Back To Normal. Well, Sort Of Normal

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*You get the girls settled in their swings and Winnie and Grant play in their play room

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*You get the girls settled in their swings and Winnie and Grant play in their play room. You sit on the couch and just live in the silence. Bucky comes up and sits next to you, he rubs your back and kisses your shoulder.*
Bucky- did you get any sleep last night?? *You gently smile and shake your head*
Y/N- No, you??
Bucky- only a little *You both sigh and sit back against the couch.*

‼️Flashback- about 30 minutes after all the kids were put to bed‼️
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky
*He kisses you as you walk back towards the bed, undressing you. He slips your shirt off and kisses your neck, he slips his hand down your body and down the front of your pants.*
Bucky- all these clothes in the way, Mmhmm
*He pulls your pants down and off. He settles between your legs.*
Y/N- well you seemed to have remedied that problem *You tease and Bucky laughs. He kisses you and you wrap you arms around his back, you deepen the kiss and rub your fingers through his hair. He smiles at the feeling, he sits up and lifts his shirt off, he takes your bra off and lays he chest back down on yours. You pull at the waist band of his pants, wanting nothing between you two. He slips them off and settles back with you. He props your on his metal arm and runs his real hand through your hair. You smile and he just watches you melt in his embrace. You trace the muscles in his back as he kisses your neck, your fingers roaming along his sides, causing goosebumps. You kiss his head and he hums, fully relaxing into your touch.*
Bucky- I love you so much y/n
Y/N- I love you too Bucky
*He starts to move down your body when the monitor goes off.*
Bucky- it's not the triplets...
Y/N- Winnie and Sarah?
Bucky- No, it's Grant. He's out of bed and walking around. I'll go check on him.
*He kisses you and hops up, he slips his sweats back on and heads to Grants room. You calm yourself down, having just started to get a little heated, you slip under the covers and wait for Bucky to come back. You hear his voice over the monitor.*
Bucky- hey Little Wolf, let's go back to bed.
Grant- I don't feel good.
Bucky- what's wrong?
Grant- tummy *He starts to whine and he covers his mouth. Bucky gets him into the bathroom before he throws up, that way it's easier to clean. Grant cries and does it again. You get up as fast as you can't and get your pajamas on. You find Bucky and Grant on the bathroom floor, both of them covered.*
Y/N- oh lord, okay. *Grant sees you and cries, he reaches his hands up*
Grant- mama! My tummy hurts *He cries even more.*
Y/N- I know baby, come on. We will get a bath and then get back to bed, okay. *Bucky's pants are a mess and he looks like he's gonna be sick.* you go shower and watch the girls, I'll take care of Grant.
Bucky- are you sure?? I can handle him
Grant- mama mama!! *He cries and throws up again*
Y/N- I don't know if he will let you stay with him. *You gently tease* go on, get their bottles ready. *Bucky kisses you and then kisses Grants head.*
Bucky- poor bud *He hears some noise coming from Winnie's room* oh no. *He goes to check and he sees Winnie in her crib, she's gotten sick as well. Thankfully Sarah is in a pack'n play in another room so she's not bothered by any of this. He picks her up and carries her to the bathroom.*
Winnie- Mama! Uddles!! Urt!!
Y/N- oh Winnie boo, I'm so sorry baby. *Bucky hands her to you*
Bucky- it's all over her crib and carpet. I'm gonna go clean it up. I'll check and make sure Sarah's okay.
Y/N- Thank you Bucky

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