I Want More

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*Bucky tosses you on the bed and you scream and laugh

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*Bucky tosses you on the bed and you scream and laugh. He crawls over you and boxes you in. He's acting crazy and you love it.*
Bucky- fighting?! Without me?! Not fair!
*He tickles you and you laugh so hard you are having trouble breathing.*
Y/N- Buc- Bucky!? *You scream and laugh, he kisses you and laughs as he pulls back and raises his hands in the air.*
Bucky- you've been punished enough.
*You smile and he kisses you. You get up and strip as you walk to the bathroom, you get in the tub and beckon him over with your finger. He sits on the bed and shakes his head. You pout and turn on the water. Your tub has a regular faucet but it also has a removable one. You take the removable one and starts running in over your body, water pouring over you. Bucky bites his lip as he watches. You beckon him over again and he just smiles and shakes his head again. You grab the soap and start to lather it all over your body, rubbing your breast and down your legs. Bucky chuckles and sits up, he walks to the door and watches you from there, you do notice he has lost his shirt though, so that's a win. You sit back and just relax against the warm water, you peak over the side and give Bucky a pout, he laughs and walks closer, you grab at his pants leg and gently tug on them. He smirks and unties his sweatpants, you give another tug and they slowly fall down his toned legs. His boxer briefs tight around his thighs and ass. You smirk and Bucky smiles as he takes off his boxers and throws them behind him. You scoot forward and glance behind you, Bucky gets the hint and climbs in behind you. He wraps you in his arms and you lay back, a smile on your face, knowing you've won.*
Bucky- you happy now?? *Bucky teases*
Y/N- yes, yes I am. *He laughs and kisses your head and you both lay back and enjoy being together in the silence.*

*Someone knocks on Kates door, she gets up and lets them in, it's Peter. He is holding her bag*
Peter- Umm I believe these are yours. *He holds up the bag and the box of condoms*
*Kate blushes and takes them from Peter.*
Kate- I- Umm thanks. Nat insisted I have them.
*Peter nods and goes to leave*
Kate- I'm not using them though. I mean I will if- I *She smirks and looks down at her feet* I don't have anyone to use them with.
*Peter nods again and smiles. He shuts the door behind him and looks at Kate.*
Peter- I think we need to talk
Kate- yeah, we do.

*Steve is putting away the stuff Nat bought. He sees the condoms and looks back at her*
Steve- so I kinda wanted to talk to you about this. *Nat looks*
Nat- what?? Did I get the wrong size- oh did I grab the flavored ones?! Ugh I hate those. *Steve laughs and puts them down*
Steve- No, Umm- I don't want to use them. Nat, I want to have another baby. I mean I know we do but I want to start trying.
Nat- and I don't. *Steve hangs his head*
Steve- so that's that?? We just never have anymore children?
Nat- Steve I want more kids, I do! But I don't want to start trying right this moment. I'd like to maybe potty train Sarah before we start diaper duty again. *Steve smiles*
Steve- so you're okay with-
Nat- Yes Steve, I want more kids. Just not now, when Sarah is potty trained we can start trying again. Okay??
*Steve smiles and runs over to her, she laughs as he picks her up and spins her around. He kisses her and she wraps her legs around his waist.*
Steve- I love you Tasha
Nat- I love you too Stevie
*They get ready for bed and go to sleep, preparing for their long night tomorrow. You and Bucky have fallen asleep in the tub and the triplets waking up hungry wakes you both up. You laugh and climb out, wrapping your robe around you. Bucky gets out and gets dressed. You feed two girls and Bucky bottle feeds the other, in hopes of making it faster. You get them to sleep and you pass out on the bed and wrapped in Bucky's arms.*

‼️I know it's short! It'll be longer tomorrow!‼️

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