Peace And Quiet

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*At some point in the night Bucky got you out of the warm tub and in bed

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*At some point in the night Bucky got you out of the warm tub and in bed. You wake up with your head in Bucky's chest and one leg draped over his. An arm laying across his waist and your belly pressed against his side. Ben is moving around a little but not like he's uncomfortable. The sun is shinning through the window and the river is rushing outside, the birds are chirping, and the little goats are running around. It's actually quite peaceful. You lift your head and look up at Bucky, he is still sound asleep, his hair a little messy and fluffy. You smile and kiss his chest and snuggle up to him some more. In the light of day you can see the walls and what the night was hiding from you.*

*The wall next to the bed is written a list. At first you don't understand what it's for, until you get to the part where the list starts describing you. You tear up a little and keep reading. Around the room, in different spots, stories are written down, times in Hydra, when he found you. All of it written down so he would remember. There was a little spot around the window where he took to drawing, he's no Steve Rogers but he wasn't half bad. It was a drawing of your eyes and your lips. You can tell he was trying to draw the rest when he was pulled away. Must of been when Thanos showed up. Bucky start to shift awake a little and he hums as he rubs his metal hand down your body.*
Bucky- good morning, y/n. *He kisses you*
Y/N- good morning, Bucky. *He smiles ma she sees what you've been looking at.*
Bucky- oh all that? Yeah, the kids liked looking over it all too. Grant read that one out loud to the kids and I think Winnie was crying
When he finished.
Y/N- which story is that?
Bucky- the plane and then how I found you a couple years later, while I was on the run. *You nod*
Y/N- why did you write it all down?
Bucky- I wanted to remember every detail. *He looks down at you and rubs your cheek with his metal finger.* just in case this never happened. I wanted to be able to remember it all.
*You wipe a tear and kiss him. Your kiss is interrupted by the bleating of goats and sheep out side the hut. You laugh and lean up to see a little baby goat running around*
Y/N- Aww it's cute
Bucky- yeah, I think that's the one Jonnie wants to take home with us. She doesn't understand that it will get bigger. *You laugh.* she kept picking it up and carrying it around like a baby.
Y/N- Aww that poor goat!
Bucky- yeah, but he'll be fine.

*You run your hands down Bucky's chest and kiss him along as you go.*
Y/N- last night was amazing baby. Thank you
Bucky- your welcome, y/n. I love you
Y/N- I love you too
*You lay there for a bit, Bucky's hands still place on your body and not moving.*
Bucky- I was so lonely here, I had peace and quiet for the first time in forever but I didn't have you- *Bucky's voice breaks* I'm just happy to have you now. That I'm able to show you all this. To let you know that I was okay, it hurt and I was healing but I was okay. *You kiss him and gently smirk up at him.*
Y/N- hey Bucky?
Bucky- yeah baby?
Y/N- what would you say to this being our summer get away? Every year when schools out we pack up and come here. This little hut and our family, no noise, no bad guys, just peace and quiet.
*He looks down at you and nods with tears in his eyes*
Bucky- yeah baby, I'd love that. *You rub his chest* I'll talk to Shuri about purchasing this land and maybe expanding our little home here, huh?
Y/N- yeah, but let's not change anything in here. *You gently smirk and Bucky nods*
Bucky- you've got a deal.
*You kiss Bucky and straddle him, he moves his hands up your body and rest on your breast as you slip your tongue in his mouth deepening the kiss. He moans and pulls you closer. You two end up have sweet, early morning sex, completely unbothered by the sun as it continues to rise and the rest of the world awakens. All that matters is Bucky and the peace and quiet.*

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