A Wholesome Day

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*Peter and Kate head to be but first Peter stops by your room, you open the door half asleep

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*Peter and Kate head to be but first Peter stops by your room, you open the door half asleep.*
Y/N- Peter?? What do you need?
Peter- I chose and- you were right, it's all gonna be okay. *You smile and hug Peter. He then heads off to his room. He walks past MJs room and he stops. He knocks on the door before he realizes it's almost 1 am. She answers it anyway.*
MJ- Peter??
Peter- MJ I- *He walks forward and takes her face in his hands.* I'm sorry I even doubted us. It's you, it's always been you. *She smiles and kisses him, wrapping her arms around him and bringing him in the room. Peter uses his foot to shut the door behind him.*

*You are woken up by kisses all down your body, you smile and move your hands to Bucky's hair. You hum and Bucky moves back up to your face.*
Bucky- Happy Birthday baby girl
Y/N- Mmhmm thank you Bucky
*He kisses you.*
Bucky- I have a whole day planned for you.
Y/N- oh really?! Do tell! *Bucky chuckles and kisses your neck and chest as he tells you his plans*
Bucky- well first I'm gonna have breakfast, which of course is you *He winks and you giggle* then you are gonna go to the spa, I have planned a whole special day of massages, mud baths, facials, saltwater pod bath, the whole nine yards! And you get to enjoy it All. By. Yourself. *He kisses your breast* no kids needing you, no husband hanging all over you, *You hum* no friends needing help with their problems, just you and a team full of people ready to spoil you.
Y/N- it sounds amazing *Bucky is tearing you through your underwear, it feels so good*
Bucky- then you'll come home and I'll entertain the kids while you get ready for a night out of drinking with Nat and Wanda.
Y/N- oh! A real girls night! *You laugh, Bucky smirks and nods*
Bucky- and whatever y'all wanted to do while your out, is a-o-k with me! *He winks and you roll your eyes.*
Y/N- in your dreams *You kiss him*
Bucky- ha! Anyway, then you'll come home and I'll have a surprise waiting for you-
Y/N- is the surprise your dick?
*Bucky laughs and kisses your breast*
Bucky- No, well yes! But not that surprise, that surprise is an after sundown surprise *He winks and you laugh* now if you don't mind I'd love to taste my breakfast. *You smirk and motion for him to go ahead. He moves below the covers, pulls your underwear off and starts to eat you out as seductively as he can, and he can be pretty damn seductive.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Mmhmm baby
Bucky- Mmhm so so good. Delicious baby girl
*Bucky takes his time, and brings you to the edge. He moves his hand up and squeezes your breast and moans against you. You cum so hard your thighs close around his head and you ride his face as your high washes over you. He smirks against your center and kisses you before he pries your thighs open and kisses his way up your body.*
Bucky- best breakfast ever *He whispers in your ear.* should I have seconds? *You hum and smiles*
Y/N- Mmhm you can have whatever you want.
Bucky- well, in that case *He throws the covers off and flips to his back, he pulls you up to straddle his face. He wraps his arms around your legs and pulls you down to sit on his face. You moan and rub your breast as Bucky devours you, you reach back and tease him a little and then he starts to stroke himself. You cum about 3 times and you are enjoying yourself so much, you don't hear the door to your bedroom open.*
Steve- Happy Birth- oh god!!!
*You turn around and see Steve holding Grant and covering his eyes as his eyes are squeezed shut. Grant has flowers in his hands and big cookie in the other, both for you. Nat has Winnie and she is just laughing, she's turned to the side so she can't really see and she had Winnie's eye covered.*
Y/N- oh my god!!! Steve?!? *You climb off Bucky and quickly cover yourself with the sheet, Bucky wipes off his face and puts himself back in his boxers as he sits up.*
Bucky- really?!
Steve- oh don't even!! You were suppose to be done with all of this by 8:15 so Grant and Winnie could do their little birthday surprise for her! You said you'd be done! *Steve still had his eyes squeezed shut, Nat laughs and gives him a nudge, he opens his eyes. Bucky nods*
Bucky- that is true but I lost track of time, sorry! *He laughs and Steve rolls his eyes and walks over to you. He hands you Grant who smiles and hugs you.*
Grant- haaappy birrthdayyy mama! I luv youu
*You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- thank you Grant! I love you too!
*Bucky grabs his shirt from the floor and hands it to you, you quickly slip it on so you can drop the sheet. Nat brings over Winnie, she squeals smiles and you hold her and she kisses your cheek*
Winnie- wuv oouu mama!
Y/N- I love you too Winnie boo! *You look at both of them* did you bring me flowers and a cookie for my birthday?!
Grant- Yup!!
*You laugh and Grant hands you the cookie. You start to eat it and he looks up at you with his big blue eyes, Winnie does the same thing.*
Y/N- ha! Okay, fine. *You split it three ways and give them a piece. Bucky laughs and kisses your head. He then looks at Steve and Nat and nods his head towards the kids.*
Steve- hey Grant how about we head back downstairs and we can get a breakfast cookie, Huh?! *Grant jumps down and it out the door in a flash. Winnie does the same thing, Steve and Nat follow them out. You laugh and then before you know it Bucky has you in his arms and is kissing you as he walks to the bathroom.*
Y/N- what are you doing?! *You laugh*
Bucky- we got real dirty this morning! I think we should clean up, don't you! *He rubs a hand between your legs and you moan.*
Y/N- definitely!
*Bucky and you quickly shower and then have some fun, just making out and petting each other's bodies.*
Bucky- Mmhm I love you, y/n
Y/N- I love you too Bucky
*He kisses your nose and then helps you dry off. You get dressed and ready for your day at the spa. You head downstairs and see that the triplets are all downstairs and in their swings.*
Y/N- did you move them down here??
Bucky- yeah, Steve helped move the swings. We've got a party to plan so I needed them down here where I could see them.
Y/N- I need to feed them before I leave.
Bucky- okay, I think your cover is-
Y/N- well Steve and Nat have already sent my breast this morning so what does it matter.
*Steve shakes his head and Nat laughs and nods. Bucky kisses your head and slaps your ass. You feed the Odette and Elizabeth at the same time and then Jonnie. You look up at Bucky*
Y/N- I just realized this will be the first time I'm away from them for an extended period of time. And this will be the first time you've had all 5 by yourself. *Bucky nods*
Bucky- Yup, and that's why it's all hands on deck. We will be fine, I promise. *He kisses you and you nod*

