What Should I Know

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*Wanda comes walking in and she sees Winnie hanging onto you for dear life

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*Wanda comes walking in and she sees Winnie hanging onto you for dear life.*
Wanda- oh no, is she still having nightmares?
Y/N- yes *A tear falls from your face.* and I don't know how to help her. She want say what they are about. Or maybe she doesn't know how to tell us. *You hold her tight* can you help us? Please??
Wanda- of course, come here Winnie. Can I hold you? *Winnie goes to Wanda but not without a fight first. Wanda looks in her mind and sees what's been scaring her.*
Wanda- oh wow, she's having some pretty intense nightmares.
*You cry and Bucky takes Winnie back and holds her close as he hold you too.*
Bucky- Wanda, what are they about??
Wanda- She is dreaming about monsters, I'm not going to lie, seeing them freaked me out too. But then those monsters hurt you, Bucky, and Grant. *You take Winnie in your arms and hold her close.*
Wanda- then the other one-
Bucky- she's having two?! *Bucky looks devastated. His little girl is hurting and scared he he literally can't do a damn thing about it.*
Wanda- yes, and that one is much sadder. She's in her room and there's nothing there. No bed, no stuffies, nothing. She walks out and Grants room is normal with all his stuff. She walks into the triplets room and she sees all of her stuff with them, like it was given away to them. Then you look at her and say "who's that little girl?" And Bucky looks and says "I have no idea." And then you both turn your backs on her.
*You are broken, you are sobbing as you hold Winnie. You get up and go to your room, you close the door behind you and curl up with Winnie on the bed and hold her close.*
Wanda- I'm sorry, I didn't mean-
*Bucky clears his throat*
Bucky- No, you're- you're fine. We asked and now we know how to help her a little.
*Wanda nods and gives Bucky a hug*
Wanda- let me know if you need anything.
Bucky- we will, Umm actually could you take Grant and explain to Steve and Nat what's going on, ask if they can watch him for a bit?
Wanda- yeah, hey Grant! You want some snacks??
Grant- yessss!!! *Bucky laughs and Grant goes running out of the room with Wanda.*

*Bucky walks into the room and sees Winnie laying in your arms, she is staring up at you, smiling and tracing your face with her tiny fingers. You smile and just watch her. She lets out shakey breaths every so often and it just shatters you.*
Y/N- we love you so much Winnie boo. Nothing will ever change that and No one will ever change that. You are safe with us and we will never let anything happen to you. *She touches your lips with her palm and you kiss it. Bucky slide in bed behind Winnie and closes her in, surrounded by you both. Winnie seems to understand because she hugs you tighter.*
Bucky- we love you Winnie and your sisters and Grant love you too.
*She smiles*
Y/N- are you feeling better sweet girl??
*Winnie nods and sits up. She looks around*
Winnie- ant?? *You raises her hands like she asking a question. You chuckle and Bucky laughs and tickles her.*
Bucky- and just like to at you wanna play, well okay then! *He picks her up and she giggles and squeals as Bucky tickles her.* Grant is playing with Sarah, you wanna go play with them??
Winnie- essss!!!
Bucky- okay, let's go! *Bucky puts her down and she darts out the door, Bucky laughs and looks back at you, his face softens and he leans over and kisses you.* how are you feeling, mama?
Y/N- I'm shattered, did we- does she not feel-
*Bucky holds you close and kisses your head.*
Bucky-  we've done everything right baby, it's just a nightmare. She's okay and she knows we love her. You are a wonderful mother and she is so lucky to have you, they all are. *You cry and Bucky kisses you through your tears. You smile* now I have to go make sure she's not jumping off the balcony. *You laugh as he runs out, calling after Winnie.*

*Kate is digging through some boxes in the conference room as Peter walks in*
Peter- Umm what are you doing??
Kate- I'm trying to study up on all the things I missed. Like what happened with John Walker and why was Loki an enemy one minute and a trusted team member the next. And who the Hell is Odette?!
Peter- trust me you don't want to meet-
Kate- Ahhh!! Found the file! *Kate holds up your shield file*
Peter- wait! That's- shield had a file on y/n?!?
Kate- yeah and it's detailed! Look at how thick this is!
Peter- don't go reading that! If you want to know stuff about her just ask y/n-
Kate- she won't tell me, besides it's just reading, what harm can come from reading.
*She starts reading through your file, she gets to the part about how you were taken and Winter was the one who killed your mom and then cared for you.* oh wow... *She reads about how your uncle was killed in front of you and then you were forced to kill your teacher. How Pierce, your father, basically gave you to winter to have his way with you, thankfully that backfired on Pierce. She reads it all. She wipes away a few tears.*
Kate- She's- she's amazing.. everything she's been through- everything she's done to help others.
*Peter smiles*
Peter- yeah, she is. Now put down the file and let's go.
Kate- just one more page, oh this one's about Odette!!
*You walk by the conference room as Kate is reading.*
Kate- it says her activation word is Swan.
*You hear the word and you switch. Odette looks around and sees Peter and Kate.*
Peter- Don't say it!! *He looks around and sees you looking confused.* oh shit! *He whispers* Kate look at me, stand up slowly and follow me. *He calls Bucky*

