"Oh My"

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Y/N- where are my little Wolves?!? *You walk in the compound and yell

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Y/N- where are my little Wolves?!?
*You walk in the compound and yell. No one comes running. You look back at Bucky who walks in with the bags. He shrugs and puts the bags down.*
Bucky- kids?!
Y/N- Grant?!?
Bucky- Girls?!
*You two look at each other and Bucky takes off upstairs. He runs down the hall and checks Steve and Nat's room first. No one's there. He sprints to your suite and bursts through the door. No one's there.*
Y/N- Bucky!?!?
Bucky- they aren't here!
*You get on the phone and call Steve*
Y/N- pick up!! *No answer, you start to panic* Bucky Steve isn't answering!! *He Jumps back down the stairs and runs down the hall to check the other rooms.*
Bucky- no one's here-
Y/N- Bucky where are-
*Just then the door opens and the kids come running in. They stop when they see you*
Grant- mom!!
Winnie- mommy!!!
The triplets- mama!!!
*They run up and hug you. You cry and hold them tight. You breath and just try to calm down. They look up and see Bucky running back down the hall.*
Winnie- daddy!!!
Triplets- dada
*He runs over and grabs all of you, holding you all tight and kissing each of them.*
Bucky- oh we missed you!! You're safe!
*Steve and Nat come walking in, not realizing you and Bucky are home yet.*
Steve- Grant?! Please Help Aunt Nat with the flowers. Winnie grab the balloons.
*He turns and sees you and Bucky*
Steve- oh- you're back!! Hey!
*Bucky stands up and walks over to him*
Bucky- hey, where were y'all?
Steve- we went to get some stuff for a party-
Bucky- we got back and y'all weren't here- no one was- we thought...
Steve- oh Buck, I'm sorry! Everyone's okay. The kids wanted to throw a party for y'all when you got back. They wanted it to be set up before y'all got back. Guess we didn't time it right.
*Bucky sighs and then smiles. He pats Steve's back.*
Bucky- it's okay, you took 25 years off my life- *Steve laughs* but it's okay. That's sweet of the kids.
Steve- yeah, they really missed y'all.
Bucky- yeah, we missed them too. Not in the moment of course *Steve laughs and nods* but after the fact.
*Nat comes walking in with her kids in tow, Samuel strapped to her chest.*
Nat- kids! You need to come get your stuff for the party... *He sentence trails off when she sees you and Bucky* you're back!
*You smile and walk over to help her with the bags.*
Y/N- yes, we couldn't wait to get back. Plus the snow storm thats coming pushed us to go ahead and head home. *Nat nods* what's all this?
Nat- you're kids wanted to throw you a party for coming home. *You smile and laugh*
Y/N- ugh they are just too cute!
Nat- just the cutest! *The kids start yelling and screaming as Bucky and Steve chase them and play with them. Nat sighs* come on, I guess you will help me set up your own party! *You laugh and agree*

*Bucky gets the bags upstairs and you get the clothes washing and everything put away.*
Grant- but I want to play Dad!
Bucky- I know, but I heard you and your sisters were wanting to do something nice for mommy but because you guys want to play mommy is about to go set up her own party. You guys need to go do what you were suppose to do, okay?
Grant- okay
*He gets Winnie and the triplets and they head downstairs.*

*You are getting ready to head downstairs when Bucky stops you.*
Y/N- I've got to help finish what our kids started.
*Bucky laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- Nope! The kids are downstairs right now putting together our party. *You smile and he kisses your cheek* now we have some time to kill. *He rubs your back and you hum*
Y/N- Mmhmm what did you have in mind?
*Bucky smiles and flips on some music*
Bucky- how about a little dance, huh?!
*You giggle as Bucky starts to spin you around and you two sway together.*
Y/N- Mmhmm why didn't we do this over the weekend? *You rest your head on his chest and just relax in his arms.*
Bucky- because I was a little too preoccupied with doing some other fun things. *He winks and you laugh. You kiss him. You two stay like that till there is a tiny knock on the door.*
Grant- Mom? Dad? Can you follow me?
*You smile and look at Bucky. He takes your hand and you two follow Grant downstairs where all the girls are standing and waiting.*
Winnie- surprise!!!
Odette- yay!!
Elizabeth- we love you!!
Jonnie- woohooo!
*You laugh and hug the kids. You look and see balloons and food on the table. Flowers on the counter and a cake all decorated.*
Y/N- wow, Thank you! This is amazing!
Bucky- you guys, this is so sweet!
Grant- you deserve it! *He smiles and Bucky pulls him close. He ruffles Grant's hair and they walk to the table. Your whole family sits down and has a great dinner.*

Bucky- well Grant, Winnie, girls... this was so good!
*They all smile and giggle. It was a dinner of Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, and cake. Your stomach hurt a little and you honestly just wanted something a bit more nutritious but it was so sweet you ate it all.*
Y/N- Aww I missed you guys!
Winnie- did you have fun?
Jonnie- did you play in the snow?
Odette- did you see and Wolves?
Elizabeth- was it pretty?
*You just smile and Bucky takes your hand. He smirks at you a little and then looks at the kids*
Bucky- it was so much fun and we played in the snow everyday! We even looked for.. *He pauses for a moment and looks around. He leans in and the kids do the same. He then yells* the Grinch! *The kids giggle and scream.*
Jonnie- did you find him?!? *She smiles*
Y/N- Nope, maybe next time!
*The kids laugh and talk about how cool that would be. They talk about their adventures with Steve and Nat over the weekend.*
Grant- and then I slammed into the snow pile!
Winnie- yeah! It was so cool!
Jonnie- Peter made us a big web swing and we used it to swing into the snow.
Odette- we had so much hot chocolate and sweets!
*You shoot a look over your shoulder to Steve who is sitting on the couch with Samuel. He gives you a guilty smile and sneaks away. You shake your head and try not to laugh.*
Y/N- well it sounds like you had lots of fun with Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat.
Elizabeth- yeah, we didn't even sleep all weekend!
*Bucky looks back at Steve and sees him walking away quicker.*
Bucky- Interesting!
Grant- it's not Uncle Steve's fault. We disobeyed. *He looks down* and we're sorry.
*The girls look down too*
Winnie- this is why we did this, to say sorry for disobeying.
Odette- yeah, Peter helped us do this for Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat yesterday night.
*You laugh and look at Bucky*
Bucky- okay, well thank you for the apology. How about y'all head upstairs and get ready for bed.
*They all do as he asked. They hug and kiss y'all as they head up. You laugh and look at Bucky once the kids are gone*
Y/N- our children mutinied and then set it right and apologized all in a weekend!
Bucky- what can I say, we raised overachievers. I also fear they take after Winter and Odette a little. *You laugh and nod*
Y/N- goodness, they are going to give us a run for our money!
Bucky- yeah, only a mater of time before we have to tell the girls about the serum. They are gonna start to try and copy Grant more and more. We need to talk to them.
*you nod*
Y/N- But not tonight
*Bucky laughs and agrees*
Bucky- come on, let's get these mutineers to bed.
*You laugh*
Y/N- mutineers, Wolves, and Super Soldiers
Bucky- "oh my!" *You laugh and Bucky kisses you. You two head upstairs and get the kids in bed. You settle in and just get ready for the next big adventure... Ben.*

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