Christmas Fun

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‼️another fun photo to share! 😏🥵👅😋‼️

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‼️another fun photo to share! 😏🥵👅😋‼️

*The rest of the day is wonderful. The kids play nicely for once. No one is screaming and needing you or Bucky. You just sit there with your cute family. The kids want to play outside again so you bundle them up and they head out into the snow. You get bundled up and sit outside and watch them for a bit. Bucky is having a snowball fight with the kids when Steve and Peter come out to join. Eventually everyone is out there and it's an all out war. You and Nat sit on the sideline and watch. Samuel is bundled up with her although he is wiggling around like he wants to get down.*
Nat- what's going on bud? Huh? You wanna play in the snow? It's gonna be cold. *Be still reaches down so she lets him sit in it for a minute and then he hates it. He looks at her and he's all mad and pouty.* I told you, you wanna snuggle again? He nuzzles close to her and sucks his thumb.*
Y/N- he's so cute!!! Ugh! I can't wait till I have a snuggly baby again! *You rub your belly and Ben presses his hand against your belly. You laugh* hey bud, I know you're there. *He kicks and you laugh*

*Elizabeth gets a snowball to the face and ends up screaming, she runs to you and cuddles with you. It's so rare when she does that you feel bad that you're enjoying the cuddles.*
Y/N- let me see your face sweet girl. *You look and she's a little red* you're gonna be okay. *She cries and hugs you tight. You rub her back and she slowly calms down. Bucky ends up getting tackled and covered in snow. He gets up and trudges over to you.*
Bucky- oh that one hurt. *He holds his back*
Y/N- you okay?
Bucky- yeah *He sits down next to you* just took a knee to the back. I'm not as young as I use to be *Steve comes walking up*
Steve- tell me about it! *You laugh and Bucky shoves him into the snow, they start to wrestle. Eventually they stop and Bucky sits next to you.*
Y/N- so we are heading out for the weekend.
Steve- to do what?
*you and Nat don't pay attention to what Steve asked*
Nat- okay! When are you leaving?
Steve- leaving for what?
Y/N- tomorrow morning, after breakfast.
Steve- what is happening?!
Nat- okay, so we will have the kids till when? Sunday night?
Y/N- yeah but we will get in late
Nat- okay, sounds good.
Steve- can someone please tell me what's happening?! *You and Nat look at Steve and Bucky just laughs because he watched the whole exchange and didn't offer anything to help Steve.*
Nat- Y/N and Bucky are going away for a little Baby-moon. We are keeping the kids.
*Steve nods and thanks her for explaining. He sees Bucky*
Steve- what are you laughing about?!
Bucky- you
*They start fighting again and you just wave them off.*
Nat- why are they both so aggressive today?!
Y/N- built up testosterone, it's gotta be.
*You both laugh and she agrees*

*Everyone gets inside and warms up by the fire as you start on Christmas dinner. Nat and the other ladies help and it's done before you know it. The kids eat and then beg to go back outside. You look at Bucky, he shrugs.*
Bucky- up to you mama
Y/N- sure, bundle up and take your flashlights! 
*Nat gets Samuel in bed and then come to find you.*
Nat- I think Tony built a bonfire, you wanna go out there?
*You grab your jacket and head back outside. You sit on a bench next to the fire while the kids play hide and go seek.*
Y/N- Bucky if you lose one of our babies in the dark, snowy night-
Bucky- I won't *He kisses you and yells that he's coming to find them.*
Nat- my bet is that he loses at least one
Y/N- he probably won't be able to find any of them *You both laugh a little. Thankfully Bucky finds all the kids and y'all call it a night.*
Jonnie- but I wanna play more!
Y/N- I know but you need to get a bath and sleep before you can play more
Odette- I'm not even tired! *She says as she rubs her eyes*
Bucky- you sure about that?
*She nods, Elizabeth cries as she head around the tub. She's over tired.*
Y/N- Grant? Go shower in our bathroom.
*He runs off and does. He gets dressed and is in bed asleep before you're done with the girls. You get them dressed and in bed. You and Bucky make your way to the room. You start to get packed when Bucky falls back on the bed, he groans a she does so you know he's alive.*
Y/N- you okay? Tired from the Christmas fun?
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- And sore. Did you get us massages?
Y/N- that I did, but I can give you one now if you like?
*Bucky smirks and rolls to his stomach. You smirk and climb on the bed. You straddle his butt and start to massage his shoulders and back. He lets out little moans and hums. You keep working out the knots when you finally see him fall asleep. You smirk and kiss his back as you climb off.*
Y/N- just sleep baby
*You pack for Bucky and yourself. You get everything you'll need and then get ready for bed. You crawl in bed and pull Bucky up to you. He snuggles close and you rub his back.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I love you *He mumbles in his sleep. You smile and kiss his head*
Y/N- I love you too baby

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