Full Of Surprises

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*You turn over and kiss Bucky

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*You turn over and kiss Bucky. He hums and moves around but doesn't wake up. You get dressed and go get the kids up and ready. They are out the door with Peter before Bucky even wakes up. You get him up and he is grumpy, he wanted to just sleep the day away but you have to meet Shuri.*
Y/N- come on baby, she thinks this is the last day. She said if it all goes well she would be comfortable saying you've been deprogrammed again. *Bucky nods and gets dressed. You head down to the lab.*

Shuri- okay Bucky, let's get this off. *She moves to the table and Bucky sticks his arm out.*
Bucky- can y/n do it? Please? *She looks at you and nods. You walk over and rest your forehead against his. You take the ring off and slip it around your locket. He mouths a "Thank you" and you kiss his nose.  You press in right near his collarbone and under his arm next to his ribcage, you hear it release and you pull it away. You lay it down and then help him lay back. He is strapped down, this time he isn't given any medication to put him in a suggestive state. The voices start saying his words and he goes into the "back room".

**Black room**
*He is standing face to face with Winter.*
Bucky- just breath, don't listen to the words.
Winter- it's so hard.
*He closes his eyes and Bucky keeps talking*
Bucky- I know, just focus on y/n.
*Winter nods, the voices stop and Bucky wakes up. You are smiling*
Y/N- you did it babe, you weren't struggling or fighting. *You kiss him.*
Shuri- that was a good start, now we need to move on to the next step. He needs to be distracted, like fighting so when he hears the words they don't catch him off guard. *They release him and he stands up. Okoye and Ayo walk in.*
Bucky- oh good! I have to fight one of them?!
Shuri- No, both.
*They charge Bucky and he gets you out of the way. He starts to fight them, one handed. Shuri plays the words over and over again, different voices saying them, one after another. You can tell he is using all his strength to not turn. Shuri cuts the voices off and nods to you. You take a breath and say his words. He starts to give in and he lets winter have control. Winter just stands tall and looks around. Okoye and Ayo have stopped fighting him and are just waiting. He looks at you and smiles. Shuri plays the voices again, seeing if they will turn him back, it doesn't work. She nods and looks at you, you smile and he nods, you say them and before you can blink, Bucky is back. You can't help but cry, he walks over and pulls you close. Ayo walks over.*
Ayo- you were free before but now I would dare to say you are truly free. Not haunted by the past but fully accepting of it and not letting it have power over you unless you want it to. *She nods and leaves with Okoye. Bucky wipes a tear from his eye as you pull him into your arms.*
Y/N- you're both free *You kiss him, shuri walks up*
Shuri- as promised, *She motions to his arm.* I feel you are safe enough to have this back.
*He smiles and takes it, he puts it on and it locks into place. He takes your jaw in his metal hand and you giggle and move to kiss his metal palm.*
Shuri- oh also, here. *She hands you a remote.* and here is a little guide as to what button does what. And yes I added those things you asked for. *You smile and thank her.* there are some things that can't be turned off. Like for example your palm is now a key to your guns. If anyone else were to pick them up and try to use them they would explode because the handle will scan the palm and if it does not match the metal palm or your real one it will detonate. Same with your knives. The only exception is y/n, her scan is also encoded in the guns and knives as well. *You smile and he pretends to be annoyed.*
Bucky- you say "I Do" and instantly nothing is just yours anymore! *You laugh and kiss his cheek. You whisper*
Y/N- you up for sharing some other things of yours?? *You bite your lip and Bucky nods*
Bucky- so are we done here? We're good right??
Shuri- yes, go! We can talk tomorrow about y/n's process if that is something you want.
*You nod and Bucky buts in*
Bucky- we will let you know. Come on baby *He smiles and wraps you up in his arms taking you back to your room.*

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