In The Prime Of His Life

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*You let MJ in

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*You let MJ in.*
MJ- Peter!!
Y/N- MJ please, let me explain.
*You tell her everything and how Peter doesn't remember anything.*
MJ- let me see him, please.
Y/N- he's in his room but don't be surprised if he doesn't recognize you.
*MJ heads to Peter's room*

*Peter is looking around as Kate walks in*
Kate- Hey Peter
Peter- hey, Kate, right?
*She smiles and nods*
Kate- yeah *He smiles and continues to look around his room*
Peter- I really like legos don't I.
Kate- ha! Yeah, you like building things.
*Peter nods, he turns and looks at Kate*
Peter- Umm so are we-
*MJ walks in and sees Peter. She looks familiar to him but he can't place her. She runs over and hugs him. He instinctively hugs her back, something pulling at his heart.*
Peter- Umm do I know you? I mean I know I do but I don't remember.
MJ- sorry, yeah I'm MJ. I'm your- well we were- we use to date.
Peter- and now we don't? *He looks at Kate*
Kate- oh no we're not together either, at least not at the moment.
*MJ turns around*
MJ- what does that mean?? *She eyes Kate*
Kate- that means that after you dumped him because he was going through some hard times he met me and we've been growing closer.
MJ- there is way more to it than that-
Kate- Doesn't seem to be, things got hard and you left-
MJ- listen here-
*Peter steps between them and they start arguing over Peter.*
Kate- he doesn't need you-
MJ- what?! And he needs you-
*You run in after hearing the yelling*
Y/N- what is going on?!
*They both start yelling and explaining and you can't hear to save your life*
Y/N- enough! Peter, explain.
Peter- Umm well I use to date her and now I'm sorta dating her, I guess but I don't remember. Now, sorry I didn't catch your name.
Peter- right, MJ wants to help but Kate doesn't care for her to-
Y/N- okay, girls go wait downstairs, now please.
*They leave and Peter dusts down and rubs his head*
Y/N- peter?? What's wrong?
Peter- it's like I can remember but yet I can't. It's all there and as I start to understand it, it vanishes.
*You nod and hug him*
Y/N- Wanda and Tony are working on something right now, they even called in Dr.Strange.
Peter- who?? *You laugh*
Y/N- don't worry, you're in great hands. Now let's get you some food, huh?? You must be starving. *Peter nods. You walk to the kitchen and you see Steve, Bucky, and Sam talking*
Sam- I mean he's got two girls fighting over him, seems to be every young boys dream.
Bucky- No, not Peter's.
Steve- yeah, he's too nice and he's afraid of hurting one of them. If anything MJ showing up just made this way more dramatic than it needed to be.
Sam- how so?
Bucky- because if he gets his memory back then he has to then face both of them. Restart and old relationship that didn't survive because of some trials or start something new with a girl who was willing to break up my family when she thought I liked her.
*Sam nods*
Sam- Damn...
Steve- yeah..
*You walk by then and rub Bucky's back. He takes your hand and kisses it. He pats Peter on the back.*
Peter- so what exactly are you to me??
*He looks at you, you see that little glimmer in his eye. The one that was there when you first met. You gotta shut this down real fast.*
Y/N- you're the little brother I ever had. *You squeeze him tight.* and that is my husband Bucky, he feels the same way. He only had sisters so he kinda brought you under his wing.
Peter- and Tony??
Y/N- oh he basically adopted you. Like I'm pretty sure May just signed you over. *Peter laughs and sits down at the table. You grab out some snacks and toss him a bag. Bucky comes walking in With a sleepy Grant. You try to shooo him away beg for Grant sees Peter but it's too late.*
Grant- peeete
*Peter smiles and waves, but nothing else. Grant looks at him and then looks at you. He starts to pout a little, even he knows somethings up.*
Y/N- it's okay Grant, come here. *You hold him and Peter just looks around and finishes his snack. It's like he doesn't really even care about Grant. Not in a mean way, he just doesn't know him. You look at Bucky and wipe away a tear.*

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