Learn To Knock

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*You wake up in the middle of the night, you realize you are wearing nothing and neither is Bucky

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*You wake up in the middle of the night, you realize you are wearing nothing and neither is Bucky. You lightly laugh and wipe the sleep from your eyes. You hum and roll over, snuggling closer to him. You kiss his chest and rub his stomach and down his thighs. He hums in his sleep.*
Y/N- Bucky *You whisper* hey baby? *You kiss his chest again.* Bucky?
*He starts to wake up. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your head.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you ready baby? *You hum in response and kiss his chest. You move and straddle him, you lean down to kiss him but you can't because of your belly. You start to get a little frustrated that you can't be with him the way you want. You try again and it's no use. You just sit up and cry. Bucky sits up and rubs your back, he kisses your tears away and then kisses you.*
Bucky- hey, hey, look at me *You do, you sniffle* it's okay. How about you lay on your back, okay?
*You sniffle*
Y/N- it's your graduation night. I was suppose to take care of you and reward you for even walking! *You are still trying to take control but it's just too hard.* I already fell asleep after sex and you had to wait- *He kisses you to get you to stop rambling. He smiles and rubs your back. He flips you over and takes your breath away. You have butterflies in your stomach as he start to kiss down your body.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky- I- Mmhmm
Bucky- shhhh I got you. This is what I want as my reward. I want you, all of you, just laying out before me. You look so good baby!
Y/N- I love you so much *You pull him down and kiss him. He kisses down your body and kisses your thighs. He spreads your legs and starts to devour you. You arch off the bed and reach for his head but you can't reach him. You sigh and fall back to the bed. He smirks against your skin and pulls you closer. He hits the right spot and you close your legs around his head. He pulls your thighs open and holds them down as he brings you to the brink of bliss. You cum moaning his name.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Mmhmm fffff- yes baby!
*He smirks as he pulls back and kisses you. You taste yourself on his tongue.*
Bucky- this is the best reward I could have. *He winks and kisses you again. He settles between your legs and keeps your gaze as he pushes inside you. You gasp and grab his arms, you squeeze his real one and just hang onto his metal one. Bucky lightly chuckles and kisses you. He rests his forehead against yours.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you are amazing y/n. *He kisses you* so good. I sometimes forget that my metal arm can feel now so when you just grabbed it I- *He smiles and you kiss him* it's just amazing. *He starts to pump in and out, you wrap your legs around his waist and he keeps your gaze. He kisses you and you moan as he hits the right spot.*
Y/N- oh Bucky
Bucky- thank you for today *You take his face in your hands* you made me feels so special and loved.
Y/N- come here *You pull him into a kiss and you two move as one. He rubs your body and sends you to pure bliss.*

*You lay next to Bucky, entangled together. He trails his fingers up and down your back as you rub his chest.*
Bucky- seriously y/n, you made me feel so special today. I didn't want to walk or do anything but knowing that you wanted me to, I did it. *He looks down at you and you look up.* I'm glad I did it. And when the kids told me- *He gets choked up* when they told me they were proud of me- I- *You wipe away a tear and kiss him.*
Y/N- they are always proud of you and so am I. *You kiss him and he pulls you close.*
Bucky- I love you so much. And I love how supportive you always are. *You hold him tight* and I will even go for a Doctorate for you just so you can call me Dr. Barnes *You laugh and kiss him, he smirks.* You wanna get cleaned up and dressed?
Y/n- cleaned up? Yes, dressed? No. *Bucky smirks and kisses you. He pulls you up and you two shower. He gets the bed cleaned up and you two get tucked back in bed.*
Y/N- Mmhmm we haven't slept in the nine since before Grant!
Bucky- No! Really?!? I feel like there's been a time or two since then that we have!
Y/N- I don't think so
Bucky- well we should definitely do it more!
Y/N- agreed! But our kids will be traumatized if we did that.
Bucky- they are old enough to learn to knock.
*You laugh and Bucky kisses you.*

*You to drift off to sleep. You wake up to Jonnie crawling in bed with you. She brought her blanket and slept in top of your comforter so you didn't worry about getting dressed. But then Winnie comes in and starts to climb under the covers between you and Bucky. He wakes up*
Bucky- whoa! Hold on- Umm wait!
*You pull Winnie to your side as Bucky slips out of bed and grabs some boxers. He gets you some underwear and a shirt. He hands them to you and you slip on the shirt as he guides your underwear on. You get settled and the girls lay back in bed. Jonnie whispers.*
Jonnie- why do you wear a shirt and daddy doesn't?
*You chuckle*
Y/N- because mommy has a few things that daddy doesn't.
Winnie- what? You're boobs?
*You laugh and nod. Bucky laughs and pulls you close.*
Y/N- Umm ye-yeah, Sweetie.
Jonnie- why do you cover them?
Bucky- yeah! Why do you?! *He teases you and kisses your neck. The girls giggle*
Y/N- it's cause I'm cold!
*Bucky hugs you tighter*
Bucky- I'll keep you warm!
Jonnie- yeah mommy, I'll warm you up too!
*She hugs you and you laugh. Winnie hugs you too. The rest of the kids come in and cuddle with you guys. Bucky whispers*
Bucky- definitely old enough to learn to knock *You laugh and he kisses you. The kids all watch your belly as Ben moves around. You spend the morning just talking with the kids and enjoying your time together.*

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