Be better

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Y/N- okay, enjoy this week off from school cause you will all be going back after thanksgiving

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Y/N- okay, enjoy this week off from school cause you will all be going back after thanksgiving.
Grant- I can't wait to see Eli and Nora!
*Sarah rolls her eyes and you try not to laugh.*
Winnie- I can't wait to see Andy! *Winnie smiles and you laugh*
Y/N- don't let your father hear you say that! *You tease*
Bucky- say what?? *Bucky walks in and kisses your cheek. You play nice for the kids.*
Y/N- oh Winnie's just ready to see her friends. *You smile and kiss Bucky. The kids all groan and yell.*
Grant- ewww!
Winnie- gross!
Odette- I'll never do that
Elizabeth- what? Kiss a boy?
Odette- kiss at all!
Jonnie- Daddy is mine!
*You laugh and pull back, you look at Bucky and smirk.*
Y/N- sorry Jonnie, he's taken! *You smile and stick your tongue out at her. She giggle and runs over to Bucky. She hugs his leg and he laughs and picks her up. She kisses his cheek and he smiles*
Bucky- Aww thank you Jonnie girl.
*You laugh and rub her back, you kiss her cheek and then kiss Bucky again. You give him a look and he realizes this is all part of the punishment.*
Bucky- come on Jonnie, let's eat breakfast.

*The day goes on, the kids rip apart the house. Toys and snacks everywhere. You are still sore from falling and still pissed at Bucky.*
Y/N- how can I make this even harder for him?
*Nat laughs*
Nat- look your husband loves your body! Pregnant or beaten up or in shape or post baby. He goes feral for you *You laugh and agree* and not that I think a women should use her body as a weapon *You stop what you were doing and just look at Nat. You both laugh* at least not against her husband. But what Bucky did was idiotic and he needs to hurt a little, what better way to hurt him then with one of the thing he adores most. *She smirks and you smile. You think for a minute and Grant comes running by.*
Y/N- hey Grant! Where's your father?
Grant- in the gym! I think uncle Steve's with him too!! *He keeps running away. You smile and look at Nat* you feel like doing some yoga? *Nat smirks and nods*
Nat- Atta girl *You laugh*

*Steve is spotting as Bucky is lifting. He puts the weight back and sits up.*
Bucky- I know what she's doing! *He wipes his face* and I'm not going to fall for it.
Steve- yes you will *Bucky looks at him* don't give me that look! We both know that when it comes to her you will do anything to stay in her good graces. You love her happiness too much *Bucky moves and Steve lays down to lift as Bucky spots.*
Bucky- well, yeah. Her happiness is my top priority, as well as providing for her- which is why I went back to get the animals.
*Steve lays the weights back.*
Steve- and that was very noble, but you gambled that she would be mad and now that she is you have to deal with that. In whatever glorious, wonderful, and pleasurable way she plans to punish you. *He laughs and teases. Bucky laughs and hangs his head.*
Bucky- yeah... what did they teach them in that "black widow school"?!
Steve- Thats what I said!! *They both laugh* even Sam said Yelena kinda acts like y/n and Nat.
Bucky- Ha! There's no way Sam can handle what they dish out.
Steve- I don't know, he's tougher than he looks. *Bucky laughs and nods*

