Will It Be Enough

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*Yelena gets impatient* Yelena- No game let's just tell them! *They start arguing a little and then Sam turns to you all* Sam- fine no game

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*Yelena gets impatient*
Yelena- No game let's just tell them!
*They start arguing a little and then Sam turns to you all*
Sam- fine no game. The announcement is-
Yelena- wait! No- *She runs out*
*You all just look at each other. Sam smiles*
Sam- one second. *He runs after her.*
*Bucky looks at you. Nat starts to get up and Steve pulls her back down.*
Steve- let Sam handle it, okay. *She sighs and nods. She strains to look down the hall where they are.*

*Yelena is hyperventilating a little as Sam walks up.*
Yelena- I can't- I don't know- I am excited to tell them but once we got to actually doing it I just- oh Sam
*Sam puts his hands on her arms and rubs up and down as she leans her head against his chest.*
Sam- they are going to be excited, I promise.

*Bucky, Steve, Tony, and Thor are all talking while you wait for Sam and Yelena to come back.*
Bucky- $5 days she is dumping him
Steve- No- no way!
Tony- I don't know he looks to be kinda sad over there.

Sam- do you not want to do this? Cause it's kinda too late to change your mind.
Yelena- I want this, I do. I just- it's a lot.
Sam- I know it is! Why do you think I've wait d so long to do this!
Yelena- don't yell at me!

Kate- what if she's pregnant?!?
*You and Nat look at each other.*
Nat- she can't, she was like me.
Peter- well maybe they are adopting a baby, or having a baby of their own, or getting a dog!
*Kate nods and you look at Bucky and shrug*
Y/N- maybe
Bucky- I don't know, I mean Sam would be a good dad-
Nat- and you're saying my sister wouldn't?!
*Bucky turns to her.*
Bucky- do I think Yelena will be a good father? No. A mother? Maybe. *Nat sits back.* she doesn't seem like the mothering type to me.
Nat- she said it was never an option so she never really thought about it. Maybe Sam helped make it an option.
*Everyone is just talking o er each other. Sam's sister Sarah just laughs because she already knows. You catch it.*
Y/N- wait Sarah? Do you know what they want to announce??
Sarah- I do and y'all will just have to wait.
*You groan and Bucky just laughs.*

Sam- do you want to do this or not?
Yelena- yes! I've told you yes. My fears of telling them do not change how I feel about you, Sam. *He smiles and Yelena kisses him.*
Sam- we don't have to tell them-
Yelena- No, let's. I just know Nat's gonna be mad.
Sam- she will get over it. *He kisses her and she smiles and laughs.* come on.

*Everyone is still talking as they walk in. You hit Bucky's arm and he stops talking.*
Sam- sorry about that
Yelena- okay, so we wanted to tell y'all... *They look at each other* we eloped-
Nat- what?!? *Nat is shocked and slightly angry*
Sam- and we started the process of adoption-
Y/N- what?!? *You are thrilled and so happy.*
Steve- congratulations! *Nat stares at him*
Bucky- yeah! When did this happen?! *You curl up next to Bucky's arm, waiting to hear the story while everyone else offers their congrats*
Yelena- well Nat, y/n, Wanda? Do you remember when I told y'all he had proposed and I wasn't sure what to say or do?
Y/N- yes!
Yelena- it was after that!
Nat- you've been married for years?!
Sam- No! No, we just got married. In fact we got married for the purpose of adopting. We just finally talked after that conversation.

*Yelena walks into the bedroom and Sam is sitting on the bed. He looks up at Yelena*
Sam- are we fighting?
Yelena- No *She says quietly* I just need you to listen while I explain.
*Sam nods and she walks over to him. She places her hands on his shoulders.*
Yelena- I don't feel worthy of taking on the role of being your wife, Sam.
*You starts to speak and she stops him.*
Yelena- you are so good and you deserve someone who can give you a family-
Sam- Yelena-
Yelena- I can't give you children and this crazy life of running around and fighting people isn't good for them anyway-
Sam- look at Y/n and Bucky-
Yelena- they are different!
Sam- look at Steve and Nat!!
Yelena- again they are different, Sam-
Sam- why?! Why are you so against-
Yelena- because I never had a mother! The one I had was fake- how can I- I can't-
Sam- you can! And we aren't even talking about kids now, Yelena! I just want you!
Yelena- I- *She start to tear up*
Sam- why won't you let me love you?!
Yelena- because I'm not worthy of it!
Sam- my god Yelena.. *He hangs his head and rubs his face.* how can I get across to you that you are everything to me. Look at me *She does* you Yelena Belova are the love of my life and all I want it you. No kids, no dogs, no special houses, or plans. Just you. I love you more and more everyday and I will spend the rest of my life trying to get you to believe me and love me as well.
*Yelena cries*
Yelena- I do love you Sam, but is that enough?! If I never want anything else, only you, will it be enough?!
*Sam stands up and pulls her close*
Sam- yes, look at me and believe me when I say yes. *She kisses him* marry me, Yelena. *He says quietly*
Yelena- yes *She says quietly as well. He kisses her and she wraps her arms around his neck and rubs his back.* I love you, Sam
Sam- I love you too, Yelena. And look at me *She does* if you ever want more, just tell me and I will make sure you get it. Understand?
*Yelena laughs and nods through her tears*
Yelena- I will. I only have one request right now.
Sam- anything
Yelena- can we just wait on the actual wedding. I've said yes-
Sam- we will go as slow as you need.
*He kisses her and he pulls her to the bed and he spends the rest of the night showing just how much he loves her.*
‼️Flashback ends‼️

Yelena- I finally decided that I was ready and wanted kids- or at least one so we looked into adopting-
Nat- they actually let you adopt? *She looks at Steve and he takes her hand* they would t let us, said it was too dangerous.
Sam- yeah that's what they said about us as well. So we looked into surrogacy-
Peter- is that still- can she? Can-
Yelena- Umm yes we can *She laughs and Sam holds her closer and smiles* anyway we decided to go that route.
Sam- they did the whole procedure and we were waiting and waiting to hear if our surrogate got pregnant. She finally said no.
Yelena- then the adoption agency called and said they had a child who needed a family and the parents chose us but they really wanted the kids to be with a married couple. So we eloped, no fuss just us at the courthouse.
Sam- so in about a week we will be going to get our son.
*Everyone cheers and hugs them.*
Sam- Thats not all!
Yelena- we are also getting a dog! *You all laugh and congratulate them.*
Y/N- oh wow!! That's amazing! *You hug her* if you need anything let us know!
Yelena- we will, thank you!
Bucky- congrats Sam! *He hugs him* welcome to the dad club!
Steve- you're gonna be great!
Sam- thanks!
*You all sit and eat dessert while Sam and Yelena tell you all about their plans. Nat just sits there, quiet as ever and listening, trying to be happy.*

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