It Wasn't Me

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*Steve, Nat and Sam land about a mile from the warehouse Daniel is being kept in

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*Steve, Nat and Sam land about a mile from the warehouse Daniel is being kept in.*
Steve- okay Sam, send in redwing and get a good picture of who we are dealing with.
Sam- got it.
*Redwing shows that only 3 Hydra agents are inside and guarding Daniel.*
Sam- I only see 3 hostiles.
Steve- okay, I'll take out the one by the door. Sam you drop in and get the big one.
Sam- why do I have to get the big one?!
Steve- Because you can fly away
Nat- I'll get to Daniel and get him out as Steve takes out the last one. *Steve looks at her* what?? If your aim is good then the one by the door should be taken out by your shield.
Steve- I know, I just figured you wanted to rest your strength.
*Nat looks away*
Nat- No, I'm good.
*Steve nods*
Steve- okay, let's move in.

*The plans goes well until the first guy wakes up as Steve is fighting the last one. Nat is uniting And unconscious Daniel as she feels hands wrap around her throat. She struggles free and turns around, she punches the man square in the face and she feels the bones break beneath her hand. He drops to the ground and Nat just stares in disbelief.*
Nat- did I?!
Steve- Nat we've got to go!
*There are people running through the halls to where they are*
Nat- but I-
Sam- Natasha! Come on! *She snaps out of it and helps get Daniel free. Steve lifts him and they get him back to the jet.*
Nat- I- I k-killed him-
Sam- you've done that before
Steve- Sam stop
Nat- with my bare hands, I wasn't meaning to- I just punched
Steve- Nat it's gonna be okay-
*She starts to hyperventilate and freak out. She sinks down against the wall as the jet takes off, gunfire hitting the wings but not causing any damage. She covers her ears as it's all so loud. She just wishes it would all stop. Sam sees her shaking in the corner.*
Sam- Steve is Natasha okay?!
*Steve looks over and pats Sam's shoulder.*
Steve- just get us home. *He moves back by her and sits down. He takes her hand and rubs the back of it with his thumb and whispers.* focus on the feeling of my hand in yours. Focus on my voice, it will help.
*Nat does that and the noise from the jet disappears, all she can hear is the sound of Steve's voice and his heartbeat. His actual heartbeat. She lays her head on his chest and just listens as she drifts off. Sam looks back*
Sam- she okay?
Steve- she will be. The serum enhances everything; hearing, emotions, all of it. This is the first time she has fought since getting the serum.
Sam- got it *He nods and goes back to flying the jet.*

*They are still an hour out from the compound when Nat wakes up. She looks up at Steve and he smiles down at her.*
Steve- hey, you okay?
Nat- yeah, I just- I've never killed a man with my bare hands. At least not that I can remember. I've always used some kind of tool as well, it's just something else I have to live with. *Steve kisses her head*
Steve- it will be okay, maybe you can talk to-
Nat- yeah maybe *She sits up and sees Sam talking to Daniel. She stands up and slowly walks over to him.*
Nat- Daniel?
*Be turns around and very gently smiles.*
Daniel- Natalia *He says sweetly as he pulls her into a hug. She throws her arms around him and he hugs her tight. She closes her eyes as she hugs him. Sam looks on and looks at Steve who is slightly uncomfortable.*
Nat- thank you for everything. And I'm so sorry I left you-
Daniel- don't, I was where I needed to be. Y/n and Bucky would have still been in Hydra without my help, then I got out. It all worked out. *He pulls back and grabs her shoulders.* I see the serum did the trick too.
*Nat smiles*
Nat- Umm yeah, it did.
*Steve just watches their interaction. He is a little jealous, sure he acts similarly with you but there's just something about this that doesn't seem right. Maybe it's because he knows Nat would probably be with Daniel had she escaped with him.*
Steve- thanks again Daniel. You saved her life-
Daniel- and now you've saved mine. Thank you. *He nods and shakes Steve's hand. He smiles at Nat and then heads to the front of the jet to talk to Sam.*
Steve- so... you two were-
Nat- yeah, we were kinda together in Hydra. As much as we could be I guess.
Steve- did you- Umm *He looks around and then lowers his voice.* did you love him? *Nat starts to talk but he cuts her off* like if he had escaped with you would you of- *She cuts him off with a kiss*
Nat- I don't know Steve, I really don't. All I know is now there is no one. And I mean no one I would rather be with than you. You are my life Steve Rogers and what I could of had doesn't matter. *Steve gently smiles and hugs her. She hums and holds him tight as he rubs her back and leans in to kiss her neck.*
Steve- be honest, is that how you feel about me and y/n-
Nat- No
Steve- why not?
Nat- because I saw her and Bucky first hand. As much as she loves you she always and would always love him more. So when you two spend time together or talk about your time together or sit together on the couch, I know that both of you have greater loves in your life that you would never risk for anything. So I don't worry. *She smiles and kisses steve again*
Steve- we will be home soon and when we get home I'm gonna remind you just how much I love you. *He smirks as he gently guides her to one of the sides of the jet, there is a little cut out to hide in. She quietly giggles and kisses him as he pulls her close*
Nat- You got it baby.

