What I Like To Hear

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‼️Don't get me started on this man's hands!! 😅🤤😋🥵‼️

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‼️Don't get me started on this man's hands!! 😅🤤😋🥵‼️

*You kiss him as you slip your hands around him. You play with the waistband of his boxers and slowly pull them over his ass and down his thighs. You kiss as you go along, he steps out of them and you toss them with the rest of the discarded clothes. You stand back and untie your robe, letting it fall off your shoulders and hit the floor. Your hair was already tied up so you just left it. He stares at you, completely mesmerized, now you're gonna cry.*
Bucky- wow
*You pull him with you into the shower. You gently press him against the wall and kiss his neck. He moans as you nip and kiss down his neck and chest. You tease his nipples as you trail you hand down to his length. You stroke him a few times and he whimpers as he bucks into your hand. You don't soothe him or correct him, you just let his body do what comes naturally when you touch him.*
Bucky- oh y/n, *He moans as he involuntarily thrusts into your hand over and over. You just continue to kiss his chest and neck.* oh baby! *He can't control himself. You smile and you start to move a little involuntarily as well. Your hips moving forward to find some friction at the sounds of Bucky's moans. Bucky realizes that you are just letting him do what comes naturally. He licks his lips as he watches your hand stroke him, he pulls you close and watches your gaze as he moves to the shower floor. He lays down and pulls you to sit on him. You straddle him and he guides himself into you. You moan and place your hands on his chest. You worry your lip between your teeth as you slipway start to ride him, just letting your body tell you what you need and trying to focus on Bucky's signals as well. You want him to know just how loved he is, that he is so deserving of this and so much more. That you love him so much that you know the smallest details about him to the big ones? Like what he needs from you to be fulfilled. Like when he grabs your hips and pulls down, he wants it harder. So as he starts to lift his hands to your hips you start to go harder, causing him to moan and then smile. Or how when he is about to come he flexed his thighs and that makes him sink a little deeper, so you know you need to encourage him and tell him how much you need him. You want him to know he is so loved and understood.*
Bucky- oh y/n, mmh baby! *You kiss him and do what he needs to get him cumming. He buries himself deep inside you as he cums. Tears spill from his eyes as he does.*
Bucky- oh y/n!
Y/N- I love you baby, you are so deserving of everything you are feeling. Everything you have, you deserve. You- *Bucky sits up quickly and kisses you before you can say anything else.*
Bucky- you are the love of my life, y/n. I will also love you. In every form, in every state of mind, you are my peace and quiet. You are my safe place. You are my home.
*You cry and kiss him. He thrusts up into you and that's when you remember he is still in you.*
Y/N- Mmhm how do you want me baby? Whatever you want-
Bucky- I just want you around me. In every sense of the word, I want to be surrounded by you. *You gently smile and kiss him. You start to ride and bounce him again. He grabs onto you and holds you tight, you do the same. If anyone were to see you two it would look like the other was trying to escape or get away from the one holding them, that's how hard you two are grinding and thrusting into and against each other. *You throw your head back and moan as you cum around him, hard and just soaking the shaker floor.*
Y/N- oh Bucky!! Yes baby, Mmhmm oh my god! *You could pass out it feels so good, you are so light headed, partly because a you are pregnant and because you were holding your breath.*
Bucky- Mmhm y/n, yes baby *He cums again as you slowly come back to earth. He holds you so you down fall back and pass out. He lightly laughs and kisses your neck and your chest.*
Bucky- I love you baby, that was amazing.
*You sit up and smile, you give him a lazy kiss and joke*
Y/N- Happy to be of service *He laughs and kisses your neck. You just beam, happy that he is in a better mood.* now that I serviced you, do me and clean me up. Cause I'm tired and exhausted. *Bucky laughs and agrees. He kisses you and gets you up. You bathe and get out of the shower. He gets you laid I be d and then goes back to finish shower. Soon he is laying in bed with you in his arms. He looks down and sees you are asleep, He rubs your belly and Ben moves around.*
Bucky- shhh shh bud. Mommy's asleep. Leave the cartwheels for tomorrow. *Ben calms down and Bucky thanks him.*

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