Baby- Moon pt2

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*He picks you up and takes you to the room

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*He picks you up and takes you to the room. He lays you on the bed and stares down at you.*
Bucky- you look so good
Y/N- I look like I've been in the car all morning-
Bucky- you *He kisses you* look *Kiss* beautiful! *Kiss, you giggle and kiss him back*
Y/N- how about you get the bags in here and settled and I'm gonna freshen up-
Bucky- okay. I don't think you need to, cause you look amazing. But I will let you do what you need. *He smiles and kisses you as he leaves. You get up and head to the bathroom. Bucky gives you your bathroom bag and you close yourself away. He lays back on the bed as he waits, staring at the ceiling. He hears the door open and then feels your hands move up his thighs. He smiles and sits up a little, you kiss him.*
Bucky- Mmhm come here baby*He pulls you up to the top of the bed and lay you on your back. He kisses you and slips his hands up under your shirt. He lifts it off and kisses your chest. He moves down and pulls your pants down and off. You smile and move your hands up his chest. He lifts his shirt off and then quickly stands up and strips his pants off. He lays down between your legs, careful of your belly. He takes your bra off and pulls you against him, your chest pressed against his. He kisses you deeply and you moan. He slips his tongue in your mouth. You become a little desperate and grab his back, pulling him close. He smiles and pulls away.*
Bucky- I've missed this
*He kisses down your body and slips his fingertips in your underwear, he pulls them down and off. You have butterflies as he moves closer between your legs, it's something you haven't felt in a bit and it's nice to know he still gives you butterflies. He kisses your thighs and moves closer and closer to your center. You smile and happily sigh, you try to play with his hair as he takes you to bliss. Sadly Ben has grown over night and your belly is bigger, you can't really see Bucky or touch him. He feels your frustration and he reaches a hand up and takes your hand in his, he squeezes it and you smile.*
Bucky- I've got you baby, shhh *He gently eats you out and you cum quickly. You moan and arch off the bed. He works you through it and then kisses up your body. He slips his boxers off and settles between you. He pushes in and you gasp, you grab his arm and moan as he starts to move in and out.*
Y/N- oh Bucky, Mmhmm baby!
Bucky- so good *He moans out. You can tell he's not going to last long. It's been a couple days and he's ready to burst.*
Y/N- kiss me *He leans down and takes you in  his arms and kisses you. You meet his gaze and he looks into your eyes as he pushes in you. You gasp and take his face in your hands.*
Y/N- Mmhmm I love you, Bucky!
*He moans and kisses you*
Bucky- I love you too! *He moans out as he cums. He moans loudly and just works himself through his high. He looks down at you and kisses you*
Bucky- I'm sorry I didn't finish you first-
Y/N- Bucky I don't always have to be first!
*He smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- yes you do! Always!
*You giggle and kiss him as he rubs your clit and keeps moving inside you. You cum and clench around him, he even cums again. You both smile and laugh. He kisses you and lays beside you. You rub each other's bodies as you hold each other close. He is still inside you and you fight to keep him there.*
Y/N- No, don't move. I feel so full!
*Bucky moans and kisses you*
Bucky- when you talk like that I'm ready to go another round!
*You giggle and pull him closer. He pulls out and you whimper.*
Bucky- go clean up and then we can cuddle
*You pout as he pulls you up. You go use the bathroom and clean up. You see that Bucky has started the Jacuzzi bath. You smile and walk over. He pulls you close and kisses you as he trails his hands down your body. He starts to hum a little and you two start to sway and dance. You kiss his chest and he guides you back to the bath. He helps you in and then climbs in behind you. He kisses your neck and rubs your arms. You turn around and straddle him, you take him in your hand and guide him back in you. He lightly laughs and lets it happen. He moans as he bottoms out in you. You lay your head down on his chest and hum.*
Y/N- Mmhmm perfect
Bucky- yeah, you are. *You laughs and kiss his chest. He rubs your back and lean back as the water relaxes you both.*

*You realize you drifted off to sleep when you feel Bucky moving you off of him as he pulls out.*
Y/N- Mmhmm what-
Bucky- shhh shh baby. I know, I'm gonna get you dried off and dressed. You're gonna lay down while I get everything settled and get us some lunch. Okay?
Y/N- okay.
*You get dressed in one of Bucky's shirts and lay down on the couch. You watch the snow fall as Bucky gets the food ordered. He lays down with you.*
Y/N- this is so nice
Bucky- thank you for thinking of this, it means a lot.
Y/N- we needed this!
Bucky- that we did *He smiles down at you, you kiss him and he hums. You two start to make out and just grope each other. Being completely consumed in one another. You don't even notice the knocking until it's gets super loud.*
Bucky- shit! That must be lunch *He laughs and kisses you. He stands up and grabs the food.* hey sorry!
Delivery guy- it's all good- oh hey I remember you. Hope you and the Misses are well!
*Bucky laughs and nods. He gets the food inside and plated.*
Bucky- here baby girl, eat up.
Y/N- Mmhmm I'm starving!
*you eat and then lay back on the couch.*
Bucky- Damn that was good! So do we have anything planned for today?
Y/N- Nope! Just a whole lot of this! *You kiss him* tomorrow we have our massages and spa time
Bucky- god that sounds amazing! *He looks down at you*
Y/N- I know, I need a good massage!
Bucky- I was meaning your sexy lips on mine *He winks*
Y/N- oh! Well then!! *You straddle him and kiss him*
Bucky- how about we move this to the bedroom?
Y/N- oh please baby!

*You and Bucky end up making out and talking all afternoon. You talk about the future and the past. You talk about the kids and what's coming up with them. You and Bucky just can't keep your hands off of each other. You realize it's late and you need to get dinner. Bucky orders again and you two eat and then decide to head to bed. Bucky lays down and starts to pull out a book when he sees you walk out of the bathroom in a little babydoll lingerie piece and his heart stops. He feels the heat rise in his body and he gets little butterflies. He smiles at the thought that you still have that effect on him.*
Y/N- so how about we have some loud fun, huh?!

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