Give Me Five Minutes

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Peter- okay, look

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Peter- okay, look. *He looks over his shoulder and sees you all staring, then you try to play it off like you weren't looking. He shakes his head and looks back at Kate and MJ.* MJ you are welcome to stay as long as you'd like. You should know Kate and I were- well we were starting something. Or at least trying to.
*MJ nods and looks at Kate*
MJ- then why call me? Why even bother me at all. We both know what you said-
Kate- what did you say?
Peter- Kate it doesn't matter-
MJ- that he loves me, that's what he said.
*Kate looks at Peter, Peter rubs his face, you and Bucky quickly and quietly leave and Steve slips out after you.*
Kate- Peter?? Is that-
Peter- look it's all complicated. I- I don't know what I feel anymore. I loved MJ and when I thought she could forget me I wanted to tell her once last time that I love her. But Kate I'm not lying about my feelings for you either, I like you and I want to get to now you.
MJ- peter-
Peter- look we broke up MJ, I started to slightly move on and- now you're back- look I just need time. Please understand that I'm not trying to be indecisive, I just need some time to think.
*Kate and MJ nod. Kate stands up and leaves, rubbing Peter's shoulder on the way out. MJ sits with Peter in silence until she finally speaks*
MJ- so is there a room I can stay in?
*Peter smiles*
Peter- yeah, I'll show you.
*Peter shows MJ to your old room, it has nothing.*
MJ- Wow Peter, is there a room with a bed?? *Peter laughs*
Peter- I'll have Tony order a new one. This use to be Y/n and Bucky's room so we had to throw away the bed cause no one else should ever have to sleep on that.
*MJ laughs and Peter smiles*
MJ- was the rest of this room cleaned?? Like scrubbed down??
*Peter laughs*
Peter- yes, Bucky had it professionally scrubbed once they moved out. Which is funny, they walked in and said "this room is already perfectly clean" Bucky then said "we need you to clean what can't be seen" their faces were hilarious. *MJ nods and smiles* we will get you a blow up for tonight.
MJ- thank you Peter *She leans in and kisses him. Peter kisses her back and then pulls away.*
Peter- Umm dinner is usually ready by 6:30, I'll see you then-
MJ- you don't want to stay? Maybe catch up?
Peter- I'd love to but I meant what I said about needing time. *He smiles and heads out of the room, MJ looks around and just sits on the floor.*

Y/N- do you think Peter-
Bucky- he's fine, he's an adult now we've got to let him figure it out on his own.
Y/N- I know, ugh but still!
Bucky- hey, look at me *You do* do not get involved. *You roll your eyes and Bucky takes your jaw in his metal hand, he gently pulls your gaze back to him* or else you're going to get it worse tonight, understand me??!
*You nod and he smirks. He kisses your forehead*
Bucky- good girl
Y/N- we have to watch Sarah tonight. It's Nat and Steve's big night
Bucky- oh yeah! I need to go get her.
*He stands up and leaves you on the couch*
Y/N- what?!
Bucky- Steve wanted me to get her at 5.
Y/N- so Steve has plans tonight too??
Bucky- yeah- I thought that's what you meant??
Y/N- Nat has plans and needed me to get Sarah.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- well they are definitely going to have a fun night! Come on, let's go get her.
Y/N- I can't leave the kids-
Bucky- Peter?! *He comes walking in* could you watch them for like 5 minutes??
Peter- yeah! Grant?! Come here! *He comes running out and smiles*
Grant- peeete!!!
Peter- hey bud!! My G-man! *He tickles him and Grant squeals and laughs, Winnie runs up*
Winnie- eeeettte!!
*Peter laughs*
Peter- Hey Winnie!!
*She smiles and crawls into his lap. You smile and Bucky kisses your head*
Bucky- it's all back to normal *You smile and nod. You head off to Steve and Nat's room*
*Nat opens the door in a skin tight black dress. You whistle and Bucky nods*
Y/N- wow!! Look at you!
Bucky- you clean up well Nat
*She thanks you and flips Bucky the bird and he laughs. She then smiles and thanks him.*
Nat- Steve is in the shower and I'd like to have a kid free room when he finally gets out and is ready. Sarah is around here somewhere.
Bucky- you lost your daughter??
Nat- No! She just- she inherited my amazing ability to hide. She will tuck herself away somewhere and just play with her dolls for hours. Laying in wait to scare you. It's actually kinda creepy.
*You laugh and Bucky starts to look around the ceiling and on top of book cases, looking a little jumpy, just waiting for Sarah to appear.*
Y/N- Bucky go find her, Nat tell me her schedule? I'm assuming dinner with Winnie and Grant. Bath when they bathe and then bedtime at 7:00?
Nat- yes, if she doesn't fall asleep till 7:30 it's fine, she will lay there and babble till she just passes out. And beg for you text me asking, yes some of it is Russian that she's saying. *You laugh and you hear Bucky scream and then Sarah laugh.*
Bucky- found her! She was hiding in the cabinet in her bathroom. Grabbed my ankles as I walked by. *Nat and you laugh and he walks out with her. You grab her PJs, her blanket, and her stuffie.*
Nat- Alright Sarah, mommy and Daddy will see you tomorrow okay??
Sarah- otay Mommy! я тебя люблю (I love you)
Nat- I love you too Sarah
*You take Sarah back to the room, when Grant sees her he smiles and runs over*
Grant- Sar yooou want to plaaay
*You are shocked, that's the first complete sentence Grant has ever said. His diction wasn't perfect but it was a start.*
Y/N- Grant!! Good job buddy!
Bucky- speaking like a big boy!!
*He runs off with Sarah and Winnie and they go play in their play room. Their squealing and laughter fill the air.*
Bucky- oh boy, that's a lot. It's gonna be a noisy night.
Y/N- oh yeah! Welcome to the rest of our lives.
*Bucky smiles and nods*
Bucky- honestly??? I kinda love it, the chaos and all the noise, reminds me of when I was growing up. *You smile and kiss Bucky* Also acting crazy is just too much fun. *You see the look I his eyes, you laugh*
Y/N- No, no! Don't- Bucky!! *You laugh and scream as he chases you around the suite. You jump over couches and slip through doors as he chases you. The kids get involved and chase you as well*
Y/N- No! Ahhhh *You laugh and you quickly dip into a closet where they can't find you. It gets quiet and you think you're safe, you slip out and as you peak out of the room your feel Bucky's metal arm slip around your waist as the other slips down the front of your pants. You giggle and squeal*
Bucky- Gotcha *He softly laughs against your neck as he kisses it and then nibbles on your ear. You laugh as he removes his hand and spins you around.*
Y/N- oh well, take me I guess! *You act dramatic and he laughs and throws you over his shoulder. He slaps your ass and then lays you on the couch.*
Bucky- ehhh maybe later *He shrugs and you gasp and hit his arm.*
Y/N- You tease!!
*Bucky smirks and kisses you, then the three kids descend upon you two with giggles and squeals. You laugh and tickle them, the triplets wake up crying and you look at Bucky.*
Y/N- looks like it's the first shifts dinner time!
*Bucky laughs and gets up, he distracts the kids and they follow him and wrestle as you you get the girls up, changed, and fed.*