*You and Nat walk into the gym. Nat has two yoga mats and you have your water. You two walk to the other side so you're not "bothering" Steve or Bucky. Yet they have a clear view of you two. You wear tight, black, high waisted, leggings and a royal blue sports bra. You have your hair tied up in a high ponytail. Nat is in something similar. You two get settled and start your yoga. Lots of bending and stretching. Your ass in the air, your breast almost falling out of your bra, the whole nine yards.*
Bucky- you've got to be fucking kidding me *He says under his breath to Steve. Steve laughs and pats Bucky's back.*
Steve- we'll good luck, cause I'm not in a fight with my wife and my baby is asleep for another hour... so- *He runs towards Nat and scoops her up.
Nat- Steve Rogers! Put me down! *She laughs*
Steve- oh I will! On our bed! *He takes off to their suite. She laughs and slaps his ass along the way. You laugh and keep at your yoga, ignoring Bucky. He just smiles at Nat and Steve. Once they are gone he sets his sights on you.*
Bucky- I know what you're doing..
*You smirk and look back at him.*
Y/N- I know and I also know you can't fight what's going on in your pants. *You wink and nod to his shorts. He lets out a breathy laugh.*
Bucky- ehh I have a much stronger will than you think. *He kneels down behind you, your ass in his face.*
Y/N- not when it comes to me. *You wiggle your ass. Bucky takes advantage at the first open window he has. He slips his legs between yours so know his face is even closer to your ass. In fact he takes this moment to bite it. You yelp and quickly sit down on his lap so he can't do it again.*
Y/N- I have more Will to make you pay than you do to withstand my feminine wiles. *You wiggle against him and you hear him quietly moan. You giggle.* have you gone soft at all since last night? *Bucky groans*
Bucky- sadly no *He kisses your neck and you smirk. Your back is to him so he can't see your face.* I've been in pain all night and all morning.
Y/N- must of made it hard to workout, especially in those shorts. *You circle your hips.*
Bucky- oh definitely *He places his hands on your hips, he starts to guide them and you let him. You feel him get harder, he moans. You know him so well, you keep going till he's about to cum, you then quickly stop and stand up. Bucky groans and lays on his back.*
Bucky- ugh! Come on?! *You laugh* this is torture!
Y/N- oh please! It's been a day- not even a full day. You really can't handle some punishment?!
Bucky- I can handle punishment but this is torture!
Y/N- this is nothing!
*You roll up your mat. Bucky stands up and takes it from you.*
Bucky- seriously?! All because I went back to Hydra-
Y/N- okay, even you are not stupid enough to believe I am ONLY mad that you went back to Hydra-
Bucky- I know you're mad because I brought the kids but I know that place like the back of my hand! I knew where to hide, I knew where to move, I knew we would not be caught. Because I knew it all so well it was the safest mission I could take them on, anything else there is an element on unknown. Going back there everything was known, it was safest for their first mission-
Y/N- EXACTLY!!!! *Bucky is startled by your sudden outburst.* their first mission!!! I wasn't a part of it! I wasn't even consulted or told!!! *Bucky's face drops. Realizing it's wasn't just the mission itself. It was that you didn't even know.*
Bucky- Y/N- I- I didn't even think-
Y/N- I know! Because sometimes you are so caught up I the big, grand gesture that you don't realize you are stomping all over the things that I want!
*Bucky hangs his head. You think you've finally gotten through to him.*
Bucky- well I'm sorry all I do is shit on your plans and dreams-
Y/N- that is not what I said- you're so fucking dramatic sometimes!
Bucky- isn't it though?!
Y/N- NO!!!! *You grab his shirt* look, I love the big, sweet, romantic gestures. Giving me Liho back was- is so incredibly sweet and kind- but the kids Bucky, I've missed a huge moment in their life.
Bucky- it was mission y/n! They will have plenty more!
Y/N- but none like this!! You said it yourself it was so safe and I trust that it was because they were with you. But I wasn't there-
Bucky- because it was a surprise-
Y/N- you're not getting it!!! There will never be another mission that safe. They will only get more and more dangerous!! And you robbed me of seeing the joy on their faces when they realized they helped *You cry. He finally gets it. Bucky takes your hand. You look up at him. He has a slight tear in his eye. He kisses your hand and wipes your tears.*
Bucky- I'm sorry, I was just trying to surprise you. I should have actually considered how you would have felt having the kids help without your knowledge. *He kisses your hand again* I am so so sorry. I will try to be better-
Y/N- Bucky you are the best man I know. I don't think you could be better if you tried-
Bucky- obviously I could be better, I've hurt you and I- *A tear falls* I'm sorry
*You kiss him*
Bucky- follow me *He takes your hand and drags you to the garage*
Y/N- Bucky what- No Bucky we can't! Bucky!?!
Bucky- I won't let you miss out on this *He smiles and kisses you. He calls Steve*

Steve- dude?! What now?! I'm kinda in the middle of something!
*Bucky can hear him still kissing Nat as he continues to talk.*
Bucky- I just need your for 5 minutes!
*Steve groans*
Steve- I will be right back baby, Mmhmm just stay here, don't move. *Bucky hears Nat giggle, he pretends to gag, you laugh and hang up the phone.*

Bucky- it's one thing when we subject others to that, cause it's funny to hear their disgust but when other do it to me!? *He pretends to shiver* ulgh!
*You kiss him*
Y/N- Be nice!
*Steve comes down*
Steve- what now?!
Bucky- I'm getting out of the dog house Stevie!
Y/N- Uhh No, that is not what is happening!
Bucky- let's go!!
*Steve hits the machine and you two end up in Hydra*
Y/N- Bucky?! This can't be good for the timeline! There are 3 of you in one place-
Bucky- shhh look, you're missing it!
*You look as Grant and Winnie see the cryo tubes. You cry a little as they look at you and Bucky. Then they leave. You walk out and look at yourself in the tube.*
Y/N- oh sweet, young y/n... hang in there. *You place your hand on the window and take a deep breath, remembering the cold. Bucky comes along side you.*
Bucky- come on baby. *He kisses your cheek. You two slip out and go outside. You see kids find Liho and Alpine. They are so happy to have helped. You cry and Bucky hugs you from behind.*
Bucky- they did so well and they were never in danger. *You nod and turn around. You kiss him.*
Bucky- come on, there is more to see! *He takes you forward in time to where they came back. The kids are so happy and so excited to show you what they did. You just cry, part of that has to be the hormones.*
Y/N- oh Bucky, *You kiss him* mmhm thank you. Thank you.

*You end up back in present day.*
Steve- okay, I'm gone! *Steve runs off and you laugh*
Bucky- come here *He kisses you and pulls you close. You hum and smile*
Y/N- that was so sweet baby. Thank you
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- I'm sorry, again y/n. I will be better.
*You smile and kiss him. He starts to palm your ass and you laugh and pull back.*
Y/N- oh you've dug yourself out of the grave but you're still in the doghouse. *You tease and pats his face.* like I said, I'll punish you for as long as I like. Now there will be just a little more fun in it.
Bucky- for who?!?
*You laugh*
Y/N- for me of course. *You giggle and run away, Bucky chases you.*

‼️A little fight, a little making up, and way more punishment to go!! 😈😏🤤😉‼️

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