King Of Stamina

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*You eat dinner and get the kids ready for their sleepover

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*You eat dinner and get the kids ready for their sleepover.*
Y/N- okay, here is Winnie's piglet- she won't sleep without it. *Steve nods* here are her PJs and extra diapers.
Bucky- Grant has his wolf already and I believe he has already taken off to find Sarah.
*Steve laughs*
Steve- yeah probably!
Y/N- Bucky already took the pack-n-play in there.
Steve- okay, well you two kids have fun *Steve smirks and walks away, Bucky laughs and pats his back as he walks out. He shuts the door and locks it. He turns around and leans back against the door, he crosses his arms and bites his lip. He looks you up and down, then before you realize it he is running at you and wrapping you in his arms. You giggle and laughs as he kisses your neck.*
Bucky- so you were a little jealous tonight, huh?! *You laugh as he tickles you and pulls you close.* had to "defend what's yours"
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- yes I did! *Bucky laughs and takes your face in his hands*
Bucky- well this ass is all yours, you know that baby girl. *You laugh as he kisses you. He takes your hands and pulls you into your room*
Bucky- it's so fitting that the first time in months we get to have sex, it's in our new room with our new bed and new shower! *You smile*
Y/N- yeah, really break it in!
*You wink and Bucky smirks.*
Bucky- let's get you comfy baby girl, ready for some lovin'

*Bucky gets you in bed with pillows all around, propping you up and adding support where you need it, honestly not sexy at all but he seems to dig it so you'll deal.*
Bucky- so beautiful baby *You blush and Bucky kisses your cheeks* on don't get shy on me, just cause we got some babies in here doesn't mean your any less sexy to me. *He kisses your belly and moves down your body, you smile and slip your hands under your shirt. Bucky sits up and helps you out of it*
Bucky- just needing to be naked?? *He teases*
Y/N- Yep, can't reach your hair at the moment so my breast will have to do. *You tease back and Bucky bites his lip and moans.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you're so sexy *He settles on his stomach between your legs and spreads them apart more. He places a kiss over your clothes center and you shift around, it's been too long for you, you are already aching in anticipation*
Y/N- oh Bucky please, no teasing. Please- *You are cut off by Bucky pulling your underwear to the side and kissing your center again. His lips on your body, it is all you need in the moment. You moan and arch off the bed, Bucky smirks and sits up, you look down at him and he smiles*
Bucky- already?!? Wow! *He slides his fingers through your folds and you smile and cover your face.* no no, remember what I said, don't be getting shy on me, let me see that pretty face. *You move your hands and smile at him*
Y/N- I've been celibate for almost 7 months, don't tease me! *You smile and Bucky slips a finger inside you. You smile and try to grind down on him but you can't due to your growing physic. You whimper and Bucky chuckles* Hey!! I said no teasing! *You whine and smile, Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- I know, baby. I'm not trying to but you're just too perfect right now, and if you weren't pregnant with triplets Daddy would be coming out to play. This needy, whimpering mess in front of me is just too good. *You smile and reach out for him. He moves closer and you run your hands along his clothes chest.*
Y/N- Mmhmm I love you baby. You feel so good. I wanna feel more *you bit your lip and Bucky lifts off his shirt, he's been working out a lot and He looks delicious.*
Bucky- you ready baby?? *Bucky slips off his pants and settles between your legs, he lifts your legs over his shoulders and he gently rubs his dick through your folds. You moan and hold your breast, Bucky kisses your leg and rubs his hands down them as he slowly pushes inside you. You stretch around him, it's so tight at first and he moves slowly as you reacquaint yourself with Bucky's size. He smiles as he slowly speeds up and you come undone beneath him. You cum and You clench around Bucky, it's all too much and Bucky's eyes go wide and he moans as he cums, you are surprised and you look up at him and he is just as surprised as you.*
Bucky- well Shit, that was short lived...
*You smile and take his hand, you kiss his fingers and he just looks down at his now soft dick.* not even hard anymore, what is happening to me?!?
Y/N- it's okay baby-
Bucky- No, I- this has never happened! I am the king of stamina! And what I'm now a two pump chump?! *Bucky pulls out and lays down next to you. You try not to laugh, you rub his chest and take his hand again. You place it on your belly and he looks at you.*
Y/N- you're no chump, you did this baby. And you've got two more next door.
*Bucky laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- yeah, I am pretty good. *He winks and you laugh*
Y/N- well we have all night so take your time and stiffen up! *Bucky looks at you shocked* what?! I can be crass when I need to be... *Bucky laughs and kisses your cheek* come on, mamas ready. *You smile and rest your hands behind your head.*
Bucky- give me a minute.. *He laughs and looks down at himself and then back at you.* yeah I'm ready! *He climbs back between your legs and you giggle*

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