back to what I was saying, *You crouch closer, she sits back farther.* when someone tries to get with my man-
Kate- Technically Winter is your man-
*You grab her face and press the full side of your knife against it*
Odette- they are both mine. I'm Winters bitch and well, Bucky's mine. *Steve and Tony laugh at what you just said and they shove Bucky around, he rolls his eyes. Kate looks at you and she sees a crazy look in your eyes, she searches them for any hint of you, the real you, she finds nothing. Just pure chaos staring back*
Odette- and when someone tries to get with him I have to make them pay. *You press the full side of your knife to her throat.*
Kate- oh god, I'm so sorry! Please please don't kill me!!! *Kate closes her eyes and sits back as far as she can, you lean in and pat her face.*
Odette- oh calm down, you're so dramatic. *You sit up* I'm not going to kill you, I just wanted to scare you.
Kate- mission accomplished!!
Odette- good, *You smile and Kate take a breath.*
Kate- wait?!? That's it?! You just- you- all of this was to scare me?! Why?!?
Odette- to show you who you're really messing with, to show you I don't mess around when it come to my family and neither does y/n, she's nicer than me, way nicer. She forgives and gives third and fourth chances but I, *You laugh* I don't, you cross me again and I will not hesitate to Cut. You. Down. Are we clear?!
Kate- Yes!
Odette- good! Now, you want some ice cream? *You get up and open the freezer, Kate is so confused*
Kate- what?!? You- I- ice cream?!
Odette- yeah, you look petrified. Thought I'd be nice and show you that I can be present, when I choose. *You smile* I'm a psychotic bitch, not a monster. *You wink and Kate just shakes her head as her mouth hangs open.* 
Odette- careful Kate, I'll have to put that mouth to good use if you don't close it. *You smirk. And Kate stammers to say something but she can't think of anything, she blushes. Bucky and the others walk in*
Bucky- enough Odette, or else.
*You roll your eyes and Bucky grabs you, pulling you close.*
Bucky- I said that's enough *You feel heat spread through your body as Bucky's deep voice echos is command. You could whimper at his strong demanding gaze, what was happening to you, for Bucky to have this power over you. It's almost like you're becoming sane.*
Odette- fine *You huff out and Bucky smiles and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- Kate, you've officially met Odette.
Kate- she's terrifying
Odette- and don't you forget it. *You wink and she blushes. Seems late might have a little crush on you too. Bucky sighs.*
Bucky- okay, I'm done with this. *He looks at you* it's been fun Odette but I want y/n back.
*You smile and kiss Bucky, a little more aggressively and sexually then you should have with others present. But you don't care. Bucky smiles and pulls back.*
Bucky- Swan
*You switch back and see everyone staring*
Y/N- ummm what happened??
Kate- wait a damn minute, she doesn't remember any of that?! At all?!? Not even-
Bucky- just give her a minute, she'll remember.
Steve- sometimes it takes a moment to unscramble her brains.
*Nat laughs and Bucky nods. You roll your eyes. You look at Kate and you remember everything. You look a little guilty.*
Y/N- I mean she's a psychotic bitch but you were the one who snooped. *You shrug and Kate just shakes her head.*
Kate- I'll never snoop again. Ever! And I'll never ever look at Bucky again, ever!
Y/N- oh Kate, you can be friends with Bucky, just remember Odette's warning! *You smile and pat her shoulder. Kate just laughs because if she doesn't laugh she'll cry. You all get some ice cream and sit around talking.*

Y/N- oh Nat!! I'm so sorry tonight was suppose- *She gives you a look and shakes her head ever so slightly* to be our girls night out! *Nat smiles*
Nat- oh it's okay, maybe we can do it tomorrow. *She smiles l and you nod*
Y/N- yes! Definitely!!
Kate- oh girls night?! Can I join?? I mean as long as I'm not intruding!
*You and Nat look at each other and smile*
Nat- Umm lets talk about!
Steve- oh come on Nat, let Kate join you two.
*Nat looks at Steve and then back at you.*
Y/N- I mean we'd love for you to join us. *Nat stares you down and you smile* it'll be fun!
Nat- Yup, so much fun.
*They all look at one another, Kate leans over to Peter*
Kate- why do I feel like girls night isn't really girls night.
*Peter shrugs and you all laugh*

‼️Did I got too far?!? 😅😅‼️

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