Baby- Moon pt6

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*Winter holds you close and stares down at you

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*Winter holds you close and stares down at you. He gently smiles and kisses you.*
Winter- how are you? Have you been good?
*You nod*
Y/N- yeah, everything's going exactly as it should. Just ready for this little one to hurry up and get here. *Winter leans down and kisses your belly.*
Winter- how much longer?
Y/N- four months. But I'm sure it will be here before we know it.
*Winter nods. He looks up at you*
Winter- Odette and I were wondering- when he's born- could we- would you and Bucky let us meet him? Like just a little bit after? We've never gotten to experience that-
*You kiss him*
Y/N- I'll talk to Bucky but I don't see why we couldn't.
*He smiles and rolls over, he boxes you in and he kisses you*
Winter- really?!
Y/N- yes, Winter *He kisses you and you rub his back, you bring your hands lower and lower, you okay with the waistband of his pants.* now on to more important things, why did you put your pants back on? *You smirk and he laughs. He bites his lip and stands up. He pulls them down and off. You lick your lips and sit up. You beckon him over with your finger. He laughs and walks to stand in front of you, your slide your hands around his waist and kiss his stomach. You then lean down and take him in your mouth.*
Winter- Mmhmm fffuck- wa-wait! You just got sick doing this- Mmhmm *You keep moving him in and out of your mouth.* Mmhmm I don't- I hate that you- mmhmmm *He pulls back and tilts your chin up. Your eyes are a little red and have tears brimming them. You have a little drool and precum drilling down your chin as you wipe it off. You smile* you just got sick from this!
Y/N- I know but that's because Odette swallowed. You won't be cumming in my mouth Sergeant. *You wink and take him back in, deep throating him. He moans and throws his hand back as you squeeze his thighs.* you taste so good!
*Winter moans and plays with your hair.*
Winter- oh good girl! Mmhmm that's it princess, just like that. *His praises are making you wet and needy. You feel him twitch in your mouth and you pull off with a pop, he cums all over your breast. You smile and look down at the mess.*
Y/N- Mmhmm thank you Sergeant, now how about you clean me up? *You smirk and Winter licks his lips. He kneels down and starts to suck your breast. He licks them clean and plays with your nipples, pulling them between his teeth and swirling his tongue around them.* Mmhmm fuck Sergeant! You're gonna make me cum!
*He smirks and keeps at it. He keeps switching between the two, you are so on edge you could scream. You finally cum and it feels so good but still not enough.*
Winter- lay back *He throws a pillow behind you for your head. You lay down, Winter stays on his knees. He spreads your legs and rubs a metal finger through your folds. He moans* Mmhmm fuck Princess, so wet for me.
Y/N- yes Sergeant! *You play with your breast as he teases you with his fingers.*
Winter- Mmhmm I need a taste *He dives in and devours you. Eating you out with his dream of a mouth. You moan and try to move your hips with him but he holds you in place.*
Winter- princess, stay still and let me enjoy this. *You whimper*
Y/N- yes sir
*He smirks and dives back in. This time he reaches up and plays with your breast. Every inch of your body is on fire, just needing that sweet release. Something comes over you and you start to get desperate, like grind against anything desperate. Winter can tell, he smirks and slows down his pace. He licks you from ass to clit and then pulls back. He waits a moment and then does it again. You scream at your loss of orgasm and just beg.*
Y/N- please Sergeant?!?! Please!?!
Winter- No
*He goes back to sucking on your breast as he rubs his dick through your folds, his tip brushing your clit.*
Y/N- oh I'm gonna cum!! I can't stop it! Mmhmm fuck!!
*Winter pulls back and ruins your orgasm. You scream and move your hands down to rub your clit when he pulls them above your head and holds them in place*
Winter- bad girl *He smirks* you came without permission and then you tried to touch yourself. Now I have to punish you *You whimper and grind up against him, the friction gives you what you need. He doesn't say anything or pull away so you do it again and again, chasing the high he robbed you of.* dirty girl, using sergeant like a toy, huh?!
Y/N- yes!!! *You flip him over on the bed and straddle his face. You grind down on him and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you down harder. He starts to tongue fuck you as you ride his face.* Yesyesyesyes!!! Don't stop!! Mmhmm yes!!!! *He slaps your ass and pulls out all the stops.* yesyesyes!!! *You ride him till you see stars, which didn't take long once he rubbed a finger through your wet folds and used it to start finger fucking your ass. You cum, squirting everywhere.*
Winter- Mmhmm fuck! That's it princess, so good.
*He helps you off and picks you up.* let's get you to the shower, huh?
*You give a lazy smile and nod.*

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