Kind And Loving

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*You get Grant in the car and look at him through the rearview* Y/N- you ready?? Grant- Yup! Where are we going? Y/N- just your favorite place to eat!Grant- What?!? No way!Y/N- yup! *Grant just smiles and looks out the window as you drive down the...

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*You get Grant in the car and look at him through the rearview*
Y/N- you ready??
Grant- Yup! Where are we going?
Y/N- just your favorite place to eat!
Grant- What?!? No way!
Y/N- yup!
*Grant just smiles and looks out the window as you drive down the road. He loves this little dinner down the road from the house. It has corn dogs which he just loves and the best chocolate milkshakes. As you drive you talk to Grant.*
Y/N- so Grant, are you excited for school?
Grant- a little! I'll get to see Eli and Nora, but I don't like that I have to sit still for so long.
*You smile*
Y/N- I know, we will talk to your teacher this year and make sure she understands that you need to get your wiggles out. Okay??
Grant- okay! Hey are Odette, Elizabeth, and Jonnie Gina be at the school this year?
Y/N- yeah they are! *Grant sighs and you laugh a little* is there a problem?
Grant- No, just more people I have to protect is all.. *He leans up against the window and stares out it. You gently smile and try to figure out how to approach this conversation.*
Y/N- do you like protecting people?
Grant- kinda, but sometimes I just want to be a kid. *You heart breaks at the thought that maybe you and Bucky have pushed the superhero thing too much. You keep your voice steady*
Y/N- who said you couldn't be a kid?
Grant- the kids at school and at sports. They said because you guys are superheroes I have to be one and protect everyone.
*You are relieved that the pressure wasn't from you and Bucky.*
Y/N- Grant baby, look at me. *You are at a red light so you turn around* you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If you don't want to be a superhero you don't have to be. Also you don't HAVE to protect anyone. I would like it if you would watch out for your sisters and stick up for your friends but nowhere does it say that a sweet, little 7 year old boy has to protect everyone. Understand?? *He nods and you see him wipe a tear. You take his hand.* you leave that up to mommy, daddy, uncle Steve and aunt Nat, and the rest of us, okay?!
Grant- okay mama *He gently smiles. He is so kind and loving that he just wants to help everyone though even when he doesn't have to.*
Y/N- do Eli and Nora say these things too??
Grant- No, just the mean kids who always play the villains and the bad guys.
Y/N- well that's proof right there that they are wrong. *You smile and Grant laughs*

*You get to the dinner and you head in, Grant runs ahead and holds the door open for you. You smile and kiss his head. You seat yourselves and look over the menu.*
Y/N- do you know what you want?
Grant- I want a corn dog! *You smirk and nod*
Y/N- okay bud *The waitress comes over and you ask her to take a picture of you and Grant. You pull Grant into your lap and he smiles big.*
Y/N- thank you!
Waitress- you're welcome! Would you like to order?
Y/N - yeah I think we are ready. Grant do you want to order? *He nods and looks at the waitress*
Grant- hi! *She smiles and says hi back* could I have 2 corn dogs and a glass of apple juice, please?
*She nods and then looks to you for approval, you discreetly nod yes and then order your food. It gets there and you two eat and just talk about life.*
Y/N- so you got a flower for Sarah?
*Grant blushes and nods*
Grant- yeah, I did. Is that okay?
Y/N- that's perfectly okay bud. *You smile* you really like Sarah huh?
Grant- yeah I do! Nora is nice too.
Y/N- oh, do you give Nora flowers at school?
Grant- I did once and she told Sarah and Sarah got all mad. *Grant shrugs*
Y/N- well I think Sarah may like you too and that's why she got mad.
*Grant nods, he then changes the topic.*
Grant- so do I have to share my room with the baby?
*You laugh*
Y/N- Umm not right now but when you are both older, yes. Your sisters will have to split up and share rooms too.
Grant- do you know if it's a boy or girl?
Y/N- we do! But me and your dad want to keep it a surprise! *You tease and wink, Grant smiles and looks up at the sky and groans.*
Grant- don't be another sister!
*You laugh*
Y/N- so, ice cream?! *Grant nods and looks for the waitress. He waves a big wave and smiles. She laughs and walks over.*
Waitress- did you need something?
Grant- Two Chocolate milkshakes please?! And thank you!
*You laugh and apologize*
Y/N- I'm so sorry he waved you down like that!
Waitress- oh it's fine! He's cute when he does it, the 50 year old men who do it, it's creepy! *you laugh and nod. She leaves to get your shakes.*

*You get your shakes and you two get them to go. You head outside and watch the sun set as you eat you shakes while sitting on the back of the car.*
Grant- the colors are really cool!
Y/N- yeah bud, they are!
*Grant looks at you and smiles, he leans his head on you and your wrap him up and hug him.*
Grant- thanks mama, I like when I get to talk to you.
*You tear up a little*
Y/N- I like my special "Little Wolf time" too! *He laughs as you tickle him. You two get in the car and head home. Grant watches out the window again. You get home and get inside, you get his pajamas ready as he showers, your little baby is now showering! You let him get dressed in privacy and then you come in to make sure he brushed his teeth.*
Y/N- alright, you wanna tell dad Goodnight?
Grant- you can tell him for me. *He climbs ins bed. You laugh and nod. You kiss his cheek and tuck him in.*
Y/N- Goodnight Grant, I love you, my Little Wolf.
Grant- love you too mommy

*You walk into the bedroom and you see Bucky fast asleep, completely passed out, book in hand, lamp still on. You get ready for bed and climb in next to him, you pull the book away and toss it on the bedside table. You turn off the lamp and lay down in Bucky's arms. He hums and hold you tight.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you made it back *He says half asleep. You laugh and kiss him.*
Y/N- yup, Grant says he loves you and Goodnight.
Bucky- awww I fucking love that kid- I love all our kids. So sweet and precious, kind and loving, and completely their own. *You nod and agree.*
Y/N- Mmhmm go to sleep baby, we can talk more in the morning.
Bucky- Mmhmm okay... *He is back asleep in minutes. You hold him tight and lay your head on his chest, listening to his breath and heartbeat as you drift off to sleep.*

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