Don't Stay Out Too Late

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‼️Best picture of the bun I could find! Lol 😉‼️

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‼️Best picture of the bun I could find! Lol 😉‼️

*You get inside and get lunch ready for the kids. You then try to get them down for a nap*
Grant - but I'm almost 8!! Why do I have to Nap?!
Y/N- because we have a special night ahead of us and you need to be rested, okay?!
Grant- but-
Y/N- You don't have to go to sleep but I need you to at least stay in your room till nap time is over, okay??
Grant- fine! *He pouts and heads off to his room. The triplets are all passed out on the floor and Bucky takes them one by one and placed them in their beds.*
Winnie- Do I have to nap too?!
Y/N- yup, head to your room and get in bed. You don't have to go to sleep but you are staying in there and playing quietly.
Winnie- okay mommy *She heads to her room*

Bucky- okay, they are all settled, I'm going to go shower and get ready. I want to go get flowers for them so I'll grab them before the girls wake up. Are you okay with getting them ready? I wanted to surprise them at the door. *You smile and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- yeah I'll get them ready and I'll see if Steve can help me with Grant once y'all are gone.
Bucky- okay baby
*He showers and pulls his hair back in a little half up half down bun. He wears some nice jeans and a black shirt. He pairs it with some white vans. He walks out and you whistle and pulls him close.*
Y/N- Mmhm you look good baby. These jeans are really workin' for me.
Bucky- oh, yeah?! *He smirks and kisses you* well maybe we can have some fun tonight, some "external" fun. *He winks and you hit his shoulder*
Y/N-ewww *You laugh* and also, I'm not losing the bet. *Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- okay, so we're still going with this?
Y/N- yup! I get to have so much fun just teasing you relentlessly knowing you can't really do anything back.
*Bucky narrows his gaze*
Bucky- excuse me??
Y/N- I can't have sex for the next month, so my mind set is already set on protecting our little guy *You rub your belly* no matter how horny I get, this little one takes precedent.
*Bucky slowly nods* but you on the other hand, ha! You can have as much as you want and I know exactly how to get you to crack. *You gently kiss his jaw and squeeze his ass. He smirks and gives you ass a slap.*
Bucky- okay, baby, I see what you mean. But you underestimate the power I have over you. *He winks*
Y/N- hey! How about you get Grant ready and then you two can go get the flowers together. I know I said we'd get Steve to help but I think this would be more special if you were there. *Bucky nods and kisses you*
Bucky- you're so smart!
*You giggle and he kisses you again, he then leaves to get Grant up.*

*You walk into Winnie's room.*
Winnie- is my time done??
*She sighs and sits up in her bed. You laugh and pull her up.*
Y/N- you're not in prison Winnie, you had all your toys to play with too. Come on we need to get you ready.
Winnie- for what?! *She pouts and you just laugh.*
Y/N- you and your sisters are having a special daddy/daughter date tonight. *Winnie smiles and jumps up and down.*
Winnie- can I wear my pretty dress?!
Y/N- we will see, now let's go get your hair done. What do you want?
Winnie- curls!
Y/N- alright, let's go!
*You get Winnie's hair curled and done. She loves it*
Winnie- I look like a princess!
*You smile and kiss her head*
Y/N- come on Winnie boo, let's go get you dressed.
*You look through Winnie's closets and you find a pretty yellow sun dress and Winnie puts it on.*
Winnie- I love it mommy!
*You kneel down.*
Y/N- You always do but tonight you look especially pretty, Winnie boo. *You kiss her cheek and she giggles. She spins around in her dress, you get her brown Sandals on and she waits on the couch. The triplets get up one my one and you braid their hair and put on their matching rompers. One pink, one purple, and one light blue. With Winnie's dress they look like a little pastel family. They get their sandals on and wait on the couch with Winnie, just as excited as she is.*