*You get ready to head out and you kiss the kids goodbye*
Y/N- mommy will see you soon, okay?! I love you and be good!
Bucky- they will be great!
Y/N- I was talking to you
*Bucky spanks you and you laugh*
Y/N- thank you for this, I love you.
Bucky- love you too, see you soon!
*You leave and head to the spa.*

*The massage is like heaven and you fall asleep. It's the first massage you e had in awhile that didn't have you end up on your back with your legs in the air or spread. Bucky really does prefer to give the happy ending type of massage. The mud bath is weird but you go with it, and the facial is so incredibly relaxing. Then the saltwater pod bath is just something else. You are completely weightless and just floating around this dark silent pod, all alone and completely at peace. You didn't want it to end. When you are done you head home and you don't even turn on the music, enjoying the silence. You get home at Nap time so the silence continues and it's wonderful. As much as you love your babies and their squeals sometimes it's just too much.*
Bucky- hey baby *He kisses your temple and speaks quietly.*
Y/N- hey, why are the triplets asleep in their swings??
Bucky- it was easier to keep them down here. The other two are asleep in their beds and I have the monitor. Don't worry I stop the swings often and make sure they're okay. *He rubs your back* Mmhm you smell good, what is that??
Y/N- lavender and coconut.
Bucky- I like it *He gently smiles* go get ready, Nat and Wanda are gonna be ready to leave at 4.
Y/N- okay, *You start to leave but then you turn around and kiss Bucky* thank you for the sweet, Wholesome Day.
*Bucky smiles and then smirks*
Bucky- just get ready baby, tonight's gonna be a 180. *You laugh and Bucky gently spanks you as you head upstairs.*

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