A Family Affair

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*You hold Winnie as Bucky walks with Grant. He talks to Grant as they walk to find Peter, Grant answers as best he can*
Bucky- did you sleep well??
Grant- Ya!
Bucky- did you have fun with Daddy this past week??
Grant- ya!
Bucky- we you being difficult on purpose?? *Bucky teases and Grant just giggles* oh okay, okay. *Bucky picks him up and holds him, he wraps his arm around you and Winnie whines. You laugh and Bucky plants a kiss on your cheek. Steve and Nat walk in front of you*
Steve- hey calm down back there, getting too rowdy!
*You kick Steve's butt and Nat laughs*
Tony- alright y'all get in here and look at out future!

*You all sit down and you give Winnie her teething toy and Grant a book. They sit quietly while you watch Tony's presentation*
Bucky- see this *He motions to the kids playing quietly* would not have happened a couple days ago.
*You laugh and kiss him*
Tony- okay, here is your little family suit.
*The door from the hallway leads into a living room. The first room off of the living room, to the right is yours and Bucky's. It is bigger than the one you have now and has a little window nook. The closet is a huge walk in and it connects to the bathroom. The bathroom is your dream bathroom, a huge walk-in shower that is the length of the room. The two person tub is inside the shower and there are 2 shower heads and a rain shower in the middle. The window on the side wall is floor to ceiling and there is a two person sink with a huge mirror.*
Y/N- wow!! Tony that's amazing!!
Bucky- Umm one question, that window... can we make that one way??
Tony- oh yeah! Because the last thing I want is to see your ass when I'm in my backyard.
Bucky- same!
*Peter makes a note on the design*
Tony- okay, now onto the other rooms. I figured you didn't need a room for each kid so I thought maybe 3 rooms would work. One for your boys and then 2 for your girls. The girls will share a bathroom and a hug walk-in closet and then the boys have their own bathroom and closet, their bathroom will be your "guest" bathroom.
Bucky- it looks great Tony, thank you for putting in the work.
Y/N- yeah, thank you so much Tony!!
Tony- okay, onto Nat and Steve's little suit! It's right next door to Bucky and y/n's. *You and Nat high-five and the guys laugh* I can install a door that connects if you want, although that only intensifies my suspicions on you four. *You and Nat roll your eyes*
Steve- we can live without the door.
Bucky- yeah if we need them we will just walk the two feet outside our door to theirs.
*Tony looks at them and shrugs*
Tony- okay, anyway. Steve and Nat your room is the first one on the left off of your living room. You guys have two rooms for your kids, one for Sarah and then one for your boys, each have a closet and bathroom. Your room and bathroom are very similar to Bucky and y/n's, just flipped around.
*Nat and Steve nod*
Steve- so like it is now! *Nat and Steve laugh*
Peter- and each living room will have storage in the floor for toys and stuff.
*You nod and look at Grant who is still "reading" his book. You see Winnie chewing on her toy. You smile and kiss her head*
Y/N- thank you Tony, thank you Peter. You two have helped plan and have provided a home for my family and I couldn't be more grateful. *Bucky nods and agrees*
Bucky- truly, it means the world that you allow us to stay here. You could have made us move out instead of going through this renovation but you didn't, thank you.
Tony- well Barnes, we're family. *Bucky nods*

*You are sitting at the conference room table as the kids are napping, Bucky walks in behind you and rests his chin on your head*
Bucky- what are you looking at??
Y/N- those houses you found for us at Christmas. They are still on the market and the real store was messaging me about going forward with them *You look up at him*
Bucky- and?? *Bucky smiles*
*You look up at him and kiss him as you close the laptop*
Y/N- and I love where we live and we don't need a getaway house. *Bucky smiles and kisses you* I wouldn't be opposed to like a boat though! *Bucky laughs and pulls you out of the chair*
Bucky- oh really?? *He teases*
Y/N- yeah, like a giant yacht! So when we wanna get away we just go to the boat and head out, coke back when we feel like it! *Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- I'll talk to Tony's yacht guy, how does that sound?? *You laugh*
Y/N- perfect! *You look at Bucky* hey are you okay with this switch?? That was your big Christmas gift to me and I don't want you to feel like I'm just crapping on it-
*Bucky laughs and shakes his head*
Bucky- No baby, that was just an idea. And I also didn't think Tony would actually start the renovation this soon, I mean we know how long it took him to get the soundproofing done. I figured we'd have a couple years! *You laugh and nod* whatever you want I will get you, you want a yacht I'll get you a yacht. Or another car or a sports team *You laugh* whatever you want, how about you think on it and let me know... huh??
*You nod and agree*

*Later that day You are walking by the training room and you see Yelena training Kate, Nat watching and giving instruction. An idea pops in your mind*
Y/N- Hey Bucky?? *You walk into the bedroom, he is sitting at his desk in the corner. He turns around and looks at you*
Bucky- yeah babe?
Y/N- I think I know what I want... it will be a couple years in the making, after all the babies but I know what I want.
Bucky- what??
Y/N- I want to open a self defense school. I want to use all my knowledge and training to help other women learn how to protect themselves. *You look at him* what do you think??
*Bucky smiles and pulls you into his lap*
Bucky- I love it. *He smiles and kisses you* I'll make it happen, even if its after your baby years, *You chuckle* I'll make it happen and It'll be a family affair. *You nod and kiss him*
Y/N- I'll let you buy me a Yacht in the meantime! *Bucky let's out a big belly laugh and kisses you*
Bucky- what about some crazy lingerie?! *You nod* huh?!? Yeah! *He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist and he puts his hands on your butt. He kisses you as he walks back to your room and you giggle as he tease you*

‼️So I wanted to let y'all know that on Saturdays and Sundays I will post but they will be shorter/fluffier chapters! I need to scale back on my weekends so I can recharge for the coming week!!Love you all and I'm excited for y'all to see what's to come! ❤️‼️

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