*Nat is putting the finishing touches of her make up on as Steve gets out of the shower. She's leaning over the counter, her ass sticking out and looking incredible if she does say so herself. Steve sees her and stops in his tracks, he realizes he's staring to have a situation on his hands, he wraps his towel around his waist, tight. He smirks and leans against the doorframe.*
Steve- uh Tasha? You going somewhere??
Nat- Yup! *She smirks through the mirror at him.* go ahead, get dressed. I laid out your outfit for tonight and I want you to wear everything I laid out. *She winks and Steve smirks and laughs*
Steve- Thats not how tonights going Kitten, *He straightens up and walks over to her. He slips his hand around her waist and he breaths in the smell of her hair.* I'm your good boy about 70% of the time and you've been calling the shots for awhile. *He kisses her neck and she tries to keep quiet but she can't.*
Nat- oh Stevie-
Steve- I'm in charge tonight, *He looks over her and palms her ass* god I can't wait to devour you. *He nibble her ear.* it's rare for you to be hot and bothered. *He pulls her dress up and feels that she's not wearing underwear.* begging and whining *He teases her and presses his dick against her ass* in need of being owned. *He moans and makes a big show of it.*
Steve- oh Tasha, Mmhmm baby. God I miss the way your body feels against mine. I can't wait for tonight, I may just make you mine right her, right now. *He grunts and growls in her ear and she goes absolutely feral for him*
Nat- Oh Steve! Mmhmm yes!! Please baby please! *Steve smiles and pulls away. He kisses her head and heads to the closet to get dressed.* Mmhmm Steve!! No fair!!
*Steve laughs and pops out of the closet.*
Steve- what?? Like you wearing that dress and standing there right as I got out was just innocent and a coincidence... i know you too well Kitten. *Nat whines and Steve licks his lips and looks her up and down.*
Steve- You gonna be a brat tonight?? Am I gonna have to punish you??
Nat- No! No, I just- ugh I need you! I'm sorry, no games baby. I'll give you control just wreck me and then cover me in love.
*Steve walks over, his suit pants on and he's buttoning his white dress shirt. Nat smiles and slips her hands around his waist and against his skin, keeping him from buttoning his shirt. He laugh and takes her face in his hands, he kisses her nose and she gently smiles.*
Steve- I love you Tasha
Nat- I love you too Stevie
*He kisses her and then steps back he lifts his arms and Nat laughs. She tucks his shirt in his pants, feeling that he's not wearing any underwear. She smirks and teases him.*
Steve- easy there Tasha, the funs just starting.
*She giggle and finishes buttoning his shirt, she runs her hands along his chest and kisses him.*
Steve- let me grab my jacket and we will go, okay? *She nods and he kisses her nose again.* you may want to check your make up, it's a little smudged. *He smiles and Nat rolls her eyes and looks at where Steve smudged her lipstick and foundation. Her eye make up needs some touching up too since Steve got her all hot and bothered.*
Nat- Ugh! Give me five minutes.
*Steve smiles and slaps her ass*
Steve- I'll be out here

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