Start Of Healing

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‼️I just love this new pic 🥵🤤😍❤️‼️

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‼️I just love this new pic 🥵🤤😍❤️‼️

*The days and weeks go by, the kids get use to school and love it. You are more worn out than before, this baby is literally draining you of energy.*
Y/N- I'm so tired, like all the time.
Bucky- I know baby, you want to go take a nap?
Y/N- yeah, wake me for lunch, okay?
Bucky- you got it sweet cheeks!

*Bucky heads to the kitchen and rubs into Steve and Nat.*
Bucky- hey! Samuel asleep??
Nat- yeah, where is y/n?
Bucky- asleep, this baby is a lot on her.
*Nat hums and nods, she then just leaves the room. Bucky looks at Steve*
Bucky- how is she doing??
Steve- Not great, I slept on the couch again last night.
Bucky- what did you do this time?
Steve- I messed up Samuels bottle *Bucky nods*
Bucky- she seems to be extremely testy about things dealing with Samuel.
Steve- yeah... so anyway, Y/N's doing okay though? *Nat walks back in and hears Steve ask about you. She sighs*
Nat- looks she's fine, lots of women have babies everyday. It's not a new thing to be tired. I need your help Steve, we need to move the beds and clean the boys room. *Steve nods*
Steve- I'll be up in a minute *She just walks away*
Bucky- okay, that was different.
Steve- like I said, it's been rough. Maybe warn y/n?
Bucky- yeah, I will.
*Nat has been getting testy lately. Anything will set her off and she will scream at the kids and at Steve. He forgets to do something and she just gets angry, like sleep on the couch, don't touch me angry. The kids are too loud and she just leaves the room and hides somewhere they can't find her. And she has been especially testy about you and your pregnancy.*

*You come down for lunch. You sit in Bucky's lap at the table and he rubs your belly and kisses you.*
Bucky- you feeling okay??
Y/N- yeah, still just tired. I think I'm not eating enough yet I'm too sick to eat.
*Nat is making herself lunch and you can tell something is upsetting her.*
Y/N- Nat you okay??
Nat- Yup. I'm fine.
*You look at Bucky and he starts to whisper to you Steve's warning when Wanda and Pepper walk in.*
Wanda- and there is the mom to be!
Pepper- hey are you feeling any better??
Y/N- a little this nausea is the worst! I just can't seem to eat anything. And then sleeping is almost impossible already, which is ridiculous! I'm only 20 weeks and still have 20 to go. Sometimes I just wish it was over. *You three laugh and Nat slams down her plate and looks at you.*
Nat- You know y/n just be happy you can have a baby! Some of us cant have anymore children, some of us can never have children. Some of us have lost our children, so instead of complaining all the time just be fucking happy that you can do the bare minimum of what a women is suppose to do. *She storms out, tears sting your eyes. You look at Bucky and then at Wanda and Pepper, each of them as shocked as you.*
Y/N- did I- was I- *You just cry. Steve walks in, having just passed and angry Nat. Bucky explains what happened as you cry in his arms.*
Steve- oh y/n I'm so sorry- she- she's not dealing with it all. She's just lashing out and- I've tried talking to her- *Bucky's heard enough. Steve just making excuses for his wife being a terror.*
Bucky- well maybe try harder, Steve. *He just stands up with you in his arms and walks up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Steve just stands there stunned and unsure how to fix all of this. Nat's never been mad at you, ever! Having her yell at you like that- it broke your heart. It's was like you lost a part of yourself. The words she spoke it deep and hurt you and now you're scared you'll never be the same.*

*Nat sits in bed while Samuel does tummy time next to her. Steve walks in and takes Samuel*
Nat- He still has 10 minutes.
Steve- he's fine, *He sits next to Nat and makes her hold Samuel.* you're gonna hold him while I talk to you because maybe then you'll watch your tone and actually listen instead of just yelling. *She rolls her eyes. She then looks at Steve, she sees him crying* Nat you need help. You're not yourself and you've been hurting the people closest to you. You screamed at y/n and shamed her about having children. You know that's not okay and that's not you. If you won't get help for yourself then do it for him, do it for Samuel. *She looks down at him and he smiles up at her.* I think you need to talk to someone, about all of this, about the accident and the surgery. How all of it was out of your control and against your wishes. Y/n giving you the serum without you knowing- you need to talk it out. You're screaming at the kids and me, you've never done that, Please Natasha
*Nat looks up at him, tears spilling down her face.*
Nat- I'm sorry, I know I haven't- I just so sorry Steve. I'll get help, I will. *He nods and takes Samuel* you need to go apologize to y/n.
*He just leaves and Nat sits there crying. She gets up and makes her way to your room. She knocks and Bucky opens the door.*
Bucky- you've coke to scream at my wife again?? Cause that's not happening.
Nat- No, I've come to apologize
*He let's get in and she finds you in bed, she climbs in next to you and takes your hands.*
Nat- Y/N I'm so sorry. There's no excuse, I- I'm getting help, I promise. *You wipe your tears and look at her. You squeeze her hand and she cry's some more and so do you. You feel Ben kick and you are scared to even acknowledge it but she can't tell something changed in your face.*
Nat- what?
Y/N- he kicked. *Nat gently smiles and cries.*
Nat- Can I? *You nod and she places her hand on your belly, she feels him move around and kick. She cries and you just hold her other hand. She looks at you* I am so sorry y/n, I'm just so mad that I will never experience this again, even if I wanted to, it would never be able to happen. *You pull her into a hug*
Y/N- then experience this one with me. *You gently smile and she holds you tight. Steve walks in and stands next to Bucky. Bucky pats his back*
Bucky- sorry about earlier-
Steve- don't. I needed to stand up to her for her own benefit. Thanks for giving me the push. *He smiles and pats Bucky's back. It may be a long road but it seems to be the start of healing for Nat.*

‼️Okay so how I was going to end yesterdays chapter was going to change everything for awhile! The tech was going to tell us that it was a girl! We would have to deal with a sort of "mourning" for the life we thought we were gonna have with Ben and accept this new life with baby girl. Nat was going to get mad and lose it on us because we were so "sad we were having a girl and not a boy". In her mind we were upset because we didn't get what we wanted. In her grief and pain she couldn't see our grief and pain. She was still going to end up getting help and then we would all end up in an okay place and ready for baby girl! Then when the baby is born have it be that the tech was wrong and it was a boy all along. So then we would have to readjust and "mourn" the little girl we became excited for While being happy we have Ben. It was gonna be sad and really emotional for many chapters and I couldn't do that lol. This is also based off something that happened in my family and the "mourning" is real!🥺 anyway, That's what I decided to change so y'all wouldn't have to deal with that sadness! Hope that made sense!❤️‼️

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