Please Please Believe Me

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*Bucky heals quickly and he doesn't tell you what he really did

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*Bucky heals quickly and he doesn't tell you what he really did. You and Bucky work on potty training Grant and it goes...*
Grant- mama mama?!? It's coming!! *Grant runs to the bathroom before he pees himself*
Y/N- go go go Grant!! *You follow him, you walk in the bathroom and he is crying* what happened?? *You squat down and he looks at you*
Grant- I missss
*You look and he did in fact miss.*
Y/N- oh Grant! That's okay, come on let's get you come new pants okay?
*He nods*
*You get Grant cleaned up and in some new underwear/pull up and pants. You sit and he crawls in your lap.*
Y/N- it's okay Little wolf, *You whisper and tickle him.* Daddy misses too! *Grant giggles and you kiss his cheek, Bucky walks in*
Bucky- oh what are you two up to?!
Y/N- oh nothing! *You laughs. Grant points to Bucky*
Grant- Daddy pees an misss!!
*Grant let's out the cutest giggle and you can't help but laugh.*
Bucky- is mommy telling lies?!? *He teases* Daddy has perfect aim! *Grant giggles and Bucky picks him up and sits with him next to you.*
Bucky- so I'm guessing you had an accident? *Grant nods* it's okay Grant. *He hugs Grant and Grant smiles and kisses Bucky's cheek. He then runs away to play.*
Bucky- so potty trainings gone good today?! *Bucky teases and you laugh*
Y/N- he's been doing really really good but he gets so upset when he has an accident.
Bucky- how's Winnie been today??
*You laugh*
Y/N- she wants to "go potty" every time Grant does. She just sits there and smiles at me. It's cute but a little exhausting.
Bucky- how are you feeling?
Y/N- good. 5 weeks down, one to go. *You smile and Bucky kisses you* everything is pretty much healed, my breast are finally adjusting to nursing again. So all in all, I'm surviving.
*Bucky chuckles and kisses you. He smirks against your lips and pulls you into his arms and on to his lap. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck.*
Y/N- the girls are going to be up any minute and I still have a week. *Bucky smiles and nods*
Bucky- I know baby, I just wanted to show you how much I love you. And how much I can't wait for your 6 weeks to be up because you look so good baby girl. *He smirks and slips his hands up your back. All the feelings from the previous weeks come rushing back and you pull away. You don't believe Bucky's words. Bucky notices your change.*
Y/N- I need to get the girls- *You stand up*
Bucky- y/n, baby look at me. *You sigh and look down at Bucky, he rubs your leg and moves to your arms.* please believe me when I say you are absolutely beautiful and incredibly sexy *You roll your eyes* is this still about the incident 2 weeks ago? When you were going to-
Y/N- No! *You sigh* yes, I don't know. When you moved away from me all these thought started rushing through my mind and now they won't stop. Whenever you touch me or- or try to start something I just can't let myself believe what you say. I'm sorry, I'm trying to work on it-
*Bucky cuts you off with a kiss. He spins you around and has you on your back on the couch. He slowly rubs your face and looks deeply into your eyes.*
Bucky- do you still hear those thoughts?
Y/N- yes-
*Bucky kisses you and rubs his hands in your hair and then down your neck to your shoulders, he massages them and kisses you deeply.*
Bucky- how about now?? *You smile, knowing what he's doing*
Y/N- still in there *He smirks and kisses you again as he pulls your leg up and kisses down your neck*
Bucky- now?? *The girls start to cry, you sit up and Bucky sits back.*
Y/N- yes, I still have them but they aren't as loud anymore. *You smile and kiss him* thank you Bucky.

*You get Winnie and the triplets up. Winnie goes with Bucky and Grant to get a snack and you nurse the girls. Bucky sees Steve and Nat with Sarah*
Bucky- hey! I need help-
Steve- we know *Steve smiles and Bucky fake laughs*
Bucky- ha ha ha! Look I really messed up. *Bucky explains what happened*
Nat- oh Bucky
Bucky- I didn't mean to hurt her! I never wanted her to have those thoughts, ever!! I love the way she looks, regardless. How do I- what do I- help, please?!
Nat- all you can do is remind her of how you feel about her and to show her. If you say you love her regardless of how she looks then put that to words.
Bucky- I've tried! Is our relationship never going to be the same because of that one moment?!?
Steve- we'll to be fair if you told her the truth then it never would have happened. *Bucky covers his face and sighs* but you haven't ruined everything, y'all will get back to normal.
Bucky- Will we?!?
Nat- yes, it's just gonna take some time. Remember she is also still early in her postpartum journey, she's still hormonal.
*Bucky nods and thanks Nat and Steve. He gets the kids their snacks and then they head back upstairs. He sees you nursing Jonnie, the other two already fed.*
Bucky- hey Grant? Can you and Winnie go play in the play room??
Grant- Yup!! Come on innie!!
*They giggle and rub into the play room. Bucky sits next to you and takes your hand. You take your eyes off Jonnie and look at Bucky, he sees tears in your eyes.*
Bucky- oh y/n, please please believe me when I say you are the most beautiful women in the world to me. You have been the best Wife these past 4 almost 5 years. You've made me a father 5 times over. You are the best partner and I know I never have to worry when you have my back. I love you so so much and I am absolutely crazy about the way you look baby. Please trust me, the only reason I pulled away that day was because of the groin injury and nothing more.
*You look at him and rub the side of his face. He kisses your hand and you nod.*
Y/N- I love you Bucky and I know everything you said to be true, it's just all these hormones. It's like my head is filled with fog and I can see through it.
*Bucky pulls you close and you lay in his arms as you nurse Jonnie.*
Bucky- does it feel like it did with Winnie??
Y/N- No. nowhere near that bad.
*Bucky kisses your head. He feels bad about all this, he feels like you should know about the vasectomy but he already knows it didn't work. He went back and had the doctor run a test and his body did in fact heal itself and he isn't shooting blanks anymore. He doesn't want to bother you with it when it doesn't matter anymore.*
Bucky- good, I'm glad.

‼️Sorry it's kinda sad!! 🥺 but don't worry, all will be well! Nothing gonna keep y/n and Bucky down! 🥰😉❤️ Also remember Winnie only told them about the 6th baby, she didn't tell them about the vasectomy, so y/n won't find out for awhile. There will be a time jump soon!!‼️

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