Cockblock Of The Century

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*You get back home and hug your little ones

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*You get back home and hug your little ones. You feed them and changed them, then put them down for nap. You go with Bucky to pick up Grant and Winnie while Nat listens out for the girls while they nap.*
Y/N- hey Little Wolf!! Mommy missed you!!
*Grant runs out and hugs you*
Grant- I paaaint!!
Y/N- you painted?!? Oh look at this!
Grant- sissy's!!!
Y/N- you painted your sissy's?! So so cute and sweet Grant! *He smiles at you*
Winnie- Dada dada dada!!! *Winnie comes running out and jumps into Bucky's arms.*
Bucky- hey Winnie boo!! Oh how was school?!
Winnie- yay!!
Bucky- it's was fun? *She smiles and claps. She sees you and she starts to cry and reach for you. It was like she didn't see you and now that she does she's just overwhelmed and wants you.*
Winnie- mama mama mama!!! *Your heart breaks a little, you move closer and hug her while she's in Bucky's arms. You kiss her head and she snuggles into your shoulder.*
Y/N- hey Winnie boo, it's okay! I'm here! Mama loves you sweet girl. *She let's out a big shakey breath, like the ones Grant use to do. You rub her back and kiss her head.*
Bucky- you wanna go home and eat a snack? Huh? *Winnie nods and pops her thumb in her mouth, you pull it out and put her Paci in, she snuggles in Bucky's arms and she falls asleep as you all walk to the car.*
Bucky- I don't want to wake her. *He hugs her tight.*
Y/N- I know but we need to get home.
*Bucky puts her in her seat and she cries the whole way home. Grant just holds her hand and talks to her.*
Grant- it otay Innie!!
*You look at Bucky and hold your heart. He chuckles and watches them in the mirror.*

*Yall get home, get them down just in time for you to feed the girls and then put them back down. When you're finally done and everyone is asleep you collapse to the couch. Bucky pulls you into his arms.*
Y/N- I hate that I can't rock her to sleep, she's gonna be two soon and I'm not ready for that. She's still my little baby!
Bucky- I know, it's going by too fast. *You groan*
Y/N- we need to start potty training Grant..
Bucky- do we?!
*You laugh and hit his stomach.*
Y/N- yes, he can already tell us when he goes and that he needs to, we need to actually start taking him to the potty.
Bucky- okay, well let's wait till tomorrow.
Y/N- I wasn't meaning now *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- good, cause I had some other things in mind for Nap time. *He smirks and raises his eyebrows. You chuckle and he leans in, he kisses you and it feels so good. Soft and gentle, he moves his hand along your waist and up your side to your face. He pulls back and looks at you.*
Bucky- hi
*You smile*
Y/N- hi *He kisses your forehead*
Bucky- how are you feeling??
Y/N- good, I think the serum is definitely speeding up the healing process. My stitches have already fallen out on their own and the scar is healing really well. *Bucky smiles and nods*
Bucky- does your back still hurt?
Y/N- a little, I think a part of that is because of my massive breast!
*Bucky laughs and leans down, he kisses both of them through your shirt and then kisses your lips.*
Bucky- well they look and feel amazing! *He smirks and you hit his shoulder, he kisses your cheek.* I love you y/n, thank your for all you've done to help make our family possible.
Y/N- I love you too Bucky. Thank you for loving me and for being an amazing father for our children. *Bucky kisses you and then sits up*
Bucky- alright, I'm gonna go work for a bit. You get some rest, mama needs a nap too.
Y/N- that she does! *You smirk and curl up on the couch*

*Bucky walks out and finds Steve, Tony, and Bruce.*
Bucky- so what have y'all found out??
Tony- Everything points to that a vasectomy would work.
Steve- but the serum-
Bruce- but they'd be cutting away a part of him, that's like saying his arm should have grown back after it got cut off all because he had the serum.
Steve- No because an arm is differ then a little vein, tube, thing in your body.
Bucky- look their reversible, right?! So I'll just go get one and if it did work then I'll go get it reversed when she wants more kids.
Tony- I don't know if she'll want anymore after this.
Bucky- well we know we have another so... anyway. If she asks I've gone on a run, I'll be back in like two hours. Steve can you and Nat help with the triplets while I'm gone?
Steve- sure but don't you want to tell her??
Bucky- Nope, not now at least. Bye!
*They all share a look and shake their heads.*

