Let's Go Home

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*The kids come in and meet Samuel

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*The kids come in and meet Samuel. Sarah is so happy, James and Anthony are happy to have another brother. They all "hold" him and take pictures, they hug and kiss Steve and Nat goodbye and they head back home with Tony and Pepper.*
Tony- hey real quick before we head out, I though Nat was... you know.
Steve- she was- we will explain everything when we get back home. I promise. *He nods and then leaves with the kids. You lay in bed as Bucky lays next to you, once everyone is out of the room you all decide to have a chat.*
Bucky- okay, I guess we should explain a little what happened on our mission.
*Steve and Bucky explain how Daniel took the drive and destroyed it. How they went and took out some Hydra agents and how Daniel found the last known vile of serum.*
Nat- Daniel? *She looks down, almost like she feels bad for wanting to see him.* how was he?
Bucky- he was good. He says hello.
Y/N- he took the file to destroy it, to protect us and the kids.
Bucky- yeah, even after all this time he still wants to make sure we're okay.
*You cry a little and so does Nat*
Nat- did you know about the serum? Was that always a plan for you?
Steve- No, he called me as free the story broke about the accident. He said if I wanted to save you then I needed to listen.
*Nat nods*
Nat- Why did you even consider it? *She looks up at him, you can all tell the reality of what's happened is starting to set in.*
Steve- all I could think about was saving you. Look, I'm gonna be honest I've thought about asking you to take the serum.
Nat- What!?!
Y/N- what?!
Bucky- what?!
*Steve sighs*
Steve- only because I age slower, we all age slower. I didn't want to watch you grow old without me and pass on. I didn't want to live without you, we're suppose to be in this together and I don't want to lose you too soon.
*Nat lays back and takes a deep breath.*
Nat- Wow my breathing is amazing! *You and Bucky laugh*
Bucky- just wait till you find out what else went through the roof. *Bucky teases and you wack his arm.*
Y/N- Bucky Barnes she just had a baby!
*Bucky shrugs and smiles. Steve smiles and laughs under his breath. Nat just laughs and shakes her head. She looks at you*
Nat- You! You did this... why?
Y/N- I couldn't lose you. Does that make me selfish? Yes but I feel you can be selfish when it comes to saving someone's life. It's not all that bad. Honestly the worst part you were unconscious for.
*Bucky and Steve nod*
Steve- She's got a point
Nat- yeah but now I'm not special... *You all look around confused* in our little group I was the one without serum. I was the one who could keep up with three super soldiers. Carried super soldier babies to term without being a super soldier. Now I just like you three, now I'm not some normal, badass assassin. Now I've got something in that almost qualifies my abilities and I hate that. I wanted to be the best as a normal person not because I have an unfair genetic advantage.
*Steve kisses her head and you take her hand.*
Y/N- you're still amazing Nat and if you want once we are all better you can try to beat us in a fight. Maybe your new found strength will make it almost fair.
Steve- that's true, we don't have to hold back anymore!
Bucky- totally!
Y/N- we can just let her have it!
*She laughs and shoves you all.*
Steve- look Nat, I really am sorry that this happened and you weren't able to give you say. But now we have future and a real one, a long one! We will see our grandkids have kids and just be able to enjoy this life together.
*Nat gently smiles and kisses Steve.*

Nat- well I guess now that I'm a super soldier maybe I wouldn't mind having another kid or two, especially if they are all as cute as the others! *She smiles and holds Samuel. Steve lowers his head and takes a deep breath.*
Bucky- hey y/n, you wanna go on a wheelchair ride? *You nod, Bucky lifts you to the chair and rolls you out. You two just sit by the door and listen.*
Steve- Nat- Tasha baby, there's something I've been meaning to tell you.
Nat- What baby? *She smiles and looks at him, she sees the tears.* Steve you're starting to scare me.
Steve- After you gave birth you started to bleed. They tried to stop it but they couldn't, the only way to save you was- *Steve takes a breath and Nat is starting to catch on*
Nat- No- *Her voice cracks. Steve takes her hand and she pulls it away and covers her mouth as she cries. He rubs her shoulders and kisses her head.*
Steve- I'm so sorry Nat, they had to take it all.
*Nat clings to Steve and Samuel as she clutches her stomach. This new, bright future and yet there's nothing really to come of it.*
Nat- I- I can't have children anymore?!
Steve- No baby- I- I'm so so sorry!
*He holds her and just lets her sob. You cry as you sit by the door, Bucky just holds and kisses your hand as he lays his metal hand on your belly.*