*You sit in your living room as all the kids tear the place apart. Bucky comes walking in and he is putting his arm back on*
Y/N- Umm what??
Bucky- it's been making some weird sounds, I think we may need to schedule that visit to Wakanda and get them to check this out too. *You nod and beckon him over.*
Y/N- let me help
*He sits down and you try to click it into place.*
Y/N- Umm it's not working.
Bucky- yeah, after I took it off to investigate the sounds I can't get it back on. *You look at it and then the phone rings.* oh it's Steve, I'm gonna go help them inside.
Y/N- with one arm?! Here help me up, I'll come too.
*You lay his arm down without thinking about it and head out with him. Winnie sees the arm.*
Winnie- oh my god!!! It's dads arm!!
Grant- cool!!
James- wow! It's heavy!!
Sarah- No don't touch it! Grant put it down, we will get in trouble!
Grant- he left it here, it's fine.
Jonnie- Daddy's arm comes off?!
Odette- does my arm come off?!
Elizabeth- No, cause it's not metal!
Grant- I wonder if it's like Mjolnir! *Grant throws it up to try and summon it and nothing happens.* that's stupid!
Winnie- hey throw it over here!
*Grant laughs and does, she catches it and throws it back. He throws it to jonnie and she screams and lets it fall on the ground.*
Jonnie- Ewww!!!
Winnie- it's not real Jonnie! There is no blood or anything!
Jonnie- Still! *She runs out the main door.*
Grant- hey Sarah catch!!

*Nat and Daniel walk out of the jet to the compound. Sam stands next to steve as they walk off.*
Sam- say the word and I'll blast him away.
*Steve smiles and pats Sam's back*
*You walk out and meet Daniel. You give him a big hug and he just laughs as he sees you.*
Daniel- oh my god!? Wow y/n. *He takes your face in his hands. You look in his eyes, he's older. Tired.* this is everything I ever wanted for you. *You tear up a little and then hug him again. He then sees Bucky and laughs.* good to see you again! *He hugs him and notices the missing arm*
Bucky- yeah, got some wiring issues.
*Steve laughs and just slaps the empty sleeve and Bucky shoves him with his arm.*
Bucky- fuck off *He jokes and Steve laughs.* come on. There are some people we want you to meet. *Jonnie comes running up and smiles as she hugs Steve*
Jonnie- shield!! Shield!! *She pulls on it. He laughs and gives it to her, she runs off and back upstairs.*
Bucky- and that was one of them but you'll meet her later I guess! *They all laugh*

*Jonnie walks back into the room and shows off Steve's shield*
Jonnie- look what I got!!
Grant- cool!!
Winnie- give it! *She smiles and takes it.* hey Grant catch!! *She throws it and it bounces off the wall and Grant ducks after he calls Sarah's name and throws the arm. The adults all walk in at this moment.*

Sarah- No!! *She ducks and screams as the arm and shield fly over her and shatter the TV and sticks through it.*
Grant- SHIT!!
Bucky- GRANT!!!!
Winnie- SHIT!!!
Jonnie- it wasn't me!!! *She cries and runs off*
*Sarah cries and Steve runs over to check and make sure she's okay, Grant is by her side too. If he was an actual adult Steve would have shoved him away. But Steve remembers he is just a kid and he didn't mean to. And Grant probably loves Sarah as much as he does.*
Grant- Sarah I'm so sorry!!!

*The kids sit on the couch and just wait.*

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