Baby- Moon pt5

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*Bucky kisses you and you wrap your legs around him

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*Bucky kisses you and you wrap your legs around him.*
Bucky- so desperate *He whispers against your lips.*
Odette- you have no idea *You moan as he grinds against you. He kisses down your body and lays between your legs*
Bucky- we didn't bring any toys with us so you'll have to live with just my mouth, dick, and hand. That enough? *He slips his metal hand between your legs and makes his metal fingers vibrate against you. He smirks as he watches you chase his fingers looking for friction.*
Odette- fuck yes!
*He shoves a finger inside you and curls it again your sweet spot.*
Bucky- that feel good?
*You nod and he keeps going. You feel your high building and you start to edge yourself. Bucky notices and stops you.*
Bucky- No no no baby. Only I decided when you'll be edged and right now I want you to cum. *He adds another and then another. He starts to speed up and you try to move away.*
Odette- no- Mmhm I can't!
Bucky- yes you can, come on *He leans down and starts to lick your clit. You moan and grind against his face. He smirks and speeds up even more.* you're gonna cum right now. *He sees you fighting it. He lightly laughs. "She's so fucking stubborn" he thinks.* Odette look at me! *You whimper and you do. He meets your gaze* forget about Sergeant and cum for Daddy. *He hits that sweet spot and you see stars. You arch off the bed and wrap your legs around his head, keeping his mouth and hand where they are as you ride your high. He doesn't let up though, he pulls your legs off and pins them down as he finger fucks you. He is basically holding you by your pussy at this point and he is rubbing that spot inside you. You clench around him and cum again, screaming his name*
Odette- Bucky!!! Mmhmm fuck Daddy!!
*Bucky smirks and leans down. He roughly kisses you and pulls your hair a little. He whispers in your ear.*
Bucky- you like it when Daddy fucks you like this?! Huh?! My filthy little slut spread wide for me?! God your pussy feels amazing around my fingers *You whimper as he kisses you.* bet it would feel even better around my dick. *He licks up your neck and give your jaw a little bite.*
Odette- please Daddy?!
*Bucky smirks*
Bucky- since you asked nicely
*He pulls his hand from you, because at this point he was basically fisting you. He strokes his dick a few times and then lines up with you. He grabs your legs and holds them up against his chest. He pushes them together as he pushes inside you. The pressure created is amazing and you just want more.*
Odette- more- Mmhmm I need more!
*Bucky slams into you and bottoms out. You grab his arms and scream as he pulls back and thrust back into you. He does this over and over again. You feel your high building, you look into Bucky's eyes and see... love. So much love. It's strange because his words and motions feel like he's a little heated with you but yet there is no anger or fire. Just pure love, with some lust thrown in, he is fucking you after all.*
Bucky- oh! *He moans, it's so beautiful* fuck Odette. Mmhmm so good baby!
*He starts to really give it to you, it's amazing and you don't want it to end. You pull your legs down and spread them so you can pull him closer. You grab his shoulders and pull him down, you kiss him and wrap your legs around his waist. He smiles again your lips.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I thought we were fuckin' *He teases as he slows his movements to become more sensual*
Odette- we were, but now I just need you. I never get to see your face when I'm with him. I want to see how good I make you feel. I also don't want this to end, it feels too good!
*Bucky moans and let's out a breathy laugh. He slows his movements down to an agonizing pace. He smirks and kisses you.*
Bucky- let's slow this down then
*You smile and kiss him. You gasp and he slips his tongue past your lips and in your mouth. He slowly moves in and out as you move your hands along his back.*
Bucky- you deserve this Odette
Odette- Mmhmm for once I actually believe it *He smiles and kisses you.*
Bucky- cum with me Baby
*You smile and kiss him as he speeds up a little, hitting all the right places. You moan as you cum around him. He kisses you and groans in pleasure as he cums deep inside you. He works both of you through your highs and then pulls out. He smiles down at you and then kisses you.*
Odette- Mmhmm thank you thank you thank you! *You kiss him over and over as he lays down with you. He holds you close and rubs your back.* damn, I'm one lucky girl. *Bucky laughs and kisses your head*
Bucky- Nope, I'm the lucky one. I don't know how you put up with me.
Odette- because you're the sweetest man I've ever met. You make me feel loved and seen even when you're trying to rearrange my organs! *Bucky let's out a big laugh and tickles your side. Ben starts to move around and it freaks you out but only for a moment.*
Odette- is it bad that I kinda forgot he was in there?!
*Bucky laughs and rubs your belly*
Bucky- No, I kinda forgot too. *Ben kicks, hard*
Odette- oww! Okay I'm sorry, I'll never forget again!
*He flips around and presses up against your hand. You laugh and just watch as he moves around.*
Odette- this is amazing! *You wipe a tear. Bucky kisses your head*
Bucky- yeah, just be glad he waited till we were done. *you look up shocked.*
Odette- he- he moves during sex?!? What?!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- yeah, he does. Sometimes we have to stop cause he won't.
Odette- well that doesn't sound enjoyable!
Bucky- it has its moments.
*Odette snuggles up to Bucky. She rubs her belly and watches as Ben moves about, stretching and turning around.*
Odette- I never could have dreamed of this.
Bucky- well it's all yours *You look at him* and you better believe you. deserve. it! *He kisses you and you smile against his lips.*
Odette- thank you Bucky, I do- well I- I'm starting to. *He kisses you again, so much kissing it's making your brain a little fuzzy. Winter never kisses you this much. It's nice.*
Bucky- next time you better cum without me having to tell you, understand? *He leans his forehead against yours and you giggle. You nod and he kisses your nose. He lays back*
Bucky- okay! Go ahead, I know you want to see him. *You smile and kiss him again.* just remember Ben, Winter can't go throwing you around or laying you on your belly.
*You smile*
Odette- Ben is our baby too, we will make sure he's safe. *Bucky gently smiles and nods*
Bucky- okay, go on! *You say his words and Bucky enters the Black room*

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