Winter, Then Walker

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Winnie- Nooooo!!! My towel was left out there!! *Winnie cries as she sees her towel sitting on the lawn chair, soaked by the rain falling from the sky and being blown around by the wind

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Winnie- Nooooo!!! My towel was left out there!! *Winnie cries as she sees her towel sitting on the lawn chair, soaked by the rain falling from the sky and being blown around by the wind.*
Bucky- okay Winnie, I'll go grab it for you.
Y/N- Bucky no, you have a lighting rod attached to you. Just leave it. Winnie it will be okay-
Winnie- But what if it blows away!?!
Y/N- then I'll get you a new one.
*You hear the door open behind you and you turn around to see Thor walking out to the pool and grabbing Winnie's towel, unbothered by the storm around him. He walks back in and just gently smiles at you*
Thor- I'll go put it in the washer.
*You could cry, he is so sweet.*
Y/N- thank you Thor. Winnie what do you say??
Winnie- thanks! *She says as she runs off. You just shake your head and sit on the couch. Bucky sits with you. Your perfect day by the pool was ruined about 45 minutes in by a huge storm system rolling in.*
Bucky- so I guess I should have checked the weather, my bad. *You laugh and agree.*
Y/N- yeah, you should have.
*He kisses you and then stands up*
Bucky- well I will get the kids squared away and then we should probably talk to Tony and them about-
Y/N- oh yeah! I did say we would explain the Winter situation.
Bucky- Umm what?!? How-
Y/N- Winnie told them- wait what were you gonna say?
Bucky- the Walker situation.
Y/N- oh! Yeah we need to fi fire out what's going on there too.
Bucky- what possessed Winnie to tell them about Winter?!
Y/N- Grant said I was acting funny this morning and Winnie asked if it was because of the "man who visited me last night"
Bucky- oh, well shit!
Y/N- yeah.. so which do we handle first?
Bucky- Winter, then Walker.
*You nod and head upstairs to get changed.*

Y/N- it's not that bad-
Steve- not that bad?!? You're telling me that Bucky's words work again and you two have been using them to have crazy sex!
Bucky- okay it's not just that-
Nat- if anyone found this out it could be used against you! Against all of us!
Y/N- we know that! We don't take that lightly-
Tony- except you're turning him whenever you two please while our children sleep under this roof! Think about your own children-
Bucky- I am! And don't you dare assume that I wouldn't be considering their well being! *Bucky is squaring up with Tony.*
Y/N- just stop!!
*Everyone looks at you*
Y/N- it was all my idea! When I brought you all back with the stones I brought Winter back as well. I didn't mean to but when I thought about being back everyone I loved and everyone who was innocent- he was brought back too! I loved- I love him as much as Bucky. He is the reason I even know Bucky or that I'm alive today. He protected me and cared for me when no one else did or could. *Nat looks at you and then looks away. She knows it's true. She left you when you were frozen, she didn't fight for you, she just left and hoped you'd get free one day.* he stood by my side-
Steve- and tried to kill you-
Y/N- and he tried to kill you too but you don't see me rubbing that in your face! He would never hurt me or the people I love. He is a softer person than he was before and a part of that if because of the children. He sees the life that Bucky and I have made and he is overwhelmed that he is a little bit a part of that. He is the most gentle with them and he would never hurt them or your kids either. Yes we use his words every so often because- *You look at Bucky and tear up a little* because I miss him. As much as I love Bucky and our life there is a part of me that loves Winter and knowing that he was just gone was hard enough and now that I can have him back- yeah I've jumped at that chance. *You wipe the tears as Bucky pulls you close and kisses your head.*
Bucky- we have already planned to go back to Wakanda and get the same help I got before. But we just wanted to give us a proper chance to say goodbye to him. He deserved to meet his children and to see that some good came out of his life.
*Tony, Steve, and Nat look at each other and nod.*
Steve- look I don't like it, but okay. Take as much time as you need.
Tony- just be careful. If it's that important to you then see if Shuri can work some magic and make it to where the words only work when y/n says them.
Nat- Thats actually a good idea!
*You cry a little more and nod. Bucky kisses your head*
Bucky- thanks guys. We will keep you posted about what we decide but know, he is at the point that he wouldn't hurt any of you. He will protect his family and that's what you all are.
*They all nod and you all just sit in silence for awhile. Then your children start screaming and you are snapped back to reality.*
Steve- we should get to Walker and see what's going on. *You all agree. You and Bucky go to check in your children*

*They are yelling about what to do and complaining about each other.*
Bucky- look, I don't care what you do. Just stay in the living room and don't get hurt. Okay?! Make sure you little sisters don't get hurt. Okay?! Do whatever you want!
Winnie- okay!!
Grant- you got it!
*You look at Bucky*
Y/N- someone's gonna die
Bucky- probably *He sighs* leave the door open, we will be just downstairs and if this place is trashed when we come to check on you there-
Winnie- will be hell to pay, we know. *She rolls her eyes and walks away. Bucky's scoffs and looks at you.*
Bucky- she gets that from you!
Y/N- yeah, I know.
*You smirk and walk out, Bucky shakes his head and follows. He yells over his shoulder.*
Bucky- be good! We will know if you disobey!
*You meet in the containment wing with the team*
Y/N- so do we believe him??
Steve- he says he meant the kids no harm, that he really just needs to talk to us.
Tony- He said there is a new threat-
Sam- when is there not a threat??
Bucky- who? Did he say who?
Thor- No, all he said is they are powerful and dark. They just want to cause chaos and destruction. They have magic yet they are also human, he's not sure what they can really do.
Nat- He said they destroyed the flag smashers in one attack. And not captured or killed, destroyed. Like there is no trace of them anymore. Karli, all of them, gone without a trace.
Y/N- so we could be looking at something that's other worldly.
Bucky- sounds like it.
Steve- Thor do you think Loki-
Loki- what do you think about me?
*Everyone turns a weapon on him and he raises his hands*
Loki- I come in peace.
*Everyone relaxes*
Steve- have you heard anything about any of this??
Loki- yes, and we have a big problem. The man John is talking about is Nathaniel Richards, more commonly known as Kang the conqueror.

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