*After a while Nat has finally stopped crying and she speaks.*
Nat- I know it's silly, I was going to have them preform that very surgery after Samuel was born. But it would have been my choice then, my decision to say "no more" but instead the universe said "fuck you, I'm taking this back." *She wipes a stray tear* it's not right or fair.
*Steve kisses her head and rubs her shoulder. He looks down at a sleeping Samuel.*
Steve- it just means that all this time with him is that much sweeter.
*She looks super at Steve and nods as she starts to cry*
Nat- Yeah. *She decided to nurse him and do some skin to skin, soaking in all the "first" moments she can since each one will be her last.*
Nat- I'm sorry you had such a rough start my sweet boy. *She kisses his head*
Steve- we will make it up to you. *He kisses his hand, Samuel smiles and coos in his sleep. Nat smiles and laughs through the tears.*

*You come back in and get settled in bed. The doctor comes in to check on you and he is amazed at Nat.*
Doctor- wait- you- hold on!! *He starts looking through charts and calling in nurses. You all just look at each other and smile.*
Nat- never count me out Doc!
*They do all types of tests and can't find how she survived and bounced back and none of you are about to let them in on your secret.*
Doctor- okay, well we'd like to keep you for the night for observation, make sure this ain't surge.
Bucky- what's a surge?
Doctor- it's where a terminal patient bounces back with a surge of e feet before crashing and passing away.
*You all nod and look at each other.*
Steve- okay, we will stay just to make sure.
*The doctor leaves and Nat hits his arm*
Nat- I could have gone home! You scared I'm gonna die?!
Steve- No! I just figured the less we fought them the fewer questions they would ask.
*You just laugh to yourself as Steve and Nat bicker. You get to hold Samuel while Steve and Nat sleep. He is so cute and tiny.*
Bucky- he's cute! I hope he isn't as a nothing as his name sake. *You laugh and hit Bucky's stomach. Peter and Yelena went back home once they knew Nat and you were okay. The night is not restful at all because doctors and nurse keep coming in to check on Nat. The morning comes and you two are ready to get out of there and get home.*
Doctor- okay Mrs. Barnes, your x-ray shows that you've healed nicely. I am comfortable letting you walk out of here- well with crutches.
Y/N- So I'm almost healed? From a femur break??
Doctor- yes, the serum must be some strong stuff. Also once we got in there it wasn't as bad as we thought. You should be fully healed by the end of the week.
*You and Bucky nod and agree.*
Doctor- Natasha your ribs are healing and your arm is almost completely healed. I don't know how but you are one lucky lady. You are both free to leave, a nurse will be by with your papers and to help you out.
Nat- what about Samuel?
Doctor- he is being released as well.
Steve- thanks Doc! *Steve shakes his hand and the doctor leaves.*

Bucky- let's go home, huh?!
Y/N- yeah, I miss my babies.
Bucky- you know Grant is almost 10-
Y/N- stop! He is still my baby! My Little Wolf!
*Bucky laughs and helps you into the chair. Bucky pushes you out as Steve pushes Nat out while she holds Samuel.*
Y/N- you know what I just realized... I don't have a car anymore.
Nat- oh shit, you're right!
Bucky- don't worry, we've got it covered.
*You see the jet flying in the distance and it lands on the far end of the parking lot. You and Nat laugh*
Y/N- really?!
Steve- it's the best we could do!
*The nurses look at one another.*
Nurse- Umm technically we have to put you in a car-
Nurse 2- oh whatever, y'all go be free. *They both walk away and the guys laugh.*
Bucky- let's go home
*You smile and kiss him*

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