If You Hate Me That Is Fine

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‼️Yeah, this one needs a TW

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‼️Yeah, this one needs a TW. Blood, drinking, brink of death. Sorry it's late! ‼️

*Sam and Sharon land at the compound, he gets Tony, Thor, and Clint.*
Sam- hey we need to head back to the scene and figure out what happened. The cops never showed up.
Tony- okay, I'll make some calls on the way.
Sam- Yelena? *She runs over when she realizes Nat isn't with him.* You need to take a bike and head to the hospital, Nat is there, she had the baby but they are having to work on her a mind repair the breaks from the wreck. *Yelena nods and Kisses Sam, she then runs out the door and is gone before Sam even realizes it.*
Thor- do you need me to go? I can stay back with the kids if I need to.
Tony- Pepper and Kate have them but the older kids might enjoy having some Thor time.  Pepper might enjoy the break from their energy as well. *Thor nods and runs off to get Grant, Winnie, and Sarah.*
Sam- okay, let's go. Clint you ready?!
Clint- Yeah, hey Wanda you coming??
Wanda- I'm heading to the hospital, I think Steve and Bucky could use some support right now. *He nods and everyone goes their separate ways. They get to the scene and the cops arrive as they do*
Tony- what the hell is going on here?!
Officer Jackson- Sorry, we were rerouted and ended up on the other side of town. Where are the passengers??
Sam- one is in that car dead, their driver ran away through the woods. My three other passengers are at the hospital.
Officer Jackson- are you okay sir??
Sam- I'm fine-
Clint- No hers right Sam, you should really be at the hospital getting checked out too.
Sam- at the moment I am okay. Look that car sideswiped us and we rolled into the ditch. Their driver is probably injured and in these woods somewhere. We need to find them.
Officer Neal- hey this other car reeks of booze. That other driver is probably drunk out of his mind.*
*They create a search team and start searching the woods.*

*Bucky lays in your bed, stroking your hair as you slowly wake up.*
Y/N-Mmhmm h-heyy. Y-you're b-bback
*Bucky cries as he looks down and kisses your head. He holds you close.*
Bucky- yeah baby, I am. I'm here baby.
Y/N- is- *You voice breaks* is the b-baby-
Bucky- he's perfect! Healthy heartbeat and just chilling like a champ. He's okay!
*You cry as Bucky holds you and kisses you. Whispering how much he loves you in your ear. The door slowly creeps open and Peter slips in. He looks over at you and you cry as you reach out your arms. No matter how old Peter gets he will always be like a little brother. He comes over, cry and just hugs you, resting his head on your shoulder.*
Peter- I was so scared y/n.
Y/N- I'm okay Peter, and that is thanks to you!
*He pulls back and sits on the other side of the bed.* you saved my life, Peter.
Bucky- you saved our son.
*You nod and take Peter's hand*
Y/N- thank you Peter, we can never repay you-
Peter- you'd never have to. I had to save you, you're like my sister and brother- you are my sister and brother. I never had that, I couldn't lose it now that I have it. *You pull him into another hug, he gives you and Bucky more time alone and he slips out of the room. Bucky looks down at you and rubs your belly, you meet his gaze.*
Bucky- I think I know why we name this little guy Benjamin. *You smile and nod. You kiss Bucky.*

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