*Bucky gets Grant up*
Grant- ugh what is all this for??
Bucky- you my boy are going on a mother/son date!
Grant- wait... really?!
Bucky- Yup! I'm taking your sisters out and your moms taking you.
Grant- so I get to talk to mom without Winnie interrupting, or jonnie crying, or Elizabeth screaming, or Odette getting mad?
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- yeah bud
Grant- and you won't be there to-
*Grant stops and then looks away. Bucky kneels down and looks him in the eye.*
Bucky- it's okay Grant, what were you gonna say.
Grant- you won't be there to take her attention away either.
*That makes Bucky tear up a bit. He never thought Grant felt he was unnoticed or in need of more attention. He voice cracks a little*
Bucky- Umm n-No bud. I won't be. It will just be you and mommy, is that okay??
*Grant smiles and nods, he hugs Bucky*
Grant- I didn't mean to make you sad.
*He is so observant*
Bucky- it's okay bud, daddy needed to hear that. Now let's get you ready, huh?! *Grant laughs and smiles.*
*Bucky does his hair and gets him dressed.*
Bucky- what are you thinking? Jeans?
Grant- my jeans, my black shirt, and my white shoes!
*Bucky laughs and points to his outfit.*
Bucky- do you're copying me is what I'm hearing!
*Grant laughs and nods*
Grant- Yup!
*Bucky throws him his clothes and touches up his hair after he gets dressed. Bucky grabs his keys, phone, and wallet. They sneak out and wave goodbye to you so they can go get the flowers.*

*Steve and Nat walks in and sit with the girls while you get ready. They are all just in awe of baby Samuel. You curl your hair and put on a sun dress, it's a cute blue and white dress that you've been dying to wear. You put your swan necklace on and throw on your brown sandals. Once your ready you sit out on the couch with the rest of the girls.*

*Bucky and Grant go to a local store and get flowers.*
Bucky- now Grant, flowers are always a nice gift on a first date and then whenever you feel like it. And girls love them! Just make sure their not allergic! *Grant nods*
Grant- is mommy allergic?
Bucky- Nope!
Grant- do you know if Sarah is allergic? *He asks quietly and Bucky smiles*
Bucky- No bud I don't, but I don't think a small flower will hurt. *He pats Grants back and Grant smiles as he gets flowers for you and a little one for Sarah. They head back and as they walk up the stairs Grant sets the flower by Steve and Nat's door.*
Bucky- come on bud, we are late. *He smiles and ushers him to the door.* okay knock.
*Grant knocks and waits*

*There is a knock on the front door.*
Y/N- oh I wonder who that could be!?
*The girls all get up and run over. You open the door and there stands Bucky and Grant, as handsome as ever.*
Y/N- well hello!
*They walk in, Grant hands you your flowers.*
Y/N- thank you Grant. This is so sweet! *You give him a kiss*
Bucky- a flower for each of my sweets! *He kneels down and gives each girls a flower. Winnie take sit and smiles. Odette looks at it and smells it. Elizabeth just looks at it and Jonnie jumps in his arms*
Jonnie- Daddy!!
*He laughs*
Bucky- hello Jonnie *He kisses her head and sets her down.* alright let's look at you guys!?! *They all twirl* wow, beautiful! So beautiful. *He looks at you and kisses you as he whispers* you're stunning. *You smile and then kneels down to Grant level.*
Y/N- well don't you look handsome! *You narrow your gaze and tease* did you dress like daddy?!
Grant- I wanted you to like it and I know you always like how he dresses. *You could cry, you hug him and rub his back*
Y/N- and I do, but I will always love how we've your ant to dress too! You don't have to copy anyone, ever! Okay?!
Grant- Okay! *He smiles* but can I still wear this?? I like it! *You laughs and nod*

Bucky- alright, now you be good to Mommy. Have her back by 6, because that's when you have to get ready for bed. *Bucky says to Grant and Grant actually blushes. You quietly laugh and Grant takes your hand and you two head out the door. The girls all take Bucky's hands and they shuffle down the hall and out the door, Bucky looks back at Steve and Nat*
Bucky- Grant left a flower for Sarah. *Nat smiles and Steve laughs and shakes his head. He waves*
Steve- have fun! Don't stay out too late!

‼️I know it's short but I wanted to set up their dates and then I will have a chapter dedicated to each one! 🥰‼️

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