A Day Of Celebration

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*The weeks go by and you are so bored

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*The weeks go by and you are so bored. Bucky is finishing up school and the kids went back to school for a few weeks before their Christmas break. You are starting to nest a little, which it's a little early for but since you can't go anywhere or really do anything you got Ben's nursery ready.*
Y/N- okay, time to fold some clothes.
*Bucky walks in*
Bucky- alright, what do you want put together first?
Y/N- the swing since the crib is already together.
*He starts putting the furniture together and you start putting the clothes away. Bucky goes to get the kids from school and you make sure to lock the nursery before they come home.*
Grant- come on mom?! I wanna see it!!
Y/N- Nope, not yet. It's all a surprise!
Winnie- boooo!
Y/N- boooo you
*She laughs and runs off. You sit on the couch and Bucky comes walking in all happy.*
Bucky- so I just got word, I passed all my finals and I am officially graduating.
*You are so happy and proud*
Y/N- oh Bucky! *You pull him next to you* I am so proud of you!
*Bucky smiles and you pull him into a kiss. He goes to pull away and you keep him there with your hand on his jaw.*
Y/N- when's your graduation?
*He tries to pull away again and you laugh, he laughs as well as you prod him again.*
Y/N- when is it?!
*He laughs and finally gets away.*
Bucky- it's Saturday
*You stand up and Bucky sighs. He smiles and follows you to the kids room.*
Bucky- what are you doing??
Y/N- making sure all of the kids have outfits for it. I want them to look nice.
*Bucky sighs*
Bucky- y/n I'm not walking-
Y/N- yes you are *You walk to grants room and pull out his little suit. Bucky follows you around the house. You end up in your closet and you are pulling out dresses.*
Bucky- y/n, look I don't see why I need to.
Y/N- Bucky look at me *He does, he crosses his arms and leans against the wall.* I want to celebrate you, we all want to celebrate you. Isn't that reason enough?!
*Bucky gently smiles and then nods*
Bucky- yeah baby, it is. *He acts dramatic and sighs big* fine I'll do it!
*You laugh and jump in his arms. You kiss him and rub out of the room and down the hall. He yells after you*
Bucky- y/n!?!
*You walk into Steve and Nat's room. They both look up from where they were on the couch.*
Nat- what's up?
Y/N- Bucky and Steve's graduation is on Saturday. So find make sure you have an outfit!
*Steve smiles and Nat snaps around to look at  Steve*
Nat- why didn't you tell me?!?
Steve- the same reason Bucky didn't tell y/n but I guess we are walking now.
Nat- Damn right you are!!
*She gets up and starts looking for outfits like you did. You smile and wave as you leave.*

*Its the morning of graduation and you wake up early. Bucky is still asleep and so are the kids. You sneak out of bed and get downstairs, you make some breakfast and bring it upstairs. Bucky is still asleep. You shut and lock the door, you slip under the covers and kiss up his legs. He shifts around and moans in his sleep. You smile and keep going, you pull him out of his boxers and start to tease him a little. You kiss all around and he slowly starts to get aroused. You smirk and keep at the teasing, you finally take him in your mouth. Bucky wakes up to the feeling of your lips around him. He moans and throws the covers back, he plays with your hair and just enjoys what you're doing.*
Bucky- Mmhmm fffffuck
*You giggle and look up at him.*
Y/N- Happy Graduation day!
*He smiles down at you as you take him in your mouth again. He get him right to the edge and he pulls you off.*
Y/N- what- why did you do that?!
Bucky- because it's not fair for me to be able to cum when you can't. You've got to rest and stuff which means I can't return the favor. So I enjoyed my moment but now I'm good. *He smiles and you pout a little and try to take him in your hand.* hey, I said no baby girl. *You stop*
Y/N- I want to make you feel good! Please?! I don't care if you can't return the favor, I just want to treat you in your big day! Please?! *You give him your best puppy dog eyes*
I can actually stomach it for once during this pregnancy, you better take advantage now! *Bucky laughs and shakes his head*
Bucky- my wife is begging to blow me. And not even in a dirty way, in a sweet/caring way.. *He kisses you and guides your hand to his dick.* how about you do this instead, that way I can kiss your pretty lips*
Y/N- you got it *You smirk against his lips*
*He moans and deepens the kiss as he climbs his high, he bites your lip a little and moans as he cums. You smile and kiss him, you then lick a little off your hand and then go to wash them. Bucky just lays back and watches you move around the room.*
Bucky- mmhhm. Thank you baby, that was so good.
*You smile and climb back in bed with the tray of food.*
Y/N- eat up, you have a busy day! *He laughs as you hop out of bed and head to the shower. He smirks and puts the food to the side.*
Bucky- you know, I think I need to shower first, I'll join you. *You laugh and shake your head.*
Y/N- Nope! It's already been too hard for me these past few weeks with you being so amazing and swoon worthy! You sit are going to stay way over there while I take my sad, lonely shower. Stay!
*You shut the bathroom doo and you hear Bucky laugh. You are soaping up your hair as you hear the shower door creek open and then a metal arm slip around your waist. You feel his body against you and you smile, knowing he couldn't stay away even if he wanted to.*
Bucky- you know I've never been a good listener
*You giggle and lean back against him*
Y/N- I know, what ever will I do with you.
Bucky- guess we will just have to be naughty together. *You laugh as he tickles you and you turn around. You kiss him and he sits on the bench to the side, he pulls you in his lap and rubs your back. He looks into your eyes and gently smiles and you just melt.*
Bucky- I love you, y/n
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky
*Nothing else happens. Even though Bucky is the one who put you two in this mess he is very strict about the doctors orders. He gives you a nice kiss and then goes about showering. You get dressed and get ready for a day of celebration.*

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