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*Bucky nervously laughs*Bucky- we went back to get the pets-Y/N- you took our children Back

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*Bucky nervously laughs*
Bucky- we went back to get the pets-
Y/N- you took our children Back. To. Hydra?!?
Bucky- okay when you say it like that-
Y/N- I can't say it any other way Bucky!! I appreciate the gesture of being Liho back but why did you take Grant and Winnie?!
Bucky- it was their first mission-
Y/N- to a place that you and I barely escaped alive!!!
*Bucky hangs his head and nods*
Bucky- I understand you're mad-
Y/N- mad?! No! I'm furious!! What would you have done if they had caught you?!?
Bucky- I would have fought, obviously!! *You shake your head and try not to cry. This could have gone horribly and he doesn't seem to see that*
Y/N- do you not understand-
Bucky- of course I do! But do you really think I would have taken them into a place where they could have been hurt?! Where I wouldn't be able to protect them?!
Y/N- of course not-
Bucky- then can you just be happy that it was a good and successful mission. The kids helped and brought back our sweet pets and they are safe. Just be happy-
Y/N- I am happy that our children are safe, I am happy that we have our sweet companions back. I'm happy that it was successful but I am NOT happy with YOU!
*You get up and walk to the door, you open it. Bucky can see you waver a bit as you see him sprawled out on the bed, his shirt lifted a little and showing his abs and the trail that leads down below his pants. You have to stop yourself from moaning, these damn hormones! He smirks and you look away.*
Y/N- please leave, now. Because all I want to do is scream at you.
Bucky- is that really what you want to do? It seems like you definitely want to scream but not in the angry way your saying. *He scrunches his nose and bites his lip.*
Y/N- yes!
*Bucky sighs, he walks over and stands in front of you, he stares down at you and catches your gaze. His smug look, you just want to slap him.*
Bucky- you will soon see that there was never any worry for the kids safety. *He smirks* and then maybe we can celebrate this properly. *He smiles and kisses your head. As he walks out you kick his ass and he laughs.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I like it!! *He teases and walks out. You try not to smile as you slam the door and lay down. You pick up your phone and make a call.*
Y/N- my room, now!

*Steve comes walking in. You lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling.*
Steve- you rang?
*You sit up*
Y/N- did you know?!  *Steve sighs and nods* are you fucking kidding me?!
Steve- okay, not at first. Once the machine was ready that's when he dropped the bomb of taking the kids. I was going to leave but I couldn't of been able to live with myself if something had happened and and I wasn't there to stop it.
*You sigh and nod. You both sit there in silence*
Y/N- am I overreacting??
Steve- No, if I had done this Nat would have already had me sleeping on the couch, permanently. *You laugh to yourself*
I mean they are safe and no one got hurt or even close to being hurt-
Y/N- do I am overreacting?
Steve- you have every right to react how you want but it could have gone way worse... honestly it couldn't have gone better.
*You nod and sigh*
Y/N- he was just so sure that if forgive him, so now I really don't want to
*Steve laughs*
Steve- yeah well, no one says you have to. *He shrugs and you laugh* or at least not right away.
Y/N- true! *You laugh, Steve looks at you*
Steve- if there is anyone who could punish him- in the nicest and honestly most pleasurable way one could be punished, it's you! And Nat and from what I've heard Yelena too- what did they teach you guys in "Black Widow School"?!? *You let out a loud laugh and take his hand.
Y/N- if we told you we'd have to kill you. *He laughs and kisses your hand.*
Steve- go punish your husband and leave me and Tony out of it-
Y/N- Tony too?!?
Steve- go!
*You look around*
Y/N- this is my room! You leave! *You shove him off the bed and he laughs. He looks back as he leaves*
Steve- you know as well as I do they were never in any harm. *You sigh and begrudgingly nod. Steve laughs and walks out, closing the door behind him.*

Thunder's Throne Pt 1!Where stories live. Discover now