The Tape pt2

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‼️Had to use and oldie but a goodie picture for this chapter! 😏😏😏 Lol, enjoy!😏🥵🤤😈‼️

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‼️Had to use and oldie but a goodie picture for this chapter! 😏😏😏 Lol, enjoy!😏🥵🤤😈‼️

*The kids get up and go about the rest of the day absolutely destroying everything and that was not what you needed comping off a night of no sleep and jelly legs*
Y/N- no Grant you can't jump off that!
*Crashing sound in the distance*
Bucky- who and what was that!?! *He sees a broken lamp and he knows it wasn't Grant because you are currently putting him in time out for disobeying* Winnie, Odette, Elizabeth, Jonnie?!? Come here!
*Winnie runs in and the triplets come toddling in all smiles and sweetness, they already know how to play Bucky and you find it hilarious.*
Odette- Dada!
Elizabeth- Uve ooo dada!
*Jonnie just walks up and hugs his leg, and looks up at him. Winnie just giggles and smiles*
Bucky- who broke the lamp?! *He looks at all of them and they just smile. He tries to not smile and laugh because this is serious but he can't help it. He pulls Jonnie off his leg and turns around and cracks a smile. You walk over and tag him out.*
Y/N- good try, go sit on the bench.
*He walks into the other room, you stare down the girls and they know it's serious now.*
Winnie- I sorry mama, it was me. I push Odette an she hit it.
*You nod and crouch down. She walks over and you hug her.*
Y/N- thank you for telling me, now say your sorry to Odette.
Winnie- sorry ett
*Odette smiles and hugs Winnie. They all giggle and run away, you clean up the lamp and get Grant out of time out.*
Y/N- when I ask you not to do something it's because I have a good reason. You could have gotten hurt and that would have made mommy very sad, okay. Are you going to listen??
Grant- yes mommy, I'm sorry. *He hugs and kisses you*
Y/N- go play
*He runs off and you find Bucky*
Y/N- okay, I can't always be the bad cop, you've got to toughen up with these girls.
*Bucky smiles and nods*
Bucky- I know but the triplets are still so little and so cute! *He falls back on the bed and you laugh, you walk up and squeeze his thighs and he jumps because it tickles and hurts*
Y/N- well we don't talk to the triplets the same way we talk to Winnie. They have to have a little more grace than her but they still have to be disciplined. They are learning from her and Grant, they are smarter than you think.
Bucky- oh I know how smart they are, they have me wrapped around their fingers. *You laugh and nod. You kiss him and he rubs your back.* you know I really like it when you discipline, it's kinda hot. *he winks and you laugh*
Y/N- oh yeah?!
Bucky- oh yeah! I'm starting to get flashes of last night and you really really liked to discipline last night. *He kisses you and you hum*
Y/N- once the kids are in bed tonight I want to finish our tape.
Bucky- you got it sweetness!
Y/N- is that your new name for me or something?! *You tease and kiss him*
Bucky- oh yeah, you're just too sweet to be called anything else. *You giggle and he slaps your ass. You two find the kids and spend the rest of the day playing with them.*

Y/N- Goodnight, I love you.
*You whisper as you leave Grant rooms. He is the last to go to sleep since he is a little older. You slip into your room and Bucky already has the camera set up and he's tucked in bed ready to watch. You laugh and get ready for bed and slip in next to him.*
Bucky- Mmhmm this is the best day! *He hold you tight and you laugh. You kiss his chest and he presses play.*

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