Whats To Come

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Bucky- Shuri! How's the arm going? Shuri- I made you a perfect one before but you destroyed that one-Bucky- my children destroyed that one-Shuri- anyway, where is your list? *You pull out the list you and Bucky made and hand it to her

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Bucky- Shuri! How's the arm going?
Shuri- I made you a perfect one before but you destroyed that one-
Bucky- my children destroyed that one-
Shuri- anyway, where is your list?
*You pull out the list you and Bucky made and hand it to her.*
Y/N- oh, Hold on! *You walk over and write something else on the paper and look at Shuri. She laughs and nods.*
Shuri- okay, I don't want to know about half of these but especially that one.
*Bucky narrows his gaze and you laugh.*
Y/N- you will never have to know a thing about it! *You smile and she stuff is in her pocket before Bucky can take it.*
Shuri- okay, now onto the other man inside your head.
Bucky- hold on, what did she write- *He looks at you* what did you write?!
Y/N- you'll just have to wait and see. Just trust me. *You kiss his cheek.*
Shuri- back to Winter, how did you undo our work??
*You and Bucky look at one another, you explain how when you snapped you accidentally brought Winter back because you missed him as well.*
Shuri- that could have been extremely dangerous. I'm glad it turned out well though, so a complete removal again? *She starts moving around her lab*
Bucky- yeah-
Y/N- well-
*Bucky and Shuri look at you, you hold up a finger and pull Bucky to the side.*
Bucky- what are you doing?!
Y/N- I don't want him gone completely. I- I can't explain it Bucky but I can't just live knowing he is just gone- I can't- he-
*Bucky calms you down by hugging you and kissing your head. He rubs your back*
Bucky- I understand baby. So what, you want to make it to where only your voice can turn me? *You nod*
Y/N- are you okay with that?
*He gently smiles and nods*
Bucky- yeah baby, I am.
Y/N- and maybe we can do the same thing with my word?
*He nods and kisses you*
Bucky- okay baby. Shuri we need to change it up a little.
Shuri- what are you thinking?
Bucky- our words are o my activated by the others voice. That way no one from Hydra can use them and turn me or her.
Shuri- okay, *She nods* I don't mean to rain on this idea but what if they have both of you? They could use the other as leverage to get what they want.
*You and Bucky look at each other, he nods and rubs your back*
Bucky- Thats a risk we will take
*She nods*
Shuri- okay, well rest the night, we will handle the brainwashing before we start on the arm.
Y/N- how long do you think this will all take?
Shuri- honestly I have no idea, if plan to stay for a bit.
*You look at Bucky and wrap her arms around his. You walk back to the room and just wait for the kids to get back.*

*You fell asleep and you wake up to a quiet room and dimmed lights. The kids are nowhere to be found. You get up and shuffle around the suite, you find Bucky sitting in the balcony looking at the stars. You rub your hands down his chest and he hums and kisses your arms.*
Y/N- where are our babies?
Bucky- Peter and MJ are getting them to sleep in their room. They are staying with them tonight. *You gently smile and kiss Bucky.*
Y/N- a whole night kid free? *He pulls you into his lap. He kisses you*
Bucky- Yup, just you and me. Nothing else and no one else.
*You kiss him and snuggle up to his chest*
Y/N- can we just stay like this?
Bucky- honestly baby, that was my plan, sleep under the stars and just hold you tight.
*You hum and listen to his heartbeat as you slowly drift back to sleep, needing your rest for what's to come.*

‼️Sorry it's so short! I have family coming in and I have to get ready for that! Tomorrows will be good and long! ‼️

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