As We Were Saying

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*You and Bucky see Steve and Nat walk in the kitchen

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*You and Bucky see Steve and Nat walk in the kitchen. Nat puts Samuel in his bouncy seat.*
Y/N- so Stevie? You feeling better? Heard you were sick this morning.
*Bucky laughs and kisses your cheek. Steve shakes his head and smiles*
Steve- I'm fine, thanks. *Nat smiles and kisses his cheek. She hands him a bottle for Samuel and he goes to feed him. You and Nat are moving around the kitchen cooking while Bucky and Steve entertain the kids. Everyone else gets up and starts making their way downstairs*
Tony- looks great!
Pepper- need any help?
Peter- smells amazing!
Kate- are there any cookies left?
Thor- hey we need one more plate cause Loki will be with us
Sam- hey what channel is the parade on?
Yelena- Sam your sister is calling you, she needs to know where to park.
*The door opens and Clint walks in with his whole family.*
Clint- hey guys!
*You all say hey. You look at Bucky*
Y/N- maybe you should have gotten that big turkey as well.
Bucky- yeah that's what I was thinking
*You rub his back. Clint comes over and says hi, gives you a hug. He introduces you to his family. Sam's sister Sarah walks in with her kids and they go hang out with Peter while Sam and Yelena talk to Sarah. Wanda and Vision finally make their appearance.*
Wanda- anything to help with?
Y/N- No, just go and enjoy! *You smile and she goes to mingle.*

*About an hour later everything is ready and the table is set.*
Jonnie- mommy? When are we eating?
Y/N- really soon baby, I promise.
Odette- do I have to eat that green stuff?
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- only one piece, okay?
Odette- okay.
Elizabeth- do we get dessert??
Y/N- of course baby!
*She smiles and looks over to Winnie and nods. You laugh.*
Grant- mama can I help at all?
*You smile*
Y/N- you wanna help me fold some napkins?
*He nods and sits next to you. You hand him some napkins and he folds them and places them around the table.*
Grant- mama? What's the point of thanksgiving?
Y/N- well what do you think it's about?
Grant- food?
Y/N- ha! *You laugh a little.* well I guess yeah thats what this looks like. But what else?
Grant- well there are a lot of people here. And most of them are family. So is it about family and being together?
Y/N- yeah bud it is. It's about being thankful for what we have and what we've been blessed with. Our friends and family and just being together.
*Grant nods*
Grant- what are you thankful for?
*You pull him close*
Y/N- well for starters, you! *You tickle him and he laughs* And all your sisters and your new sibling here *You pat your belly*
Grant- are you thankful for Dad?
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- everyday Little Wolf *He smiles and looks over at Bucky*
Grant- I'm thankful for you and dad as well?
*You kiss his head* and my friends. And Sarah.
*You laugh and rub his back*
Y/N- I think she feels the same way bud. *He looks at you*
Grant- really? *He looks shy and hopeful.*
Y/N- oh yeah, how about you go play with her and Winnie.
Grant- okay
Y/N- thanks for helping
*He smiles and runs off. Bucky comes and sits next to you.*
Y/N- Grant just said he was thankful for all of us and for his friends. And Sarah. *You smile and Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- I'm glad to see he is consistent. *He kisses you* that's really sweet. Hey Steve!
*He turns and looks, Bucky waves him over.*
Bucky- my son is thankful for your daughter, told my wife himself.
*Steve laughs*
Steve- yeah Sarah already said she was thankful for Grant this morning. *You and Bucky laugh* why are you talking like your father though?! *He laughs and so does Bucky.*
Bucky- I don't know, it kinda just came out tat way. I may talk like that all day. *Be turns to you* Wife? When's supper? *You laugh and pat his knee as you stand up*
Y/N- right now.

*Everyone crowded around the table, it's tight but you make it work. Bucky brings you some juice to toast with.*
Y/N- thank you baby, so sweet.
*You toast and eat and just tell stories and catch up with one another. It seems these days the only ones that are at the compound regularly are your family, Steve's, Tony's, and Peter. Yelena and Sam are always on a mission. Thor leaves for months at a time, and Wanda and Vision are usually in New York working with Strange to find their kids and Clint is always with his family. So it's nice to have everyone together again. The kids eat fast and are begging for dessert. Bucky cuts them some pie and they eat it up. They are on a sugar high and start to run around outside with the animals. They eventually come back inside and pass out of the couch.*
Clint- wow, They really worn themselves out!
Y/N- yeah, hopefully they will sleep really well tonight.
*Everyone laughs. Bucky puts his arm around you and you snuggle up next to him.*
Tony- it was a great meal! Y/n, Nat, good job!
*Everyone cheers and that's to you. You and Nat smile and thank them.*
Sam- so everyone, I have an announcement *He looks at Yelena* do you want to do the honors? *She smiles and stands up*
Yelena- yes we have an announcement but we have a little game to help make the announcement.
*Bucky leans over and whispers*
Bucky- either they are getting married or breaking up. *you gasp and hit his stomach. He laughs and rubs your thigh*
Y/N- behave *You pat his cage and he quiets a moan and kisses your shoulder.*
Bucky- yes ma'am
Sam- Umm excuse me, y/n, Bucky? If y'all are done
Bucky- sorry Sam-Bo! Continue! *Everyone laughs and Sam shakes his head*
Sam- as we were saying...

‼️Give me your best guesses!😂🥰❤️‼️

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