I Just Want You

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*Bucky heads home and you try not to fall asleep on the ride

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*Bucky heads home and you try not to fall asleep on the ride. His hand on your leg and the gentle movements of the car aren't helping. The kids are snoring away in the back and Bucky is just humming some of his favorite songs. He looks back and sees Winnie laying her head on Grant's shoulder while she sleeps. Grant's head is back and his is out.  The girls are leaning against each other and they are slightly mumbling. He smiles and takes a picture when he stops at a light. You are dosing as well and he gets one of you too, you wake up when your phone starts to buzz. It's a text from Peter*
Peter- everything's ready!
*You smile and stretch as you wake up*
Y/N- awesome, thanks! *You text back.*
Bucky- who was that? *You are still super sleepy from your power nap and you don't really know what you're saying*
Y/N- oh it was just Peter, he was saying that your surprise party is all set up. *You close your eyes again and start to fall asleep, then you realize what you said. You open your eyes and slowly look over at him. He is smiling ear to ear, he pats your leg and you just laugh.*
Y/N- I'm sorry- I'm so tired. I just hit a wall and- I can't believe I let that slip. *He gently smiles and looks at you.*
Bucky- what are you talking about? I didn't even hear you. *He smirks and you smile, you lean over and kiss his cheek.*
Y/N- thanks baby
*You get home and wake the kids up. You whisper to them*
Y/N- go run inside and tell Peter we are on our way in.
Grant- okay mama!
*They all run off. Steve and Nat's kids run in with them. Nat looks at you  and you nod*
Nat- come on babe, let's head inside. I'll take Samuel.
*He hands Samuel to her and walks ahead of her to open the door. Bucky winks at you and walks ahead. As they open the door everyone jumps out yelling surprise!*
Steve- wow!! *He smirks and looks back at Nat* thanks guys!!
Bucky- whoa!! *He laughs* this is awesome! Thanks guys!!
*You smile and Bucky pulls you close.*
Y/N- you deserve a party!
*Bucky kisses you. Steve pulls Nat close and kisses her.*
Steve- thanks baby
Nat- we wanted to celebrate you! Both of you!
*Steve kisses her again and then takes Samuel back.*
Bucky- well let's party!

*There is cake and treats. Everyone takes pictures and just has fun. Bucky and Steve have a blast, the kids go crazy and eat way too much cake.*
Grant- mama watch this!! *He jumps off the couch and does a backflip.*
Y/N- Grant stop! Girls stop messing with the goats and wash your hands for dinner!
*They come running in and sit down. You eat dinner and thankfully they still eat even after filling up on cake. They burn off their sugar highs while you all sit around and talk.*
Thor- hey Nat, again I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I'm also sorry I acted weird about lending you my cape.
Nat- oh, Umm it's nothing. I just- sadly I'm use to it.
*Steve looks at Nat and you*
Steve- what happened?
*Nat looks at you and shakes her head. She holds Samuel and you squeeze her hand.*
Y/N- she was feeding Samuel and some man made comments.
*Steve looks at her*
Steve- oh baby-
Nat- I'm fine
Y/N- the group gave the man a talking to though.
*Bucky holds you close*
Steve- well thank you guys, I'm sorry I wasn't-
Nat- Steve you were graduating, it's okay!
*She kisses him*

*Bucky and Steve head upstairs laughing and just enjoying catching up.*
Bucky- well I'm gonna go get ready for bed. I'm exhausted.
*Steve laughs*
Steve- please! We both know that neither of us are going to sleep any time soon! *Bucky laughs and agrees.*

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