I Can- I Know

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*You get all of Ben's stuff packed up

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*You get all of Ben's stuff packed up. Diapers, change of clothes, nursing cover, his Paci and blanket. You get it all downstairs and ready to go as Bucky gets the other kids dressed and ready.*
Bucky- okay, girls let's see the dresses!
*They walk out in their matching lavender colored dresses. Bucky smiles and they all walk over.*
Odette- Daddy can you fix my hair?
Jonnie- yeah, mine too!
Elizabeth- I like mine the way it is.
*Bucky smiles and hugs them all*
Bucky- mommy wanted to curl your hair and daddy doesn't know how to do that. *They all nod and sit on the couch. Winnie walks out in her little dress. It's just a simple dress from the store. Grant comes out in his jeans and a little polo shirt.*
Bucky- you two look so cute! Mamas gonna love it!

*The join the triplets on the couch. Ben starts to cry as you walk in.*
Y/N- how long has he been up?
Bucky- he just woke up.
Y/N- okay I have to feed them and then we need to go.
Bucky- the girls hair?
Y/N- oh shoot.. Umm just braid it and put cute bows on the end.
Bucky- you got it boss *He fake salutes and you lightly laugh. You kiss him and get Ben. You feed him and get dressed as well. Since you're still recovering from birth and pregnancy as well as nursing you opt for some jeans and a nice lose fitting top. You have hardly any make up on and your hair is a little wavy from falling asleep with it wet. You walk out with Ben in your arms and you meet Bucky's gaze. He gently smiles at you, the smile that makes your heart flutter.*
Bucky- you look beautiful *He kisses your cheek*
You ready?
*You nod. You look down at the girls as they hide behind Bucky.*
Y/N- and where are my little princesses?!
*They all giggle and jump out. Their pretty lavender sun dresses and little white cardigans. They have little white bows at the end of their braids and they are all wearing brown sandals.*
Y/N- you all look so cute!!  *You give them kisses and hugs. They all kiss Ben and he allows it.*
Y/N- and where my little wolf and Winnie boo?
*They laugh and walk to you.*
Y/N- you two look so cute as well, I just can't take it! *They laugh and you hug them. You kiss them and thy hug you tight. They kiss Ben and he grunts as they do.*
Bucky- alright, let's head to school!
*The kids run to the car and get in. You get Ben in his seat and Bucky takes the carrier from you.*
Y/N- I can-
Bucky- I know *He smiles and kisses your cheek as he walks past you to the car. You blush and walk behind him. He gets Ben buckled in and secure and then helps you in*
Y/N- Bucky I can-
Bucky- I know *He kisses your hand*
*He shuts the door and climbs in on his side. He lays his hand on your thigh and looks over at you. He then heads to the school.*

*As you are getting out you go to grab the diaper bag and Bucky take sit and slugs it in his back. He is carrying Ben's seat and leading the way in the school. You get seated at the table in the gym and Bucky pulls your seat out for you*
Y/N- Bucky baby- I know you mean well but I can-
Bucky- I know *He kisses your lips* but you shouldn't have to, not now. *He smiles and kisses you again. You blush and tear up all at the same time. Winnie and Grant look on in amazement at how their daddy loves you. You get settled and the teacher of the triplets comes to take them backstage.*
Y/n- See y'all in a bit. Love you!!
*Bucky leans over and whispers*
Bucky- I doubt the teacher can even tell them apart dressed all the same.
*You laugh and nod*

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