Sleep Baby, I'll Watch Over Them

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*You somehow make it through the night

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*You somehow make it through the night. Odette's schedule was a little ahead than Elizabeth and Jonnie because she was born about and hour and a half before the other two. So you nurse her first and then wait about 45 minutes and nurse the other two. You lost track of your little schedule so now you have no idea who fed when and how much and who had to supplement the rest with formula. At this point you don't care, your babies are fed and happy.*
Bucky- oh someone smells!
Y/N- I think it's Odette
Bucky- Nope not her, oh it's Jonnie!
*He changes her and then smells something else*
Bucky- who was it this time??
Y/N- I don't know. *You check Elizabeth*
Not her so check Odette
Bucky- not her
*You both look at Jonnie*
Bucky- again?! *Bucky changes her again and then the other two poop. You quickly change them and then they all start to fuss*
Y/N- I think they're sleepy.
*You swaddle the girls and lay them in their bassinets, they fall asleep and you just lay back, trying to catch your breath. Bucky laughs and cries, he kisses you.*
Bucky- I'll be right back, gonna go get some snacks. You want anything??
Y/N- yeah, surprise me.

*Bucky leaves and the girls start to whine. You get two in your arms and one on the bed. You manage to get all three in your arms and they pass out. You sigh and close your eyes. Bucky comes back in and kisses your head.*
Bucky- I just got a message saying that Nat and Steve are on the way. They are only bringing Grant and Winnie, leaving Sarah with Peter. *You nod and Bucky takes one of the girls. You don't know which one. Their hats fell off but thankfully you've been writing their names on their diapers. You think it was Elizabeth.*
Y/N- oh Bucky I'm so tired. And I hurt everywhere.
Bucky- I know baby, you want to call the nurse, maybe send them to the nursery for a bit??
Y/N- No, I don't want them out of my sight.
*Your phone rings and Bucky answers it.*
Bucky- hello??

Lena- Hi- oh Is this Mrs. Barnes??
Bucky- it's Bucky, who is this?
Lena- this is Lena, the preschool director. We wanted to check and see if Grant and Winnie will be in school today?
*Bucky smiles and laughs*
Bucky- oh hey! Umm they will not be in today. They may be back Monday, we had our triplets yesterday so they are staying home for a bit.
Lena- oh congratulations! We understand and we look forward to seeing them when they return.
*Bucky hangs up and you look at him*
Bucky- preschool, checking in on where the kids were. *You nod and look down at the girls in your arms. You hear a little voice coming down the hall, Bucky hands you back Elizabeth and pops out in the hallway.*
Bucky- Little wolf?!? Oh my goodness we missed you!! *He kisses his head and Grant smiles and giggles*
Grant- luv ouuu dada! Wher mama?!
Bucky- you wanna see mama?? Well we have a surprise for you when you see mama. You ready?! *Grant nods, Bucky looks up at Steve* where's Winnie?!
Steve- With Nat, we thought it would be easier for them to come in separately. *Bucky nods* that and she pooped. *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- we have plenty of that in there. Okay let's go! We need to be really quiet, okay?!

*You see Grants little face pop around the corner of the privacy curtain in front of the door. You smile and wave, his eyes get big and he covers his mouth. He slowly walks over and looks up at you. Bucky picks him up and he looks down at them*
Grant- Sissy's?!? *Grant whispers. You laugh and nod*
Y/N- yeah Little Wolf! This is Odette, and Elizabeth l, and Jonnie.
Grant- et, abet, onnie!
Y/N- good job Grant. *You smirk and laugh. Bucky leans him down so you can kiss him.*
Grant- old mmmee mama?
Y/N- I wish I could baby but mamas stomach is a little hurt and I can't.
*Grant pouts and Bucky holds him tight.*
Bucky- I'll give you cuddles bud and when mama feels better she will cuddle you all day! *Grant giggles and Bucky tickles him.* Alright let's bring Winnie in, can you go with Uncle Steve?? -8Grant nods and blows you a kiss*
Grant- luv oouu mama, dada! Mmmwwwahaah!

*He walks out and Nat brings Winnie in, she smiles and just looks at you and Bucky*
Winnie- mama mama!! Dada! Isss isss
Bucky- oh come here Winnie boo! I'll give you all the kisses you want! *He attacks her face and she squeals. Thankfully the girls don't budge. She sees the babies*
Winnie- dat?!
Bucky- those are your sisters! You wanna see them??
*She nods and Bucky brings her closer. She smirks and looks at you, she scrunches her nose like Bucky and smiles*
Y/N- you like your sisters?!
*She nods and blows them kisses*
Y/N- very sweet Winnie boo, can I have a kiss?? *Bucky leans her down and she kisses your cheek* thank you sweet girl. Mama loves you.
*Bucky kisses your head and heads back out with Winnie. He sits in the hallway with Grant and Winnie, just snuggling them as Nat and Steve talk with you*
Nat- how are you feeling?! Steve told me- I'm so glad you're okay!
Y/N- me too! I'm okay, very sore. *She nods and looks down at one of the girls. She's holding one while Steve holds another.*
Nat- they are so cute.
Y/N- ha! Yeah, they're pretty cute.
Nat- how's Nursing?
Y/N- hurts, like a lot but I'm trying to nurse all three so I knew it was gonna be a bitch.
*Nat smiles and a laughs* we've been supplementing with formula as well. *Nat smiles*
Nat- well I'm glad you're finding a way to feed your babies, regardless of how. *She kisses the girl in her arms and then lays her down in the bassinet.* well we are gonna take the kids back, y'all are gonna be home tomorrow?
Y/N- yeah, probably around lunch.
Nat- okay sweetie, we'll se you then. *Nat starts to leave but Steve is still holding one of the girls and just staring at her* Steve? Babe?
Steve- she's just so cute! Nat I want one! *Steve smiles and holds the baby close, you think it's Odette.*
Nat- we have one at home, come on. *She laughs as Steve pouts and lays Odette down.*
Steve- but she's big now and has an attitude, as well as jam hands, all the time! *Nat laughs and kisses Steve's cheek.*
Nat- I'll tell Sarah you said that.
*Steve kisses you're head and then they dip out. They take Grant and Winnie and hug Bucky goodbye.*
Steve- we will see you tomorrow.
Bucky- bye

*Bucky walks in and sees you looking at all three girls, just in awe of them and what your body was able to do. Bucky sits behind you and looks over your shoulder. He kisses your neck and rubs your arm*
Bucky- get some sleep baby, I'll watch over them. *You look back and kiss him. He hums and holds you as you drift of to sleep.*

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