Bucky- hey Peter, why did you call?? I'm literally upstairs.
Peter- Kate was snooping and found y/n's file.
Bucky- why are you whispering??
Peter- Because I think she activated Odette. She said her word and now Y/N is looking around like she's lost and confused.
Bucky- Fuck!!
*He hangs up and he hears Bucky running down the stairs.*
Bucky- y/n?!? Baby?!
*You turn around and smile, Bucky knows by the smile that it's not you, it's Odette. You walk towards him and wrap him in your arms.*
Bucky- Peter? Kate? Leave-
Peter- but she's-
Bucky- she won't touch you, just go.
*Peter slips by and Kate goes to walk by and you grab her arm.*
Kate- what?! Please don't kill me! I'm sorry!
Odette- this is Kate??
Bucky- yes, now let her go and we can go talk.
*You narrow your eyes at her.*
Kate- why is she looking at me like that?
Odette- Because for some reason I have a sense I should be angry with you.
*Kate freaks and rips her arm from your grasp and runs away. Peter looks at you.*
Peter- nice to see you again Odette. *He nods  and you smile*
Odette- I guess having kids has made me soft because I actually want to hug you and not kill you.
*Peter smiles and Bucky nervously laughs*
Bucky- okay, let's go!
Odette- why are you trying to rush me away?!
I want to see my kids again, are they awake?!?
Bucky- yes-
*You are up the stairs before Bucky can stop you.*
Bucky- Peter! Let's go!
Peter- why do you need me?!
Bucky- Because Winnies been having nightmares about monsters and the last thing she needs is to be scared by the psycho version of her mother. I may need you to take her away and quickly.
*Peter nods and follows Bucky*

*You hear the kids laughing, walk into Steve and Nat's room, you see Winnie playing with Grant and Sarah.*
Odette- Winnie! Grant!
*They see you and smile. Winnie toddles over and jumps in your arms.*
Winnie- mama! Uve oooo!
*Odette gets emotional and hugs her tight*
Odette- I love you too Winnie
*Steve and Nat look at you and they can tell somethings up. Nat very slowly picks Sarah up and takes her to her room, tucks her away in her crib. She starts to get Grant when you see her.*
Odette- Natasha, Don't touch me son... *You narrow your gaze and she steps back. Steve
Slowly walks over and sits on the couch near you, Grant moves to Steve and hands him his toy car.*
Grant- mama?? Ere dada?!
Odette- He's downstairs, come here Grant. *He walks over and smiles up at you, your heart softens and you've never felt this way, even with Winter.*
Odette- oh goodness, you two are so cute. Just like your daddy. *You kiss their heads. They smile and then run away to play some more.*
Grant- saaarrr!!
Nat- oh ummm *Nat looks at you and Steve.*
She's napping Grant.
Odette- she seemed fine when I saw her. Not tired at all.
*Bucky and Peter run in and you whip around*
Bucky- oh! Hey! You guys found y/n, ha! She's feeling a little sick, maybe not acting right-
Steve- we know it's Odette.
*He looks at you and you smirk*
Odette- Stevie, good to see you. Last time I saw you Winter and I were having some fun. *You wink and Steve shifts around* Oh calm down, as I told Peter here, having and meeting my children have softened this psychotic heart of mine. *You smile at Grant and he squeals and covers his face. Steve gently smiles and looks at Nat, he nods and Nat shifts around a little and then gives in. She gets Sarah and brings her back out to play.*
Nat- sorry, I'm just protective and you have a history of being crazy
Odette- understandable, Bucky I want to see the triplets.
Bucky- oh Umm they are still sleeping, about another 20 minutes. *You sigh*
Nat- so has she met Kate??
Bucky- ya- Yup! She has met her and that's that!
Odette- what's so important about this late girl? Why do I have a slight anger building as we speak.
*Nat laughs*
Nat- she doesn't remember?!
Odette- remember what?!
Bucky/Steve- Nothing! *You roll your eyes and look at Peter*
Odette- Peter? What should I know?? *You smile and Peter gulps*

*You storm out of the room*
Odette- oh Kate!!!! *You b-line down the hall*
Bucky- shit!!

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