A Dog In Heat

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*Sarah goes to play in her room as the boys are still sleeping, Nat lays in Steve's lap and he rubs her arm* Steve- you feeling okay baby?? Nat- yeah, just tired

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*Sarah goes to play in her room as the boys are still sleeping, Nat lays in Steve's lap and he rubs her arm*
Steve- you feeling okay baby??
Nat- yeah, just tired.
Steve- I could help you with that. If you want *He smiles and kisses her cheek*
Nat- oh yeah? How do? *She teases and looks up at him*
Steve- well I know I always sleep the best after a really really good orgasm. *He raise his eyebrows and rubs her ass. She laughs to herself and kisses Steve.*
Nat- I know baby, you've been so patient with me. We are going on 7 almost 8 weeks here- I'm just not feeling it baby and I know that's not fair to you, I just don't have a drive at the moment. *Steve gently smiles and kisses her, he rubs her body as he pulls her into his lap.*
Steve- it's okay baby, but will you do one thing for me?
Nat- anything baby *She takes his face in her hands*
Steve- and you don't have to do anything-
Nat- what is it baby?? *She laughs*
Steve- just straddle my lap, *He laughs as she smiles* I just want to feel you, even if nothing happens, I just need to feel you baby. Please?
*Nat smirks and stands up, she pulls Steve up with her and takes him to the room. She licks the door and pushes Steve back on the bed.*
Nat- how about I do something even better for you, huh?! This way I get to nap *Steve laughs and sits up on his elbows.* and you get  your sexy wife, huh?
Steve- what did you have in mind?? *Steve asks as he smirks*
Nat- it's definitely the weirdest thing we've done, in that I'm letting you just use me. However you need, but I'm not doing anything. *Steve laughs and sits up. Nat pulls off her shirt and her pants. She drops her bra and slips off her underwear. Steve just stares at her in awe. She climbs in his lap and takes his face in her hands*
Nat- now you can really feel me *She smirks*
*Nat cuddles up to Steve and Steve just smiles and hums. He rubs his hands down her body and squeezes her ass. She smiles and hums, Steve lays her down and quickly undresses. He is now naked and pulls her back into his arms. She straddles his lap and he slips his dick between her legs. He slowly moves as he kisses her neck and rubs her back. He can tell she is drifting off to sleep.*
Steve- Mmhmm are you sure baby?? I feel bad doing this while you're asleep.
Nat- Steve I give you consent to use me how you need me. Just don't actually put your dick inside me, okay? *Steve laughs and kisses her* okay, now I'm gonna go to sleep, you enjoy yourself.
*and Steve does just that. He cums as he is grinding against her. Nat also cums in her sleep from the friction against her clit. He holds her tight as he falls asleep. She wakes up and can feel the mess between her legs. She smirks and kisses Steve's chest*
Nat- Mmhmm good boy. *She hops up and cleans herself up and then gets a rag and cleans Steve up. She then lays back down with Steve until she hears Samuel waking up.*
Steve- Mmhmm I got him *He starts to sit up*
Nat- No baby, just lay down. I got him.
*She throws I her robe and gets Samuel. The other two boys are up and playing with Sarah. She leaves the door open a little as she throws Steve his sweatpants. He pulls them on as she pulls on some pajamas as well. They cuddle with Samuel as Nat nurses him. Her body decided to over produce this time around and she doesn't have to use formula at all.*
Steve- hey bud, look at you, so strong and two month old.
*He smiles and then keeps nursing. The other three kids come running in and climb in bed*
Sarah- can I hold Sam-Sam?
James- No me!!
Anthony- eee!!
Steve- hey I wanna hold him!! *They all look at Steve and smile as he play along and pretends to pitch a fit. They all calm down and just watch Samuel finish eating and then he makes silky faces while he burps.*
Sarah- he looks silly!
Steve- Thats how you looked too!
*She gasps and giggles. Steve pulls her into his lap and the boys scoot closer too. Nat just looks at her amazing husband and her beautiful kids. She wants to cry seeing how blessed she is, yet there is still some pain from the events of Samuels birth.*

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