An Amazing Gift

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Bucky- what?! When?! How?!? *He kisses you and holds your face

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Bucky- what?! When?! How?!? *He kisses you and holds your face. He rubs his metal thumb across your cheek. He cries more as he feels your soft skin and the warmth spread across your cheeks. He laughs as he cries* I can feel you.
*You cry and nod.*
Y/N- yeah baby *You kiss him. Bucky then realize- HE CAN FEEL. He pulls back a little but still keeps his metal hand on your face.*
Bucky- but wait- fighting and stopping bullets- when I take it off-
*You gently smile and take his hand off your face, you kiss his palm and hold it with both of yours.*
Y/N- I explained to Shuri how we needed to be able to turn this on and off. *You pull out the remote.* when this button is pressed it allows your brain to control when and how you feel. When it's off then it's like it was before, no feeling, no pain. It's everything you wanted and nothing you didn't. *He laughs and cries, he pulls you into his arms and rubs his hand along your body as he kisses you.*
Bucky- thank you thank you thank you! *He kisses you as he talks* this is- I just- *He smiles against your lips* Wow! *You laugh and cry as you rub his arms. He smiles and takes a deep breath.*
Bucky- okay *He clears his throat and you wipe the tears from his face. You smile up at him as he takes your hand in his metal one.* now that I've cried like a baby *You laugh and wipe one last tear* let's go have our date. *He smirks and kisses you. He then leads you out of the room and down the hall.*
Y/N- so where are we going??
Bucky- I wanted to show you a little bit of my life from when I was here. *He winks and you smile and wrap your arms around his waist as you walk.*

*As you walk down the streets you hear some kids yelling*
-the White Wolf is back!
-White Wolf!!
-He's here!!
*You laugh and smile. Bucky waves at them and then ushers you into a building. You see a room fillies with tables and people laughing and dancing. You are lead through it to the balcony. There is a table set up for you and Bucky, it has candles along the railing and on the table and the view is incredible.*
Y/N- wow, this is how you dined every night here?! *You tease*
Bucky- No *He laughs* most the time I just hid in my hut. But sometimes I'd come up here and drink at the bar. The owners are nice and they were some of the ones that weren't scared of me at the beginning.*
*Your heart breaks a little, you kiss his hand and he smiles*
Y/N- well let's eat cause he *You point to your belly* is starving! *Bucky laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- okay okay

*You sit down and get your food ordered. They bring the table some Wine but as they sit it down they see you and then look between your and Bucky.*
Waiter- so sorry, would you like some water or tea?
Y/N- that would be lovely thank you! *You smile as he walks away.*
Bucky- sorry about that *He laughs and you smile*
Y/N- it's okay
*You sit back and rub your belly. Bucky just takes you in. You bask in the warmth of the night and just close your eyes. Bucky takes your hand in his and rubs the back of your hand as he looks out over horizon. You both enjoy the silence and just being together. Your food gets there and you take your time as you eat.*
Y/N- I can't remember the last time I got to sit and enjoy a meal without someone also eating my food.
Bucky- neither can I *He casually reaches over and takes a bite from your plate, you laugh and slap his hand. He winks*
*You finish eating and you get ready to head back to the palace.*
Y/N- it's this way babe
Bucky- I know but we aren't going back there tonight. *He smiles and pulls you close.* I said I wanted to show you a little bit of my life. *You smile and let him lead you down the road.*
Y/N- you takin' me home? *You tease and Bucky smirks and kisses you. He slips his arm around your shoulder*
Bucky- you bet baby

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