Merry Christmas, Bucky

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*The kids play all day and you catch up with Steve and Nat* Y/N- so when we donated the toys the director of the orphanage said they have a lot of kids coming in soon

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*The kids play all day and you catch up with Steve and Nat*
Y/N- so when we donated the toys the director of the orphanage said they have a lot of kids coming in soon. All from Hydra facilities that were busted recently had kids, some have been reunited with their families. Some don't have them anymore. A lot of them needing homes.
*Steve and Nat look at each other and smile.*
Steve- well thanks for telling us.
Nat- we may look into that. *She smiles and then looks down at Samuel.*
Bucky- the ones there are already placed. But a new group will be coming in soon. Also we really need to ask about these Hydra missions and why we weren't involved
*Steve nods*
Steve- yeah, we've been out of the game for a bit. We need to get back in.
Bucky- hell yeah we do *You look at Bucky*
Well not that I'm looking for a fight- I just-
*You kiss him*
Y/N- I know baby
Nat- so Bucky? You gonna go for that doctorate? Give y/n another name to call you? *She winks and Steve laughs. Bucky looks smug and you just blush*
Bucky- yeah, I'm thinking about it! *He holds you close.*

*The kids come running in*
Odette- I'm tired
Elizabeth- can I read by the fire?
Jonnie- can I cuddle with you?
Winnie- my nose is frozen!
Grant- Sarah was cold so I came in with her.
*You all laugh and you pull Jonnie close*
Y/N- I want you all to head upstairs and get in your Christmas pjs. Then go snuggle in your beds. We are going to use your clocks for you rest time. Okay?
*They all agree and run upstairs*
Steve- what's a Christmas clock?
*Bucky explains the clocks and Steve looks amazed. He looks at Nat*
Steve- we have to get one, maybe that will keep James in bed.
Nat- nothings gonna keep him in bed.
Y/N- what does he join y'all every morning? That's what ours does.
Steve- No he sits on the couch and watches Bluey at full volume till everyone else is awake.
Bucky- so take easy the remotes-
Nat- we have! He finds them or he just presses the buttons until it turns on. Then everyone wakes up and it just- *She rubs her face* it's a lot!
Steve- but green is his favorite color so he may just sit there and watch till it turns green because he loves it.
*You laugh and send Nat the Amazon link. You head upstairs and check on the kids. They are all snuggled up and passed out, even Grant.*
Bucky- are they asleep?!
*You smile and nod. Bucky pulls you close and sits on the couch with you in his arms.*
Bucky- Mmhm whatever shall we do?!
Y/N- I have an idea *You smile*

Bucky- this is not what I had in mind. Like at all..
*You laugh and kiss his cheek as he looks down at a huge pile of laundry.*
Y/N- I know, but we are way behind in laundry. Like way behind... I'm not even wearing underwear right now.
*Bucky smirks and jumps over the huge pile*
Bucky- now that's the dirty talk I was waiting for! *He kisses you and you laugh*
Y/N- Bucky come on, help me put a load in the washer and then you can put a load in me *You wink and bite your lip. Bucky just sighs and starts to pick up clothes, then he realizes what you said. He drops the clothes and looks at you. He smirks*
Bucky- you mean to tell me you're gonna let me cum today? *He walks towards you and pulls you into his arms* I thought I "wasn't cumming till the new year" *You giggle as he squeezes your ass.*
Y/N- well if you don't get a load in the washer then that statement will be true. *You kiss him and spank him*
*Bucky throws the clothes in the wash, starts them, and then scoops you up as he runs to the bedroom*
Y/N- Bucky! Buck- *He kisses you* buc- *He kisses you again* Bucky baby- hold on!
*He groans and sits back*
Bucky- what? *You smirk and Bucky looks like he's about to burst, from tears or from pent up sex drive, you have no idea. You try not to laugh*
Y/N- lay down on your back. *He flips over so fast. You laugh as you flip over on him, you rub his chest and start to circle your hips. He moans and grabs your hips. He speeds you up and whimpers as he gets closer and closer. You move down and pull him out of his pants. You stroke him and tease his tip with your tongue. He moans and you take him in your mouth. You blow him for a bit before you pull off with a pop. He moans and you stroke him, you move up and kiss him as you bring him closer and closer to the edge. Right as he's about to cum there is a knock on the door. He screams and "carefully" tosses you off of him. He puts himself back in his pants, He walks to the door and swings it open, no one is there. He hears another knock and he walks to the main door, he swings it open and he is ready to let whoever is there just have it. He sees it's Sarah. He sighs and smiles*
Bucky- hey kids, what can I do for you?
Sarah- I was wondering where Grant was, I just wanted to play.
*Bucky looks back at Grants room and he sees Grant's little face poking out. He sighs.*
Bucky- give him five minutes and then you can come in and play.

