A Real Hero

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‼️Flashback‼️Steve- okay Grant, Sarah? Y'all buckled up? Grant- Yup! Sarah- yes!Steve- okay, let's drive! *Thor comes running out of the back yard and jumps in the car

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Steve- okay Grant, Sarah? Y'all buckled up?
Grant- Yup!
Sarah- yes!
Steve- okay, let's drive! *Thor comes running out of the back yard and jumps in the car.* Umm can I help you?!
Thor- playing "clean" ThunderDome with Peter and Kate. I was hiding and they were trying to find me. Just drive!
*Steve laughs and drives off as Thor hides in the front seat.*

Sarah- Daddy where are we going?
Steve- to the park!
Grant- oh fun!!
*Steve smiles. Grant looks at Sarah*
Grant- how has school been?
Sarah- it's been good. *She gives a sad little smile* I missed having Winnie in class with me. *Grant slightly lowers his head.* I missed seeing you too.
Grant- yeah? *He give a gently smile*
Sarah- yeah, I missed seeing you at home too. I was lonely.
Grant- well we are back for good!
*Sarah laughs and blushes. Then she gets down again*
Sarah- I think Nora missed you too
*Grant was looking out the window and he didn't really hear what Sarah said*
Grant- who? What?
*She smiles and looks away. Thor lightly laughs and Steve shakes his head and smiles.*
Thor- that was smooth *He says to Steve, he laughs and agrees.*

*They get to the park and Steve gets a bunch of stuff out of the trunk. It's a bag full of cones and balls. There are some ropes and his shield.*
Grant- uncle Steve? What's all this??
Steve- you and Sarah are gonna train with me today.
Grant- okay!
Sarah- not again *She mutters under her breath.*
Steve- hey! *He teases Sarah* I heard that!
*She laughs and so does Grant. They go and set up a little "course".* okay Grant, you are going to run around these cones while trying not to get hit. When you get to the end grab the shield and throw it back at me. Okay?
Grant- okay!
*He runs through the cones and Steve throws a ball at him and hits hit legs. Grant falls down and hits the ground. He hops up.*
Grant- uncle Steve?!
Steve- what?! I told you not to get hit!
Grant- I didn't think you'd peg me with a ball!
Steve- we'll when else would I use?!
*Grant sighs and goes back to the beginning. Thor grabs a ball and lines up on the other side.*
Steve- you ready?
Grant- yeah, I got this!
*Grant is laser focused and as Steve blows the whistle Grant takes off. He dips and dives through the cones. He dodged the balls and even catches one and throws it back at Steve, hitting him in the stomach. He gets to the end, grabs the shield, and tosses it back to Steve. He doesn't have enough power to really get it all the way there but it was still a good throw.*
Steve- good job Grant!!
Thor- wow! Amazing!
*Grant smiles and runs back to Steve*
Grant- was that good?
Steve- so good! I need you to do it again so I can show your parents!
Grant- okay!!
*He does just that and does even better this time. Steve and Thor just laugh at his natural ability and Sarah is just swooning over him.*
Steve- okay Sarah! Your turn! *She looks up and looks a little scared*
Sarah- No thanks!
Steve- come on, we won't throw these at you *He holds up the ball and Grant give him a "what the fuck" look and he laughs*
Sarah- I'm good, I just want to watch.
*Steve sighs and nods*
Steve- okay
*Grant goes to sit next to her. He takes her hand.*
Grant- are you scared?
Sarah- maybe, a little. You were so good, I can't compete with you.
Grant- you don't have to compete with me. Just do your best, that's all that matters. *She smiles* I'll do it with you! *She nods* uncle Steve?! I'm gonna run it with Sarah!
*Steve smiles*
Steve- okay!