*The triplets wake up and Steve comes in to help. Peter comes in to get Grant and Winnie*
Y/N- Where's Bucky??
Steve- he's on a run, he should be back soon.
*Steve smiles and helps you get the triplets changed. Bucky comes walking in about 30 minutes later, he looks like he just got off a horse.*
Y/N- ummm how's it going there cowboy??
Bucky- ha! Yeah, I didn't stretch enough before my run and well I pulled a groin muscle.
Y/N- oh I'm sorry baby. You okay?
Bucky- yeah, just need to rest. Like 2 days max.
Y/N- well let me know if you need any help *You whisper in his ear* I can give you a nice massage if you want. *You kiss his cheek and then walk away. Steve looks at Bucky and ties to not laugh*
Steve- I'm guessing you're not suppose to be getting ere-
Bucky- Nope! *His voice is squeaky*
Steve- whoops! Ha! Good luck explaining that one
*Bucky nods and takes a deep breath. Steve pats him on the back as he leaves the room.*
Bucky- okay, Bucky, you've got this! *Grant runs up and starts to "fight" him and nails him right in the balls. He drops and looks at you*
Bucky- move him away because right now all I want to do is shove him, Hard! *You try not to laugh and you move Grant back to the couch*
Y/N- let's watch a show, Daddy may fight and wrestle later.
*Bucky yells back as he disappears into the bedroom*
Bucky- Nope, no he won't! Not today or tomorrow!
*He grabs a pillow and screams into it. You just sit with Grant and Winnie and turn on their show. Later that night, once the kids are all in bed, you see Bucky laying on the couch, he looks sad and in pain, he is also asleep. You decide to try and make him feel better, you put on his old tee-shirt and throw on some knee high stockings. You put your hair down and walk over to him, you crawl up his body and kiss his hips. He wakes up and literally jumps away from you, all the post birth hormones start rushing through and you started believing and saying things you didn't even believe.*
Y/N- what?!? Do you not want me?? Is it because I'm not my same size?!? I will be again, I just-
Bucky- No!!! No baby, you look amazing and I- Mmhmm fuck!
Y/N- well what is it?! I was trying to be nice and you jumped away! You didn't even want me touching you! Am I not good enough?! You don't want my lips on you! You didn't have a issue earlier, is it because you can see more of my skin?!
Bucky- No!! No baby, y/n I promise you the way your body looks has nothing to do with it.
Y/N- well then what is it?!? What I'm wearing-
Bucky- No- I- Umm- y/n look *this is gonna hurt but he needs to reassure you and the only way to do that was to get close, and that means really close. He take you in his arms and runs his hands along your body and cups your ass with them, pulling you closer, his dick pressed against your waist you stare up at him.* you look amazing, like really really amazing and I want to do this *You go to kiss him and he stops you, you start to tear up* but you are only 3 weeks post childbirth and I don't know if We'd be able to stop once we got started and I'm not putting you through that pain. If you're not getting laid then neither am I! I can't let you do all that if I can't reciprocate!
Y/N- But I want to! *You move your hands down and he grabs them and kisses them*
Bucky- I know baby, but I want to wait. I'm not even touching myself during this time. *That was a lie, he definitely was but now he will actually have to follow through with his words.* we are going to come back together for the first time once you're cleared. Okay! *You start to cry at how sweet Bucky is. You pull him close and hug him*
Y/N- Bucky Barnes, you're too good!!
*Bucky holds you tight and suffers through the pain of the growing erection he is having.
You relax in his arms and Bucky gently smiles. He'd suffer through the pain if it meant you could lay in his arms.*
Bucky- I'm sorry I reacted that way, I am also still sore from pulling that muscle and it kinda hurts when I get hard.
Y/N- oh Bucky! I'm so sorry! This is way we have to be honest!! I'm changing and I'll go lay down in bed. Ill see you in a bit. I love you. *you kiss him and hips up, heading to the room. Bucky sighs and rubs his face.*
Bucky- good going buck! *He says to himself*

Bucky- it's not funny Steve!
*Steve laughs so hard he has to drop the weights he was holding*
Steve- yeah it is! You cockblocked yourself 3 times!! Getting the procedure done, vowing to be celibate, and then by telling her it hurt to get aroused. Sucks to be you! *Bucky shoves him and walks away. Steve lays on the ground laugh*
Steve- biggest cockblock of the century!! *Bucky rolls his eyes, shakes his head and smiles. He yells back*
Bucky- fuck you rogers!
Steve- according to yourself, you can't! *Steve laughs and Bucky comes running back in, the end up wrestling and end splayed out on the ground laugh, both men having bested and kicked the others ass.*

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