Show Off My Virility

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*You wake up early, the light is breaking through the bathroom windows and lighting up the room

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*You wake up early, the light is breaking through the bathroom windows and lighting up the room. You sit up and Bucky's arm falls down your body and lands on your belly. You smile as Ben starts to move around and kick at where Bucky's arms is. You talk to him a little.*
Y/N- hey little one, are you happy with daddy or mad? *A little kick happens* I'll take that as mad cause he woke you up. *There is another kick and you laugh and rub your belly. You move Bucky's arm off your belly and the kicking stops.* is that better? *He stretches and flips around* I'll take that as a yes. *You smile*
*Bucky stirs and hums*
Bucky- Mmhmm are you talking to me?
Y/N- Nope, Ben.
*Bucky smiles and lays his hand on your belly again. Ben kicks him like crazy, Bucky laughs and sits up, he talks to Ben*
Bucky- Umm excuse me sir, it's not nice to kick people. *He kisses your belly and Ben presses his hand against his lips.* could you maybe go back to sleep for like 20 minutes because I really want to spend some time with mommy. Can you do that? *Ben stops kicking and you laugh and Bucky kisses your belly again.* thanks bud.
*Bucky pulls you into his arms and kisses you.*
Bucky- good morning *you smile and kiss him. You slowly sit up and slip your nightgown off. Bucky bites his lip and rubs your back as you throw your nightgown on the floor.* Mmhmm a really good morning it seems.
*You giggle and lay back down against his chest.*
Y/N- I just felt I needed some alone time with You since I got some time with Winter last night. *You smirk and kiss him.* it's only fair.
Bucky- of course! *He smirks and pulls you close.* come here beautiful. *He rolls on top of you and kisses down your body. You moan and wiggle around as he tease his way to your center.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky, oh baby.
Bucky- I've got you baby *He kisses your thighs and then starts to eat you out. You are moaning like crazy and basically riding his face. It's so hot it's causing problems for him. He smirks and sits up to look at you.*
Bucky- Damn baby girl, you- ha! You've got me Cumming in my boxers.
*you sit up*
Y/N- wait- really?! I'm sorry baby!
Bucky- don't apologize, just keep making those sounds while I bend you over, got it?! *He smiles and pulls you up. You kiss him and squeeze his ass*
Y/N- you got it baby!
*You turn over and stand at the end of the bed, you lean forward and Bucky settles behind you. He pushes in and bottoms out in one thrust. Both of you moan and just sit there for a moment.*
Bucky- my god you feel so good! Mmhmm yes baby! *He starts to thrust into you, holding your hips as he does. He leans down and kisses your back, changing the angle and your eyes roll back. Something about the sweetness this morning and the craziness of last night is making this absolutely incredible. You feel so connected with him and you just can't explain how it feels right now. He moans and kisses your neck. He pulls up you against his back and takes your neck in his metal hand, he gently holds it has his real hand moves down your body to rest on your waist, rubbing your clit and holding you in place as he thrusts into you. You moan and cum around him with no warning. He gasps and moans as he cums, filling you to the brim and just staying deep inside until he feels you calm down. He kisses your back as he pulls out, rubbing your body and whispering his love in your ear.*
Bucky- so good baby, I love you so much. I'm so lucky, such an amazing women, wife, lover, mom. Mmhmm I'm so lucky baby, *He kisses you over and over as you just let him dote on you.*
Bucky- let's get cleaned up and ready for the day, huh??
Y/N- you rest baby, just catch up on some sleep. I know you weren't planning on waking up this early. *You kiss him and he lays back*
Bucky- you're right but I'm glad I did, that was amazing.
*You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- I'm glad you did too. And yeah that was up there in our greatest moments.
*Bucky smiles and watches you walk to the bathroom. You shower as he just watches you from the bed, and not in a sexual way, in a way that's filled with adoration and love. You get out and he had fallen back asleep. You get dressed and head out to get breakfast ready. The kids get up one by one and join you downstairs.*
Grant- hey mama
Y/N- hey bud, you want some cereal?
Grant- No I'll have what you're making. *You nod*
Winnie- hey mama can I have some of that?
Y/N- sure thing Winnie boo!
*The triplets come tearing in and they start asking for stuff. You just laugh and agree to all of it. Grant and Winnie look at each other.*
Grant- mama? You seem funny this morning.
Winnie- is it cause of that man who visited last night??
*You didn't realize that Steve and Nat had walked in at this point as well as Tony. They clear their throats and you look at them, a little flustered you try to get Winnie to shut up.*
Y/N- ha! Umm I don't know what you mean Winnie.
Winnie- the man with you last night. You came into my room! He-
Y/N- Nope don't remember.
Steve- no, go ahead Winnie, what were you gonna say? *Steve crosses his arms and looks at you. He doesn't believe for one second that you were cheating on Bucky but he is interested in what you and Bucky might be up to.*
Winnie- he looked like daddy and sounded like daddy but he wasn't daddy. His eyes were too sad. His name, Umm oh Winter! *She smiles and The three of them just look at you.*
Steve- y-you met Winter??
Winnie- Yup! He was really nice, I made him cry though. *She goes back to eating her breakfast.*
*Steve looks at you*

Steve- Care to explain??
Y/N- not at the moment but we will later. Right now I want to continue my amazing morning I've been having.
*Steve shakes his head and Nat smiles.*
Tony- if you're hiding him here-
Y/N- oh calm down tony, we will explain later. Okay.
*The kids finish breakfast and start to lose it a little. One wants to play outside and one wants to watch tv. One wants to go to the park and the other two just want to play with their toys. They are yelling and trying to get the others to do what they want. You are drinking your coffee and just thinking about last night and this morning.*
Nat- earth to y/n?! Your kids are losing it! What are you thinking about?!
*You laugh and look around.*
Y/N- sorry I was just thinking about how their dad had me bent over last night, twice, and once this morning. *You take a drink and Nat smiles and laughs. She gives an approving nod and looks over at Steve.*
Nat- I can relate to that. *She smiles and you laugh and give her a high-five.*

*You are talking with Nat as Bucky comes bopping down the stairs, obviously in a great mood, morning sex will do that. He walks to you and kisses your cheek and grabs his coffee. The kids come running over and he hugs on them and listens to their every word. He is so attentive and hands on with them. In this moment and all the time. It's actually a huge turn on. You watch as he sits with the girls as Winnie and Grant tell him a story about their morning. You look at Nat and she smirks and laughs*
Nat- get it girl.
*You walk over to him and slide your hands down his chest. You kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear.*
Y/N- you know exactly what you're doing. And it's definitely working, baby. *You nibble his ear quickly before you stand up and move around the couch to sit with him. He smiles and holds you tight.*
Bucky- I'm just being a great dad, I don't know what you're talking about. *He winks and you blush. You know even without the morning sex and the promise of sex later he would be this hands on and THAT is what really does it for you. He loves you and the kids so much, you really can't ask for more.*
Bucky- so what are your plans today baby?
*He looks at you and you blush, Bucky bites his lip and looks at the kids.* who wants to go swimming?! Huh?!
*They all cheer and head upstairs.*
Y/N- now what about my face said I wanted to go swimming today?? *You tease and Bucky laughs and spanks you a little.*
Bucky- well I want to see you in one of your cute little swimsuits. It really shows off my virility *He motions around your belly and you just laugh and pull him into a kiss*
Y/N- come on, let's go get ready.

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