*They get lined up and Steve blows the whistle. They take off.*
Grant- Sarah go left!
*She does. Grant jumps over the cones and dodged a ball that Steve threw at him.*
Sarah- Grant watch out!! *He turns and sees Sarah throw him the shield. He catches it and turns to face Steve. He blocks a ball that is thrown at him and he knocks it away. He uses the shield as he runs to the finish line. Steve hits his feet and he falls to the ground.*
Grant- Sarah!! *He tries to throw the shield but he can't. Sarah takes a breath and runs to Grant. She gets him up and drags him to "safety".*
Sarah- I did it!! *She smiles and looks at Grant* I did it!!
Grant- good job!!
*She runs to Steve and he laughs and picks her up, spinning her around. Thor walks over to Grant.*
Thor- that ball didn't hit your feet. *He looks down at him. *Grant blushes*
Grant- I know. *He walks over to them and Thor just smiles.*

*As they are packing up the car a women screams over by the woods. Steve and Thor look at one another.*
Steve- Stay here!
*They run off.*
Grant- I'm not staying! *He looks at Sarah and she takes a breath and then takes his hand*
Sarah- let's go!
*They follow Steve and Thor. The Women's child is up in the tree while the other one is on the ground with a hurt leg.*
Women- help!!
*Steve runs up*
Steve- what's wrong?!
Women- he fell out of the tree and I think his leg is broken. My other boy is stuck up there, hanging on the broken branch!
*Steve and Thor are about to climb up the tree when the branches start breaking again.*
Steve- we are too heavy, we can't get up there to get them.
Thor- the branches will break. I didn't bring storm breaker or Mojlnir.
*Grant and Sarah come running up and look up. They look at one another and nod. Grant scurries up the tree while Sarah grabs the shield and the rope*
Steve- Grant!!
Grant- be down in a minute!!
*Sarah throws the shield and rope up to Grant. He ties it to the shield and makes it like a swing. He tosses the rope over the branch and helps the boy to sit in the shield. He lowers the boy down to the ground safely. He then hops down. The women hugs Grant and thanks him. They walk away and Steve looks at Grant.*
Steve- what were you thinking?!?
Grant- I wanted to be a hero! Like my Dad! Like you!
*Steve sighs*
Steve- you can't go running head first into danger-
Thor- ehhh
Steve- Thor?!
Thor- what?! That's all that you and Bucky do!
*Steve sighs*
Steve- everyone in the car! We are going to the hospital to check on that lady and her kids.
*Grant pouts as he walks back to the car. Sarah runs up to him and kisses his cheek and whispers.*
Sarah- I thought you were brave and a hero *She smiles and then runs to hold Steve's hand. Grant blushes and Thor just smiles.*

*They pull up to the hospital and Grant sees your car.*
Grant- hey! That looks like my moms car!
Steve- oh yeah, it does! Hopefully they aren't here!
Sarah- yeah! *Everyone walks in and finds the right room. Sarah wanted to bring them flowers and candy.* I wanted to give you candy cause it always makes me feel better when I'm hurt. *The family thanks them and they walk out in the hall.*
Steve- Grant come here. *Grant pouts as he walked over*
Grant- am I still in trouble?
*Steve sighs*
Steve- look, you did a good thing but you could of been hurt. You have to be careful because if you get hurt who is going to save you?
Grant- I never really thought of that.. who saves the hero's when the hero's are hurt..
Steve- exactly.. *He hugs Grant* just be more careful, okay?!
*Grant cries a little and nods*
Grant- I will!
Steve- other than that.... You were awesome today, a real hero. More and more like your dad everyday. *Grant smiles so big and Steve just laughs.* come on let's head home.

*The walk down the hall and see Thor with Winnie.*
‼️Flashback ends‼️

*You look at Grant*
Y/N- I want to scream but it seems you've already had a talking to so I get to do the fun part.
Grant- what's that??
Y/N- you were amazing!!! *You hug him and Grant smiles and laughs. Winnie and the other girls cheer and they run down the hall laughing and playing. You look at Steve and whisper* you on the other hand, you're dead!
Steve- I figured! *He whispers back and you both laugh. You point to Thor*
Y/N- you too! *He shrugs. Bucky laughs and helps you to the car.*
Steve- come on Grant, I'm gonna take you and Sarah for ice cream!
*Grant looks to you*
Grant- Can I?!
*You and Bucky laugh*
Bucky- yeah bud, go on. Have fun!

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