First Day Of School pt2

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‼️Sorry is the formatting is off, I tried so hard to fix it! Lol 😂 ‼️

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‼️Sorry is the formatting is off, I tried so hard to fix it! Lol 😂 ‼️

*You get back home right as the monitors start to go off.*
Peter- oh good! They just woke up.
Y/N- thank you Peter! *You give him a hug and then head upstairs. Bucky gets the cinnamon rolls in the oven and heads up as well. You are getting Winnie up first since the triplets are still semi asleep.*
Y/N- hey Winnie boo, you wanna get ready for school?!
Winnie- I'm tired mommy.
Y/N- I know baby, but I think daddy's making cinnamon rolls for your first day, he knows those are your favorite!
*Winnie smiles and sits up, she takes her Piglet doll with her as she gets up and sits on the couch. She knows she needs to wait on you and Bucky to get the triplets before she can go downstairs. You walk in and Odette is smiling as she stands up in her crib. Jonnie is sitting up sucking her thumb and Elizabeth is just now moving around and waking up*
Y/N- hello my sweet girls! *You give each of them a kiss and the help Elizabeth wake up. Bucky walks in with Winnie and he gets Odette and Jonnie out of their cribs. You grab Elizabeth and they all toddle out of the room to the stairs. Bucky walks down in front of them, making sure no one falls, once they are down you head back up to grab Sarah.*
Y/N- knock knock, anyone awake? *You walk in and see Steve passed out on the couch with James on his chest. Nat walks out of their bedroom and waves.*
Nat-  эй, Сара все еще спит (hey, Sarah is still asleep) *You smile and answer back in English. Knowing her brain defaults when she's sleepy*
Y/N- you want me to get her?
Nat- No я схвачу ее (I'll grab her) *She yawns* *You wait as Nat wakes Sarah up*
Nat-  Sarah, моя маленькая принцесса (My little Princess). *Nat shakes her head trying to wake up, Sarah knows Russian but not enough to have a full conversation so she needed to switch her brain*  It's time to wake up for school. Aunt y/n is going to get you breakfast and get you ready while mommy, daddy, and James get ready... okay?
Sarah-   хорошо мамочка (Okay mommy) *Nat smiles. Her little girl sleepy speaking Russian, just like her. She kisses her head as she sits up. Nat gathers her clothes and the stuff for her hair. She gives it to you and you take Sarah's hand. You drop the clothes and stuff in your room and head downstairs with Sarah.*
Y/N- are you excited to go back to school today? Sarah- да, я люблю играть с Винни (Yes, I like to play with Winnie) *You laugh and smile. She is just like Nat and just speaks Russian when she's tried. You decide to speak Russian back, see how much she knows*
Y/N- что вас больше всего волнует (What are you most excited for)
Sarah-искусство и музыка. я тоже люблю отдыхать на улице (Art and music. I like to play outside as well.) *You nod.*
Y/N-Винни тоже любит эти вещи  (Winnie loves those thing too) *Sarah looks up and smiles at you, realizing you were speaking like her mommy.*
Sarah- ты говоришь как мама (You sound like mommy)
Y/N- do I?!? *You pretend to be shocked and you tickle her, she giggles and you set her down at the bottom to the stairs. She runs over and climbs in the chair next to Winnie, they giggle and talk about silly things. Bucky walks over and kisses you, you walk to the kitchen island and face the girls as they eat. Bucky stands behind you, he kisses your neck and whispers in your ear.*

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