*Bucky walks back into the room and you are laying where he tossed you.*
Y/N- who was that?
Bucky- Sarah, she wanted to play with Grant.
Y/N- awe! So cute!
Bucky- yeah, Grant is cleaning his room and then she will be over.
Y/N- she's coming over here? We were-
Bucky- oh I know we were! *Bucky is frustrated* but I can't seem to catch a break lately. All I want to do is celebrate Christmas, naked, with my wife and yet I can't. There is always a kid needing cuddles or some crisis. We haven't been able to really connect in awhile and I'm talking like conceiving Ben, been awhile. Maybe even the triplets! *You reach for him* no *He moves from your grasp* excuse me. *He leaves the suite. You sigh and get up. You get the kids up and tell them to go play downstairs. You go to find Bucky*

Nat- hey! Did I see Bucky running off a moment ago?
Y/N- yeah, he's been a little on edge lately. *You look around and whisper* we've been trying to have sex the past few days and it's just not working out.
*Nat looks shocked*
Nat- wait, like he actually- he can't get it- did you see the warning signs? Does he use pills?
Y/N- what?! No- No! *You laugh* he has no problem with that! Like at all! We just keep getting interrupted. He has basically been "on edge" for the last few days.
Nat- oh we've been there! Do y'all need any help- well not- *You both laugh* I mean do you want us to watch the kids or something? We don't mind watching them for a bit, that way you two can get back on the same page.
Y/N- I'll think about it and I'll let you know. Thanks Nat! *She nods* now I need to go find Bucky.
Nat- I think he was headed to the garage with a trash can and a bunch of glass bottles. *You sigh and nod*
Y/N- shit... this is bad then.
Nat- seriously let me know!
Y/N- I will, I just. I don't want you to think he's like pouting cause he's not having sex. It's just- sure we've had sex but we haven't been intimate like we use to in a long time. The last slow fuck day we had lasted 1 hour before we had to get back to life.
Nat- y/n I get it! You and Bucky have a soul connection that very few people experience. You need to nourish that.
*You nod and hug Nat*
Y/N- I will take you up on that offer, maybe for a weekend?
Nat- you got it! Just tell me when!
Y/N- Will do!

*You go back to the suite and immediately make some calls, surprisingly they were open on Christmas and you were able to make a reservation for the coming weekend.*
Y/N- okay, now to find Daddy. *You talk to Ben as you walk outside. You find Bucky in the garage.*
Bucky- I just wanna cum *He breaks a bottle* is that too much to ask *He breaks another* fuck!
*You walk up to him and he turns around and sees you.*
Bucky- hey, sorry. I just- I'm not mad at you or pouting- I just- there's no excuse.
Y/N- hey shhhh it's okay. I understand, you miss me. *You smile and pull him close* I miss you too,  Bucky.
*He kisses you*
Y/N- so what would you say if I told you I booked us a vacation.
*Bucky gently smiles*
Bucky- I'd say.... when do we leave?
*You smirk*
Y/N- Friday morning.
Bucky- where are we going?
Y/N- Whoville *You smile and kiss him. He laughs and holds you tight*
Bucky- same cabin?
Y/N- same cabin *He kisses you* Merry Christmas, Bucky

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