You'll Be Great

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Kate- okay, well I can use my family's security company to hack their security system. We can basically access anything in New York.
*You look at Yelena and she nods*
Y/N- okay, so you can get eyes inside and get some intel before we move in. Sounds good. Nat how about you go ahead and help Kate with that. *She nods and takes Kate to Tony's "brain" which is what y'all call the room with all the computers and surveillance equipment.*
Y/N- Yelena and Wanda how about y'all go check the jet and make sure it's ready to go when we get the go ahead. *They nod, Sam and Vision follow them out and help them. You turn around and see Bucky and Steve just looking at you, like proud Dads. It makes you laugh*
Y/N- what?!?
Steve- Nothing, it's just cool to see you take charge like that. It seemed natural. *He smiles and squeezes your shoulder as he walks by to go find Nat and Kate. Bucky walks forward and kisses you*
Bucky- seeing you take charge is hot, made me ready to take orders and say yes ma'am. *You laugh and rubs his back.*
Y/N- well in that case... *You take out your phone and start to make a call*
Bucky- what are you doing??
Y/N- yes, I need to make an appointment for my husband, yes he is way overdue for a physical. *Bucky rolls his eyes and tries to walk away and you keep him in place* Date of birth?? Oh Ha! Umm well that's a little complicated. Oh well I'm glad you don't judge but- okay Umm his birthday is March 10 1917... yes you heard me correctly. *You look at the phone* she hung up! *Bucky laughs and kisses your cheek. You go find Nat and Steve*
Y/N- Steve what doctor do you use??
Steve- Umm I don't use one...
*Nat looks at him and you shake your head. Bucky looks at you all smug*
Bucky- we're super soldiers y/n... we don't get sick and we're in pristine health! *You roll your eyes and take Bucky's hand.*
Y/N- okay, we will be back later *Bucky looks at Steve*
Bucky- Save me?!? *Steve just salutes him and Bucky gives him the bird*

*You finally find a good doctor who will see Bucky, he sits on the table and you just scroll through your phone as you both wait.*
Bucky- it's cold, I don't like it here.
Y/N- Bucky it's okay-
Bucky- what if I have to get shots?!?
*You try not to laugh, big scary Winter Soldier afraid of needles.*
Y/N- then I'll hold your hand... okay??
*Bucky sighs and shifts around*
Bucky- I'm only doing this cause you are making me. This is all for you!
Y/N- I know baby, I just want to make sure you're okay, don't need you dying before I get all my babies... *You tease and Bucky looks at you.*
Bucky- really?! Is that the only reason you're with me?? My sperm!
*You laugh and stand up, you walk over to him and stand between his legs. You rub his thighs and kiss him*
Y/N- you know I love you for so much more than your sperm baby... *Bucky laughs, this is by far the weirdest "I love you" he's ever gotten and he wouldn't change it for the world. He kisses you as the doctor comes in. Bucky and you were expecting an old man but instead a young, tall, blonde walks in. Bucky looks down at you and you don't react.*
Doctor- Hi, I'm Dr. Jane. Nice to meet you Mr. Barnes! And this is?? *She motions to you*
Bucky- this is my wife y/n.
Y/N- Hi *You extend your hand and she shakes it*
Doctor- alright, let's get down to business! I'm gonna step out and I need to you undress completely.
Bucky- Umm what?!
Doctor- there is a gown behind you and you put the opening to the back.
*She leaves and Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- I have to get naked?! *You laugh and rub Bucky's legs*
Y/N- oh hush... any other time you'd already have your pants off. *You slap the side of his ass* come on and make a nice show of it! *You tease and Bucky rolls his eyes and hips off the table. He lifts off his shirt and throws it at you. You catch it and laugh, he holds the gown in front of him as he slips off his pants and underwear. He smirks at you and you pout*
Y/N- booo no fair! *You tease and Bucky laughs. He sits back down and has the gown on*
Bucky- wow... how the mighty have fallen.
Y/N- excuse me?!?
Bucky- the Winter Soldier sitting butt naked in a doctors office while wearing a dress and waiting for a lady doctor to come in and touch my balls. *You chuckle and walk over to him*
Y/N- It would have been Winter's dream to have some pretty lady feeling around-
Bucky- ehhh only you! Anyone else he would have snapped their arm.
Y/N- well please don't snap Dr. Jane's arm, she's nice and she actual knows all about your situation. *Bucky looked shocked and you laugh* the super soldier serum situation not your "situation" what is up with you today?!? You've been super sexual-
Bucky- there are life size models of dicks in the lobby and pamphlets about checking your prostate!
Y/N- that is all for medical purposes! *Bucky rolls his eyes and you take his face in your hands.* hey behave! *He gives you kissy lips and you chuckle. You give him a little peck and sit back down.*
Bucky- I'm even more cold now.
Y/N- well close your legs, keeps the air from going up your dress. *You tease*
*The doctor walks back in*
Doctor- alright, lets begin the exam.
*Bucky gives you a face behind the doctors back and you smile. She does everything, checking his heart and lungs which are in perfect condition, his reflexes which are remarkable as well as his muscle tone.*
Doctor- okay now here comes the awkward part but I'm gonna try to get through it as soon as possible, please lay back. *Bucky looks at you* actually Mrs. Barnes if you don't mind waiting in the hall during this part?
Y/N- Umm what?
Bucky- uhhh what??
Doctor- I find it is easier when the spouse waits in the hall during this part of the exam. I've just found that most of them really don't like seeing me complete this part of the exam.
*You look at Bucky and he shakes his head*
Y/N- Umm Bucky??
Bucky- you can stay, I'd like for her to stay.

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