Girls Night- Shocked And Confused

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*You get dressed and throw you hair up in a bun

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*You get dressed and throw you hair up in a bun. You go over the schedule with Bucky*
Y/N- okay, the triplets need to be fed at-
Bucky- at 6, I know.
*You smile and kiss his cheek*
Y/N- yes normally but with their schedule off it has been changing. They may get hungry earlier and I'm gonna ask something of you... *You give him a toothy smile* make them wait till 6. They are probably going to be mad about it but we need to get them back on track.
*Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- okay, I see. Leaving me to be the bad guy.
Y/N- yup! *You kiss him* also Grant and Winnie can eat at 6:45. They'll be done in time for a bath and you should be able to lay them down before the triplets need changing and their baths. *you look at your kids, playing and just laying in their swings.*  maybe I shouldn't go, this is a lot-
*Bucky silences you with a kiss*
Bucky- I've got it baby, go relax. I'll see you when you get back.
*You nod and head out. Nat and Kate are waiting y the door.*
Y/N- alright, let's go.

*You ride to the spa in silence until Kate starts to speak.*
Kate- so... how did you become Odette- or were you always her?? Or-
Nat- Kate let's not talk about all this-
Y/N- it's fine, thanks Nat. *You look back at Kate.* Hydra brainwashed me, it's my alter personality.
Kate- did you choose that name?
Y/N- Nope, Winter did. *You see the look on Kate's face.* He didn't want Hydra using my real name. He felt that was a privilege only he should have, so he gave me a new name.
*Kate smiles*
Kate- Aww that's actually really sweet.
*You smile and Nat just leans back and chuckles*
Y/N- yeah I guess.
Nat- Kate? *She hums* are you and Peter together??
*Kate gets flustered*
Kate- Umm I- we haven't- I don't know.  *Nat nods and looks at you* but I'm so past the whole Bucky thing. Like way past it! *You laugh and Nat smiles*
Y/N- good!
*Kate smiles and looks down at her phone. You drive the rest of the way in silence.*

Y/N- okay, Kate they have you in room 3, Nat you're in room 1, and I'll be in room 2. See y'all when we leave! *Nat laughs and Kate gently smiles* something wrong Kate??
Kate- oh no! I just thought we'd all be together, you know, bonding and such.
Y/N- Umm well I'm about to be very naked for a very long time in there and I love Nat and you're starting to grow on me but the only person who sees all this is my husband, and the lovely lady who's about to give me a massage. *You smile and Nat agrees. Kate nods and head into her room.*

*You relax and enjoy the three hours to yourself. Your massage puts you to sleep and your wax wakes you back up again. When your done you feel recalled and ready to curl up I bed and go to sleep. You walk out of your room and you see Nat looking as relaxed as you, Kate on the other hand looks horrified.*
Kate- you didn't tell me I was going to be naked!! *She whispers screams to you*
Y/N- yes I did, literally before I went into my room I said I didn't want you two seeing me naked-
Kate- I thought that was just a you thing!
*You laugh and shake your head.*
Y/N- Nope! Sorry, did you enjoy it??
Kate- yeah, I mean kinda. It was still a little weird. I guess it would get less weird overtime.
Nat- I does and it's amazing *She smiles and stretches.* alright, let's go home, I wanna see my baby.
Y/N- Sarah's gonna be asleep
Nat- I meant Steve
*You laugh and give Nat a shove, Kate laughs too and Nat just smiles*
Nat- I'll tell you, that massage, Mmhm that was not what I needed. Now I'm just even more pissed I'm not getting laid tonight.
*Kate blushes and you laugh*
Y/N- come on, let's get home.

*The ride home was more talkative.*
Y/N- so Kate, tell us about yourself.
*Kate tells you how she met Clint and everything that happened with her mom.*
Nat- so that mission with us wasn't your first rodeo?!
Kate- Nope, I've fought some bad guys on my own. That's actually how I met Yelena too, she was sent after Clint.
*Nat nods*
Nat- Yeah sorry about that, I know you got caught in the crossfire.
Kate- Ehhh it's okay, Yelena's become a good friend so it all worked out.
*You and Nat nod*
Y/N- oh I need to stop by the store, need some more tampons and pads.
Kate- I thought you don't have a period when you're nursing? At least that's what I've heard.
*Nat whips around*
Nat- Not true and you can get pregnant! Never let a man near you if you aren't prepared! Understand me?!
Kate- y-yyes! *Nat smiles and you laugh*
Nat- Good!
*You stop at the store and as you walk in you see some guys harassing the girl working the front. She seems to be holding her own but you and Nat keep and eye out for her. You get what you need and Nat grabs a box of condoms, she throws them at Kate.*
Nat- Never trust a man to be prepared, ever. *She nods and then Nat grabs another box, you look at her and laugh*
Nat- What?! I'm not ready to be pregnant again, at least not yet!
*You laugh and whisper*
Y/N- Not to be too weird but I think you grabbed the wrong size... *You laugh and walk away, she looks down and sees the box she grabbed, she laughs and puts them back.*
Nat- oh yeah, there's no way in hell those would fit. *She grabs a bigger size and follows after you. Kate looks at the size Nat just grabbed, her jaw drops and she looks around blushing and then follows you two to the check out. You check out and wait for Nat and Kate.*
Kate- Umm is that like standard super soldier size or- *Nat laughs*
Nat- yeah, kinda. *Kate nods, and her eyes get big. Nat smirks and checks out. You all walk towards the exit and you see the men still harassing the girl. She looks scared and that sets you and Nat off.*
Y/N- okay boys, I think it's time to go home.
Guy 1- and who might you be?!
Guy 2- you want some of this sweet action?!
*You and Nat laugh and shake your heads*
Nat- definitely not
Y/N- we just want you to leave this poor girl alone.
Guy 3- or what?! What are you two gonna do?!
*They start closing in around you, Nat, and Kate, the girl runs to the back and finds her manager.*
Nat- You really don't want to do this-
Guy 2- I think I do *He try's to grab Nat's ass and she lays him out flat and breaks his arm and nose in the process. The other guy comes at you and you flip him over and knock him out against the register. Kate is in hand to hand with the other guy, she is holding her own and she drops him to the ground. You all three laugh as you call the police.*
Y/N- okay, police are on their way, let's go.
Kate- don't we have to stay??
Nat- Nah, the cameras caught everything and so did the girl on her phone. *She points to the girl with her manager. Both of them recording. You all wave and then leave.*

*You walk inside laughing and talking. Bucky and Steve sitting in the couch. Peter even walks in from the kitchen.*
Bucky- well looks like you three had fun
*You all laugh*
Y/N- you could say that!
*Tony walks in*
Tony- okay, why am I getting calls from news stations asking to speak to the fighting Widows?!
*You laugh and Nat explains what happened. Bucky is slightly mad but mostly turned on and proud of you. Steve just smiles and nods. Peter looks at Kate who looks away and then looks back smiling, Peter does the same.*
Tony- okay, next time wait for the police.
Kate- told you! *You shove Kate and she laughs.*
Bucky- alright, let's go. Need to get these crime fighters in bed, huh!? *You smile and kiss him as he throws you over his shoulder and takes you up the stairs, you laugh and squeal as Bucky slaps your ass. Nat heads up with Steve but she turns around and throws Kate's bag to her, the one with the box of condoms. The box falls to the ground and Tony sees the box. Peter, trying to protect Kate webs it up and pulls it to him. Tony gasps and looks at Kate then back at Peter.*
Kate/Peter- Thats not- Umm we didn't- we're not- Goodnight!
*They both run off to their rooms and Tony just stands there shocked and confused.*

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