Stop Being A Bitch

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*All week Bucky takes every opportunity he can to shower you with love and affection

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*All week Bucky takes every opportunity he can to shower you with love and affection. Some days you believed him, some days you don't.*
Bucky- good *Kiss* morning *Kiss*
*You chuckles and roll over in Bucky's arms.*
Y/N- mmhmm it is now *You snuggle into his chest and just relax and take a deep breath. He smells so good.* did you take a shower before you wake me up?? You smell too good to have just woken up. *Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- yeah, I woke up and got my workout in early this morning.
Y/N- all by yourself?? Usually you work out with Steve.
Bucky- yeah, he's been sleeping in lately. Kate was in there with Yelena, then Yelena left about halfway through. *You look up at him*
Y/N- so it was just you and Kate working out together??
Bucky- I mean we weren't doing a couples workout. She was on one side and I was on the other. She waved bye when she left. *You hum in response and Bucky kisses you again.*
Bucky- you have your appointment today, right?? *He smirks and you shift around, you sit up*
Y/N- yeah, I actually need to get a shower and get ready. *Bucky sits up and kisses your shoulder.*
Bucky- I can hop back in, help you out a little.
Y/N- I'm fine. *You say flatly and you climb out of bed. Bucky watches you walk away and close the bathroom door. He hears it lock. He sighs and rubs his face.*

*You get ready to leave for your appointment and Kate comes walking in.*
Kate- oh hi y/n!
Y/N- Umm hi Kate. *You look around* normally one would knock before walking into someone's house.
*Kate gets flustered*
Kate- I Umm- oh I- Bucky said-
Y/N- Bucky?!!? *You yell and he comes running in the room* did you send her in here??
Bucky- yeah-
Y/N- why?!
Bucky- she's going to watch the kids while we go to your appointment.
Y/N- I didn't realized you cared to go. *You grab your bag and moves past Kate. Bucky watches you walk to the door.* the girls should sleep till I get back. If they wake up just entertain them. If you need anything, call me.
Kate- okay! Yeah I'm sure it will be fine but if not I'll call y'all, I have Bucky's number-
Y/N- call me Kate, not Bucky. I'm their mother and I know what they need. Where's Peter?! He was suppose to do this today.
Kate- I asked to do it. I wanted to hang out with the babies. They are just so cute. *You leave the room*
Y/N- Peter!!!! *He comes walking up the stairs* please stay with the kids.
Peter- Umm yeah, sure thing! I thought Kate-
Y/N- I would like you to stay with them Peter.
*He agrees and enters the room. Grant comes running to him and they start playing hide and go seek. Grant runs into your room and Bucky stops Peter before he can get Grant.*
Bucky- what- did y/n? Okay just stay here.

*Bucky walks out of the room and finds you getting bottles ready*
Bucky- what are you doing?! I thought you liked Kate, why are you treating her like-
Y/N- I'm not treating her differently. I just don't want her with my babies, she's never stayed alone with them.
Bucky- well you've got to give her a chance. Come on y/n. Peter is going off to college soon. We need another person trained with the kids. *You roll your eyes and agree as Bucky kisses your head. You call for Peter and he walks downstairs.*
Y/N- thank you for being willing Peter but I guess we will let Kate stay by herself today. *Peter nods and heads back to his room*
Bucky- oh I left my wallet upstairs, let me go grab it.
Y/N- okay I'll be at the car.

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