One Metal, One Real, All Bucky

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*You find Shuri as Bucky catches up to you

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*You find Shuri as Bucky catches up to you.*
Bucky- you know, I was just joking about all that Daddy stuff *He stands in front of you and gives you a nervous laugh. You smile and pat his face and then take his jaw in your hand, you kiss him.*
Y/N- I know, but I wasn't. *You wink and Bucky almost whines, right there, only a few feet away from Shuri and her team. You laugh and kiss him again.* you know you love it baby, this is all just an act so I'll spank you harder *You whisper in his ear and you feel his smile spread.*
Bucky- Damn, you know me too well.
*You move past him and he follows you. He sits down and pulls you to sit in his lap, you give him that control at least.*
Shuri- so someone want to explain what happened?
Bucky- so basically Winter went AWOL but he is in check now. He understands what's happening and he is going to work with us.
*Shuri looks at you both and then nods to her team. They bring out his new arm.*
Shuri- we've been working on this. *It looks just like his old one.* it has everything you wanted. *He moves to another chair and he pulls off his shirt. He throws it at you and you catch it and throw it over your shoulder. He laughs. They attach the arm, Bucky starts to test its, he moves his fingers and his wrist. He moves it in a circle and gets use to it again.*
Shuri- how does it feel?
Bucky- good, it's feels good. *He gently smiles*
Shuri- it has all the new tricks you wanted. It is still detachable and it's more durable than the last, which means if it end up in a tv again it should still work. *You and Bucky laugh, he extended his metal hand and shakes hers.*
Bucky- thank you *She nods*
Shuri- feel free to take it for the night but tomorrow when we start the the reprogramming again we will remove it.
*Bucky's face kinda falls but he nods knowingly.*
Bucky- I understand, okay.
*You give him his shirt back and he slips it on. You are distracted by the kids running in and asking you a million questions. So you don't see Shuri slip Bucky a little black bag, big enough to hold a necklace.*

*You and Bucky show the kids his new arm, they love it. You get them dinner and then get them in bed. Bucky is laying down, ready for his punishment when he sees you walk in, your walking slow and holding your back. He can tell your shaving some pains again. He gently smiles and stand up, he walks over to you and kisses you as he takes your hands in his. He leads you to the bathroom and turns on the tub, he turns around and you start to protest. You've teased him for days, you had every intention on following through tonight. He shakes his head and kisses you.*
Bucky- let's just rest baby. We've had some draining days, I just want to lay in this tub with you and hold you, with BOTH my arms. *He smiles and you nod. You run your hand down his arm and he smiles, he kisses you again.*
Bucky- for some long I hated this arm. It wasn't a part of me, it was just a horrible reminder. But not being able to hold you the past few days- it's been torture. When she gave it to me all I could think about was doing this- *He takes your face in both his hands and kisses you. One trails down your neck and gently rests there as the other moves to your ass and pulls you close.*
Y/N- oh Bucky *You tear up a little* I love you, I've missed your arms too. You are amazing, fully capable, and whole even without your arm *he kisses your head* but I am glad to have all of you back. *You smile*

*Bucky slowly undresses you and helps you in the tub. He grabs some towels and lays them beside the tub. He slips the little black bag in between them for later. He climbs in behind you and you lay in his arms. He rubs your body and massages away your pains. You hum and just relax into his touch. After a while you remember you hid something away in your bag for Bucky.*
Y/N- can you get me that little baggie? *He points to the one in your makeup bag* yeah that one. *he brings it to you, you dry off your hands and take the velvet bag. He climbs back in the tub with you. You open the bag and dump out what's inside. You drop the bag on the ground and turn around in his arms. You smile as you bring his metal hand up out of the water, you kiss his fingers and then he sees what's in your hand. He gently smiles and watches as you slide his wedding ring onto his ring finger.*
Y/N- I took it off the old one and made sure to bring it. I wanted to give it back once you got your new one. *You smile up at him and he gently kisses you.*
Bucky- thank you baby, this is so sweet. I thought it was lost in all the glass and stuff. *You can tell this actually means a lot to him* But when shuri takes this back tomorrow I want you to put it on the chain of your locket.
Y/N- what locket?
Bucky- oh right! *He shakes his head* silly me! *He pulls something out from under a towel next to the tub.* so this is going to sound super weird at first but I had Shuri make a locket out of the ring finger from the old arm. *You smile and laugh*
Y/N- like you just broke off the finger?!
Bucky- ha! Yeah kinda! I went to look for my wedding ring after you hid it away in the closet and it wasn't on the hand-
Y/N- yeah I had already taken it for this sweet moment *You motions between you two. He laughs and rubs your back*
Bucky- and thank you for that! But I thought it was lost so I took the ring finger as a "this is where the ring sat, sorry I lost it." Kinda gift.
*You shake your head and look down at the locket. It is a simple heart with your wedding date inscribed on the back. It opens and has your wedding picture on one side and then a picture of the kids on the other.*
Bucky- when Ben is born we will have to update that. *You smile and nod*
Y/N- thank you Bucky, I love it. *You kiss him* when did you do this??
Bucky- I gave it to her when we got here. You were doing something with the kids. She gave it back after she gave me the arm. *You nod and turn around for him to put it on. He flips it and you lay back in his arms. You take his hand and look at the ring, it's got it's normal scratches and wear and tear from the last few years. You look at your locket and you can see the nicks and scratches as well. It's just a ring and a locket but it means so much more than that, it's like a symbol of you and Bucky, scratched and tarnished yet still beautiful, worthy and valuable.*
Y/N- I love you, Bucky and I love my gift.
*You kiss his hand and he smiles*
Bucky- I love you too, y/n. And thank you for mine.
*He rubs your belly and you just drift off to sleep. At some point he got you out and in bed. You wake up in his arms, one metal, one real, all James Bucky Barnes.*

‼️I promise I will not rob y'all tomorrow!‼️

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