Get You Cleared

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*You finish feeding Ben and get dressed for the day

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*You finish feeding Ben and get dressed for the day. He is very clingy this morning and you can't put him down without him screaming.*
Y/N- I know bud, but mommy has a lot she's got to do.
*He just cries as you turn on his swing. The kids come running in and look at Ben*
Grant- why is he screaming?
Winnie- is he sad?
Y/N- yes, can you sing to him. Let him know it's okay? Mommy needs to get some stuff done before I leave for lunch.
*Winnie starts to sing and Grant dances. Ben slowly starts to calm down as he just listens and watches. You get distracted by them too and watch along with Ben. Bucky walks in and sees what's happening, he joins in dancing and Winnie starts to laugh. The triplets run in and join as well, before you know it you are all dancing and singing and Ben is sound asleep. You pick him up from the swing and transfer him to his crib, he stays asleep as you speak out.*
Grant- did he stay asleep?!
*You smile and nod. Bucky takes you in his arms and you two dance as the kids dance around y'all. You kiss Bucky and he smirks down at you*
Bucky- I love you
Y/N- I love you too
*The kids look on and all smile. Winnie whispers*
Winnie- I hope someone loves me like that one day.
Grant- Me too
*The triplets all giggle and run to you and Bucky. They pulls you two apart, one dances with you while the other two dance with Bucky. Winnie and Grant look on. Grant looks at Winnie and then gets nervous*
Grant- does Sarah- *He looks at his feet and Winnie looks at him* does Sarah even talk about me?
*He doesn't look at her cause he's scared she's gonna laugh at him or something. She just takes his hand and squeezes. He looks over at her.*
Winnie- she does, not at much as she use to but she does.
*Grant smiles and Winnie then shoves him a little.*
Winnie- she still thinks you're weird though. *He looks at her* but just a little. *She smiles and he laughs*

*The kids eventually scatter and Bucky finally has you alone. If you were honest you didn't want to happen because you know he's about to turn on the charm.*
Bucky- I love our little family
Y/N- me too, although it's not so little anymore!
*Bucky laughs and takes you in his arms. He slowly walks you back to the closest wall. You giggle and just let it happen. He pushes you against it and lifts you into his arms with ease. You wrap your legs around him and he smirks. He kisses you as he braces you against the wall.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you look so good. These jeans are really workin' for you, Doll
*You swoon. He kisses down your neck and slips his hands up your shirt along your back. He grinds his hips up against you and you moan, loudly.*
Bucky- shhh Doll, don't want to wake the little one or alert the wolves. *You smile as he just kisses all along your neck and chest. It has been awhile because just from the slight friction on your jeans against you and his lips on your chest, you are about to cum. Bucky can tell because you're breathing changes and you start to get more vocal and handsy. He then slows down and lets your legs slowly slip out of his hands and then brings his hands to your face. He pulls away and smiles down at you.*
Bucky- Mmhmm my Doll *You blush and he kisses you again before he pulls away and sits on the couch. He looks back at you but you don't notice as you are trying to compose yourself. He smirks as he watches. You smooth out your hair and adjust you shirt. You pull your pants up a little and adjust them. You fan yourself and run your hand along your neck and clear your throat. Bucky smirks and gets some ideas for later.*
Bucky- you okay baby? *He smirks*
*You shoot him a look and try to keep a straight face but his little smirk just doesn't something to you. You smirk and Bucky bites his lip and then scrunches his nose as you walk over. He is driving you wild just by sitting there and looking hot as fuck.*
Y/N- you aren't playing fair! *You jump on him on the couch and he laughs. He maneuvers around and gets you under him. His leg pressed between yours and his metal hand placed around your neck. You moan at the feeling of the cool metal. Bucky smirks as he can feel your skin heat up under his metal hand. He can feel your heartbeat quicken as he smirks. He loves that he can actually feel you now with his metal hand. He kisses your jaw and whispers dirty things in your ear.*
Bucky- you know what I'm gonna do to you when you're cleared? *You hum* I'm gonna tie you to the bed and slowly eat you alive all night. The only words out of your mouth will be "yes sir" or "please Daddy". *You moan* I'm gonna treat you so well you won't want it to stop. You will beg to be left on the edge because it feels so good. I'll make you cum from my mouth alone and then we will go from there. May even give Winter control for a bit-
Y/N- please Sergeant-
*Bucky darkly chuckles and kisses you. He then stands up and you sit up. Something comes over you and you grab his hips, pulling him close. You kiss him through his pants and he smirks. He pulls away and crouches before you.*
Y/N- please baby? Let me treat you? As a way to say thank you even before that night.
*Bucky gently smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- No baby, if you're not cumming neither am I. *He kisses you and then stands up. He pulls you up to and ushers you into the bathroom.* now go ahead and freshen up, you are meeting with Stevie in about 10 minutes. *He winks and leaves the room. You feel denied yet fulfilled at the same time. You groan and quickly handle the situation Bucky created in your pants.*

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