Give Mommy A Show

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*you get back to the room and the kids insist on making pizza for dinner

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*you get back to the room and the kids insist on making pizza for dinner.*
Y/N- we will have to ask to use the kitchen.
*The kids run to the kitchen and you walk with Bucky, you see him shift around a little and you smirk. You pull him into a little alcove and press him against a wall.*
Bucky- what are you- *He is cut off with a kiss and a thigh between his legs.* Mmhmm *You pull back and he smirks* Well damn *He teases and you smirk as your hand travels lower and lower. Down his chest and to the bulge in his pants. You cup him in your hand, pressing the cage against him. He whimpers and bucks against your hand. You tease him the best way you can, praising.*
Y/N- you've done so good today baby. Haven't whined or begged for me to release you. *You whisper in his ear as you ghost his tip through his pants and the cage, regardless he can still feel it. His eyes roll back and he fights a moan.* so, so good for Mommy. Maybe I should reward you, huh??
Bucky- y-yes mommy, please?!
Y/N- that's a good boy. *You look around and make sure no one can see you. You slip his hand down the front of your pants, he feels how wet you are. He smiles and closes his eyes at the feeling of it, slipping his fingers through your folds and teasing your entrance. You moan as you guide his hand.* oh that's it, Mmhmm yeah right there. So good! Isn't this a nice reward, getting to feel Mommy's wet pussy.
*Bucky whimpers and nods.*
Bucky- ye-yes mommy. Can I taste it? Please?! I've been so good-
Y/N- Sh sh sh baby, *You pull his hand out. You stare him down as you give him permission.* go ahead, clean your fingers. *Bucky slips them in his mouth and moans, his eyes roll back and he sucks and licks them clean.*
Bucky- so good-
Y/N- I know *You smirk and pat his face.* come on, let's go find the kids. *You pull him back into the hall and he is blushing. You smile and pull him close. You walk down the hall arm in arm and both of you completely turned on.*

*The kids have already taken over the kitchen.*
Y/N- I'm so sorry! *You apologize to the kitchen staff. They smile and say it's fine, it's nice to not have to cook*
*You get a recipe out for the pizza dough.*
Y/N- okay, Bucky you help Grant and Winnie with the dough. *He looks at you and you can see the lust in his eyes. You smirk* now please. *He snaps right back into his Submissive state and nods. He walks past you and you whisper* good boy.
*He bites his lip and looks back at you. He then focuses on the kids*
Bucky- okay, what do we need?! *He looks I've the directions and leans down on the counter top. You move around, getting the rest of the ingredients. You rub his back as you pass by, squeeze his butt, push him forward a little so he brushes against the counter in front of him. Bump your hips against his ass like you're thrusting into him. He just takes it all, you can tell he is trying not to moan and just beg you. He clears his throat.*
Bucky- okay, let's get this Mixed up.
*You get the pizzas done and in the oven.*
Odette- when ar Ethel pizzas going to be done Mommy?
Bucky- yeah mommy? *Bucky smirks at you and you smile and look at Odette*
Y/N- soon baby
Jonnie- mommy I've missed you, can I sleep you you and Daddy tonight?
*You and Bucky look at one another, Bucky takes this opportunity and runs with it.*
Bucky- No baby, we need you to sleep in your own bed. Okay?
Jonnie- but why?? *She starts to pout*
Bucky- because Daddy misses Mommy too. *He gives you a look, this little shit. You smirk and rub his back.* I need some time with Mommy, okay? How about tomorrow night, depending on how the day goes.
Jonnie- okay *She rubs her eyes. You and Bucky both know there is still a 50% chance she wanders into the bedroom tonight.*

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